Feb 10, 2016
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p>>> on the democratic side pbernie sanders defeated hillary pclinton by a big margin. phe was bolstered by wide range pof voters attracting majority of pindependents, men, women and pyoung voters. p>>> the cruise ship tossed paround in the atlantic set to parrive at its new jersey port ptonight. pone north is calling for a pfederal investigation of why it psailed into a powerful storm. p>>> today's weather warm and dry pacross most of the west. psnow squalls from the dakotas pinto the midwest. psnow also from the northeast and pnew england. pnew hampshire primary delivering pextraordinary victories to pdonald trump and bernie sanders. p>> yes, so winners celebrate and ptheir rivals lick their wounds. pwe'll take in the sights and psounds of the day. p p>> good morning, america. pthe first votes being cast in pthe nation's first primary right pnow. p p>> we'll all be on the same team psoon. p>> let me warm that up for you. p>> ooh. pthat turned out good. p>> how are you doing? p>> cold. p>> did you guys just vote? p>> sure did. p>> who did you vote for? p>> not telling
p>>> on the democratic side pbernie sanders defeated hillary pclinton by a big margin. phe was bolstered by wide range pof voters attracting majority of pindependents, men, women and pyoung voters. p>>> the cruise ship tossed paround in the atlantic set to parrive at its new jersey port ptonight. pone north is calling for a pfederal investigation of why it psailed into a powerful storm. p>>> today's weather warm and dry pacross most of the west. psnow squalls from the...
Feb 10, 2016
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pvery tough loss for hillary pclinton. pand are learning that tonight, pher top aides are calling key pfight? p>> reporter: that's right, pdavid. pthere were calls today to pdonors, supporters on capitol phill. paides trying to ease concerns pafter what happened in new phampshire. pthe big question right now, pthough, is what happened next? pthese aides privately are saying pthey are heading into south pcarolina in good shape, but they pare worried about what would phappen in nevada, david. p>> all right, cecilia vega with pus again tonight. pthank you. p>>> to another breaking headline pat this hour. plate today, the department of pjustice suing the city of pferguson. pfiling a civil rights lawsuit, palleging the city routinely pviolated the rights of presidents, misusing law penforcement, calling the abuses, pquote, ongoing an pervasive. pthe nation watched those images pas they came in, police in pcombat gear, clashing with rotesters. pbrown, the unarmed black teen, pkilled by a white police pofficer. pa grand jury late
pvery tough loss for hillary pclinton. pand are learning that tonight, pher top aides are calling key pfight? p>> reporter: that's right, pdavid. pthere were calls today to pdonors, supporters on capitol phill. paides trying to ease concerns pafter what happened in new phampshire. pthe big question right now, pthough, is what happened next? pthese aides privately are saying pthey are heading into south pcarolina in good shape, but they pare worried about what would phappen in nevada,...
Feb 10, 2016
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pjennifer: what is the pconversation in the hillary pclinton campaign? p>> it' s probably not very leasant. pi' pdiscussion at their headquarters ptomorrow. pi think they are arty looking pfor who to blame in that pcampaign at think we will hear pabout a major overhaul going pforward. ptom: much more primary night pcoverage coming up next. pjennifer: and we will check in pwith mike haddad. pchilly air is moving in. pmike: a little bit of snow back pto the west approaching tomorrow ptom: here' s a final look at the pboards as they stand. pdonald trump won the republican prace with john kasich coming in psecond. pfollowed by ted cruz who is pleading over jeb bush. pon the bottom end of the race, pit looks like marco rubio with pabout 10% of the vote. pchris christie said he will head phome to new jersey to reassess phis campaign. pcarly fiorina pledges to move on pwith 4% of the vote and dr. ben pcarson with 2%. pjennifer: bernie sanders beat phillary clinton with a wide pmargin, 59%-already 9%. pwe are also following a pdeveloping story out of conway pwer
pjennifer: what is the pconversation in the hillary pclinton campaign? p>> it' s probably not very leasant. pi' pdiscussion at their headquarters ptomorrow. pi think they are arty looking pfor who to blame in that pcampaign at think we will hear pabout a major overhaul going pforward. ptom: much more primary night pcoverage coming up next. pjennifer: and we will check in pwith mike haddad. pchilly air is moving in. pmike: a little bit of snow back pto the west approaching tomorrow ptom:...
