, the earth, in this northern land is mentioned in the story of ottar's journey to the skhuru of galalandants of this land, the vikings and other normans carried on trade, buying beaver squirrels and sable furs, the most common version says that this rich land was located in the northern dvina basin and extended to the territory of the modern perm region, what was it called? the land was called biarmiya or biarmiya, but you in saratov don’t have to know this, the pomorsov could help, but it stands on its red is concentrated, the choice of a city in honor of the expedition, the city, murmansk, there is such a city, but where did the name come from, but we don’t want to think about it? who was she named after? frolov. you were practically preparing. dear friends, don’t think that i’m mocking them. the fact is that in shansia they usually ask questions from those topics for which our smart people, smart people were preparing, and we had the arctic and they generally coped with it quite well. penalty points. next stage. knapsacks began to be called murman on the coast barents sea, neighboring