says prisons are dan's 1st visitors are bridge and after this brokered cease fire between us our beit hanun our mania that ended the 44 day conflict in in the horn of korea by this visit is significant and very important as it's it's like a legitimate exposure. of military support that everybody knows to us our veterans and it is doing to military parade that we have with we have seen the the military equipment provided for the as our bridge our military the turkish armed drums tunes are being exposed also the armenian armies are many and forces military vehicles that were captured by the are very forces were exposed during this military parade that took place more than an hour ago current the 2 leaders are having a tete a tete meeting again it's they are expected to give a press conference a very soon everything is ready and journalists are waiting for them to leaders emphasize the importance of the slick 3 as it's not only azerbaijan's victory but also a victory for all turkey countries and present their downside that this will open a new era and a region and turkey and as our bed john wi