Feb 6, 2016
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p>> i' m going to take hillary pclinton. pi know her. preporter: so she' p>> is there you go. pshe says the secret to a long plife is eating well. pshelley: thanks for joining us there are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. but i believe we need to lift our vision p above the obstacles in place and lookr to the american horizon. to a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. an americapwhere after a lifetime of labor, there is timep for rest and grandchildren. a nation that defendsrour people and our values, but no longer carriesp so much of that burden alone. i knowrwe can create that america if we listen to our consciencet and our hearts i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message,
p>> i' m going to take hillary pclinton. pi know her. preporter: so she' p>> is there you go. pshe says the secret to a long plife is eating well. pshelley: thanks for joining us there are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. but i believe we need to lift our vision p above the obstacles in place and lookr to the american horizon. to a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. where quality...
Feb 9, 2016
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p>>> bernie sanders and hillary pclinton battling it out. p>> i love this process. pbackyard. pand we're with the voters ptonight. pthe late deciders revealing to pus who they chose and why. p"world news tonight" starts now. p>>> good evening from new phampshire, where every four pyears, the nation watches and pwaits for the results from the pfirst in the nation primary. andidates have packnowledged already, if they pdon't do well here tonight, it pcould spell the end. pthe stakes could not be higher. pyou are looking live at pictures pfrom across new hampshire ptonight. pvoters lining up. pthe first exit polls coming in pright now. pmore than 9 in 10 republican pvoters saying they are, quote, pangry or dits satisfied with the pway the federal government pworking. pand they are looking for a pcandidate, quote, outside the olitical establishment. pwe are one-on-one with donald ptrump tonight, and the new pcontroversy over something he prepeated at a rally here povernight. pand then calling hillary peven bernie sanders' wife pdefending clinton tonight. pwe're also one-on-one wit
p>>> bernie sanders and hillary pclinton battling it out. p>> i love this process. pbackyard. pand we're with the voters ptonight. pthe late deciders revealing to pus who they chose and why. p"world news tonight" starts now. p>>> good evening from new phampshire, where every four pyears, the nation watches and pwaits for the results from the pfirst in the nation primary. andidates have packnowledged already, if they pdon't do well here tonight, it pcould spell...
Feb 10, 2016
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pbut first hear from hillary pclinton. p>>woman: i want to say i still plove new hampshire and i always pwill. pi've had a blessed life but i palso know what it's like to pstumble and fall. pand so many people across pamerica know that feeling. pand we've learned it's not pwhether you get knocked down pthat matters, it's whether you pget back up. p>>man: because of a huge voter pturnout, and i say huge, we won. penergy and the excitement that pthe democratic party will need pto succeed in november. p>>reporter: so, the good news pfor hillary clinton tonight is pthat the race now heads south pwhere she has a big lead in psouth carolina. pgood news for bernie sanders pbernie sanders, he wins bigs and pthe polls in other states don't pstay the same, he has a big shot pof momentum as the races head to pnevada, south carolina and pseveral other states before we pget to florida on march 15th. p>> we know you'll keep watching pnumbers. p>>> a second man has died after panother deadly strip club pshooting over the weekend. pa tota
pbut first hear from hillary pclinton. p>>woman: i want to say i still plove new hampshire and i always pwill. pi've had a blessed life but i palso know what it's like to pstumble and fall. pand so many people across pamerica know that feeling. pand we've learned it's not pwhether you get knocked down pthat matters, it's whether you pget back up. p>>man: because of a huge voter pturnout, and i say huge, we won. penergy and the excitement that pthe democratic party will need pto...
Feb 9, 2016
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pother candidates have started psean: there is word of a ossible shakeup in hillary pclinton' s campaign staff. pwhat do we know? pnikole: "politico" broke this pstory yesterday afternoon, preporting that hillary and bill pclinton are not that satisfied pwith the campaigns messaging and pdigital strategy right now. pthey could bring in some more eople, shake things up after ptoday. phowever, mrs. clinton was asked pthese reports are overblown. psean: some of the candidates pthe finish. pwho is clashing right now? pnikole: we have seen some pstepped-up rhetoric between the pclinton and sanders can' t. phillary clinton accusing bernie psanders of indirectly taking pmoney from wall street, which is pan attack that bernie sanders phas used against her. pline -- complain absurd and psuggested that clinton' s pcampaign is getting desperate. pon the republican side, donald ptrump and jeb brush are in pbroyles -- embroiled in a ptwitter war. pdonald trump responding to jeb pbush' s latest attacks against phim with bush calling the pbusiness mogul a loser, liar, pand a whiner -- trump tweeting pb
pother candidates have started psean: there is word of a ossible shakeup in hillary pclinton' s campaign staff. pwhat do we know? pnikole: "politico" broke this pstory yesterday afternoon, preporting that hillary and bill pclinton are not that satisfied pwith the campaigns messaging and pdigital strategy right now. pthey could bring in some more eople, shake things up after ptoday. phowever, mrs. clinton was asked pthese reports are overblown. psean: some of the candidates pthe...
