this is conceptually normal not for vodka and herman shayd vodka, my favorite, put these bottles of water in the chalay in the refrigerator and come to us. come see us what's going on with you like going on real life in real life. that is, that is. forgive me, you wake up in the middle of the night. yours is tougher. well, here's the chest. that's what, because why the chest? because heartburn. ass you lie juice. juice from the stomach from the stomach flows into the esophagus arises arises zhenya zhenya you no, you just wake up. in the morning, in the morning, i'm already in this epidemic, i'm already in this offensive epidemic, everything is boring for two. i came, i come to work completely to work with a hoarse, hoarse voice in my voice in my morning constantly, with which a hoarse hoarse voice is constantly. she says what you say there that you got sick again. go failed, go, give up. no, i have. i have just luke lux you yourself will be burnt fatty ligaments and human. again he confuses and speaks badly. well, well, well, what to do, what to examine such a person. in such cases, sever