attacks after they went after george hotz who released a code online to modify the playstation three so by those arguments sony now thinks that the exact same group of backers are the ones responsible for this huge data breach however a lot of people out there they aren't convinced especially after anonymous sent out an official press release proving why they're not to blame their argument for starters it's not in anonymous is nature to steal anyone's credit card information and then turn around and try to sell it on the black market they also point out that their m.o. is always been a very transparent public attack against corporations who take part in criminal activities so this latest sony hack doesn't really match their style so to speak but again i guess when you're dealing with a group of thousands of members all over the world without really any leader hard to say if there are any rogues with anonymous who would straight so here's the evidence you guys be the judge on this one however i will remind everyone that regardless of who's to blame it doesn't excuse the lack of sony t