Feb 10, 2016
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pon the democratic side, hillary pclinton came in second with 38%. pdonald trump came in first and pjohn kasich came in second on pthe republican side with 16%. perin: we have some possible s -- possibilities for pflurries. pkevin: maybe even a brief squall pin some locations. pthat will be on and off through pthis evening we start off in the s. pa lot of areas will be in the plow-to-mid 30' pwith a light wind. psean: this weekend, it is going pto be very cold. pkevin: bitterly cold. perin: here is a check of the proads for you right now. pthis is a live look at 93. pkevin: for a look at the morning pdrive, we are joined by 95.7 pwzid' s deb davidson. pgood morning. pdeb: good morning. pthe good news is that all major proads in new hampshire are pcontinuing to be nice and quiet, pincident-free, and moving at the osted speed limit. pif you are commuting into the proads are looking good in moving pwell around the boston area. pfrom the wzid traffic network, pi' m deb davidson for 95.7 wzid. perin: thank you. pnow back to our new hampshire rimary result
pon the democratic side, hillary pclinton came in second with 38%. pdonald trump came in first and pjohn kasich came in second on pthe republican side with 16%. perin: we have some possible s -- possibilities for pflurries. pkevin: maybe even a brief squall pin some locations. pthat will be on and off through pthis evening we start off in the s. pa lot of areas will be in the plow-to-mid 30' pwith a light wind. psean: this weekend, it is going pto be very cold. pkevin: bitterly cold. perin:...
Feb 22, 2016
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psame could be said for hillary pclinton, too. pdoug is in washington. pgood morning, doug. p>>reporter: good morning. pfor donald trump this is all pabout a power play. pthere's no actual power. p>> because to put them in our pjails -- p>>russell: the lights went out pin georgia on donald trump last pnight. phe fired up the crowd. p>> get those lights off! poff! p>>russell: that may be the first ptime that trump shied from the pinstincts seem to be on point, pscoring the win on saturday in a pcontest that saw marco rubio pcome in as a surprise second and pjeb bush drop out. ptrump is well positioned to win ptomorrow's nevada caucuses and pfrom there heading into super ptuesday, he may be tough to pstop. p>> trump is in a strong position pand hillary clinton i think is pheaded to the nomination but her ponly constituency looking at the pexit polls, is african-americans pwhere she has strong majorities. p>>reporter: that will be crucial pfor clinton heading into the rimary in south carolina. pafter her big win in nevada over pthe weekend, she will be in pcalifornia today tapp
psame could be said for hillary pclinton, too. pdoug is in washington. pgood morning, doug. p>>reporter: good morning. pfor donald trump this is all pabout a power play. pthere's no actual power. p>> because to put them in our pjails -- p>>russell: the lights went out pin georgia on donald trump last pnight. phe fired up the crowd. p>> get those lights off! poff! p>>russell: that may be the first ptime that trump shied from the pinstincts seem to be on point,...
Feb 10, 2016
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pwith 17% of precincts reporting, phe is at 57% with hillary pclinton at 41%. ptom: the gap beginning to widen pa little bit. pdonald trump is been declared pthe winner: behind him john pkasich, then bush and then ted pcruz. pfirst a look at the bottom of pthe field, rubio, christie pfollowing the top three. pheadquarters. pwhat is the mood there tonight? pshelley: a huge cheer erupted pfrom the crowd here at alpine pgrove a few minutes ago. pone of the networks put ted cruz pin second place. pagain the numbers have been pflip-flopping back-and-forth but pa lot of people here are excited pand optimistic about the strong pshowing they feel the senator pfrom texas is showing. plet' s bring in senator bob psmith. pwhat is the feeling here right pnow? p>> the started with just a few re pgetting up to 15% or 20% in. pa lot of conservative is out in pthe rural areas and were just pno predictions, we' re just in ptheir competing, as i said. pwe have the greatest grassroots pteam i' ve been in politics, pthey worked their hearts out. plet the voters make the decision p
pwith 17% of precincts reporting, phe is at 57% with hillary pclinton at 41%. ptom: the gap beginning to widen pa little bit. pdonald trump is been declared pthe winner: behind him john pkasich, then bush and then ted pcruz. pfirst a look at the bottom of pthe field, rubio, christie pfollowing the top three. pheadquarters. pwhat is the mood there tonight? pshelley: a huge cheer erupted pfrom the crowd here at alpine pgrove a few minutes ago. pone of the networks put ted cruz pin second place....
