it's great when a sequel can transcend the original and add a holiday, like "godfather 2: happy fredo-weenms christmas" is a perfect example of the latest cinematic trend: so many movies that come out are bad-- not "bad" in the sense that they don't make sense or are about transformers, no. they literally have "bad" in the title. there was "bad santa," "bad grandpa," "bad teacher," to say nothing of "bad lieutenant," "bad words," "bad santa 2," "bad grandmas," and, of course, the original, "bad moms." and i'll tell you right now, if i see this new movie and one of those bad moms doesn't sleep with that bad santa, what are we even doing here? ( laughter ) and that's not even getting into all the "bad" synonyms like "horrible" bosses and "dirty" grandpa-- who, by the way, is totally different from "bad grandpa." it's like a tortoise-turtle and a tortoise-- very technical. well, i assumed this trend had completely run it's course until i saw this new trailer. check it out. >> i'm sorry, been a long night, if you know what i mean. >> i think so? >> >> but, hey, that's me. i love drugs and sex,