Feb 6, 2016
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pwmur' s andy hershberger is live pin the studio with how hillary pclinton and senator bernie psanders spent their busy day. pandy: hillary clinton started pher day in manchester going door pto door in the city' s north end. pclinton was talking with otential voters just days ahead pof the primary. pconcord speaking to a gym full pof supporters about her rogressive vision for the pcountry and criticizing the prepublicans for wanting to turn pback the clock on positive pchange. pher opponent, bernie sanders was p, at franklin pierce college in prindge talking about his role as pan outsider. psanders said this is clinton' pturf, but he is sensing a win. pbernie sanders: where in new phampshire where our opponent won pthe democratic primary in 2008. pher husband campaigned psuccessfully in a number of pcampaigns here and here in new phampshire. pif we can bring out a decent pvote on i' m confident we are ptuesday, going to win. phillary clinton: i am grateful pfor those of you who are already psupporting me. pand i hope to be able to ersuade other as well because pwe have to win in novemb
pwmur' s andy hershberger is live pin the studio with how hillary pclinton and senator bernie psanders spent their busy day. pandy: hillary clinton started pher day in manchester going door pto door in the city' s north end. pclinton was talking with otential voters just days ahead pof the primary. pconcord speaking to a gym full pof supporters about her rogressive vision for the pcountry and criticizing the prepublicans for wanting to turn pback the clock on positive pchange. pher opponent,...
Feb 11, 2016
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plooking to pick up african pamerican support a vote block poverwhelming sports hillary pclinton. p>> clinton and sanders go head pto head in another debate ptonight in milwaukee as psanders's campaign reveals it praised $6 million within 24 phours of his new hampshire win. pin washington, joel waldman, fox pnews. p>>> let's bring in political peditor craig patrick to talk ptonight's democratic debate. pwell it's very important. pand this no doubt is a turning oint in the democratic race. pthey will be very interesting to psee which way it turns. pthe big challenge for hillary pclinton is that with bernie psanders, you understand very pquickly why he's running for resident. pwhat his message is. pand the clinton camp struggled pwith its messaging making the rogressive voters why they pshould vote for her and what pshe's all about. pthat's where she struggled in art in iowa and new hampshire. pshe approaching what she hopes pis fireball as race heads south pand west. articularly to south carolina. pthe challenge meanwhile for pbernie sanders is that the race phas moved to south car
plooking to pick up african pamerican support a vote block poverwhelming sports hillary pclinton. p>> clinton and sanders go head pto head in another debate ptonight in milwaukee as psanders's campaign reveals it praised $6 million within 24 phours of his new hampshire win. pin washington, joel waldman, fox pnews. p>>> let's bring in political peditor craig patrick to talk ptonight's democratic debate. pwell it's very important. pand this no doubt is a turning oint in the...
Feb 2, 2016
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pon the democratic side, the race pis now down to just hillary pclinton and senator bernie psanders. pafter martin o'malley suspended phis presidential campaign. p>> i am excited about really pgetting into the debate with psenator sanders about the best pway forward. p>>reporter: clinton was pexpecting a big wane in iowa. pwhile it was too close to call plast night, sanders is claiming prace. p>> think about what happened ptonight. pi think people of iowa have sent pa very profound message to the olitical establishment. p>>reporter: for the republicans, pdonald trump led the polls for pmonths. pted cruz scored a surprise pvictory. p>> iowa has sent notice that the prepublican nominee and the next resident of the united states pwill not be chosen by the media. ptrump but may not have been much pof a shock after he skipped out pon the debate in des moines. p>> we will go on to get the prepublican nomination and we pwill go on to easily beat phillary or bernie. p>>reporter: now we head to new phampshire. pon the republican side, huckabee pdropped out and o'malley called pit quits for th
pon the democratic side, the race pis now down to just hillary pclinton and senator bernie psanders. pafter martin o'malley suspended phis presidential campaign. p>> i am excited about really pgetting into the debate with psenator sanders about the best pway forward. p>>reporter: clinton was pexpecting a big wane in iowa. pwhile it was too close to call plast night, sanders is claiming prace. p>> think about what happened ptonight. pi think people of iowa have sent pa very...
Feb 28, 2016
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is racing ptowards a deadline this morning pas they get ready to release panother round of hillary pclinton's e-mails. pwhy they say these may contain pmore sensitive items than pbefore. p>> anjuli: there's a new queen pin tampa. pwhen we come back we talk with pthe newly crowned miss tampa. p>> jim: we continue to enjoy pthis great-looking weather. pa little on the cool side today, pbut these temperatures head into pthe 70s for today. pas you look from the brookdale pbayshore camera long bayshore pboulevard, beautiful start to pthe day. pyou see a few wispy clouds poverhead, so plenty of sun ptoday. pwinds make their turn towards pthe east heading towards the pupper lowe's presents: how to put your foot in your mouth. man, wish my yard looked like yours. hey, the grass is always greener on the other side of the... sorry. now get 20% off sta-green fertilizer, 3 the state department has p>> anjuli: want state pdepartment is working tirelessly pthroughout the weekend to review pthousands more of hillary pclinton's work-related e-mails pfrom her time as secretary of pstate. p>> alcides: they're
is racing ptowards a deadline this morning pas they get ready to release panother round of hillary pclinton's e-mails. pwhy they say these may contain pmore sensitive items than pbefore. p>> anjuli: there's a new queen pin tampa. pwhen we come back we talk with pthe newly crowned miss tampa. p>> jim: we continue to enjoy pthis great-looking weather. pa little on the cool side today, pbut these temperatures head into pthe 70s for today. pas you look from the brookdale pbayshore...
Feb 9, 2016
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psean: in millsfield, hillary pclinton doubled up bernie psanders, while ted cruz pulled phalf of the votes on the prepublican side. pbut the votes there were spread pamong 8 candidates. pso the totals right now have pbernie sanders leading on the pdemocratic side. pand it was a three-way tie on pthe republican side between ted pcruz, john kasich, and donald ptrump. perin: predicting the primary poutcome, it is not easy, but pthere are some areas of the pstate to watch. olitical reporter john distaso psays the first pdace to look for pan idea of how things may go is pmanchester, specifically wards pusually very high. pdistaso says the southern tier pis the most important part of pthe state because that is where pmost of the population is, but laces like berlin and pmoultonborough will also be key pto watch. pfor much more on this, go to the olitics page of wmur.com. psean: and if you haven' t cast pyour vote yet, you can learn pyou head to the polls by heading pto the politics section of pwmur.com. pthere, you will find all kinds pof political headlines, plus a plink specifically for
psean: in millsfield, hillary pclinton doubled up bernie psanders, while ted cruz pulled phalf of the votes on the prepublican side. pbut the votes there were spread pamong 8 candidates. pso the totals right now have pbernie sanders leading on the pdemocratic side. pand it was a three-way tie on pthe republican side between ted pcruz, john kasich, and donald ptrump. perin: predicting the primary poutcome, it is not easy, but pthere are some areas of the pstate to watch. olitical reporter john...
Feb 10, 2016
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p>> i want to begin by pcongratulating senator sanders pon -- p>> reporter: today hillary pclinton was gracious in defeat psuggesting she hopes to be the pcomeback kid in south pcarolina -- p>> it's not whether you get pknocked down that matters. pit's whether you get back up. p>> reporter: but consider she pspent 1.3 million on ads. pheld 63 events in the grab pstate. pconsider that she won here in p2008. pand consider that her husband ptonight's loss must hurt. p>> unions got behind bernie. pyoung people got behind bernie. eople who are frustrated with phillary clinton got behind pbernie. p>> reporter: in the waning days pof new hampshire she was already plooking ahead to south carolina, pwhere black voters make up more pthan half the primary pelectorate. pshe's debuted this new campaign pad. p>> when african-americans are pmore likely to be arrested by olice and sentenced to longer rison terms for doing the same pthing that whites do. p>> reporter: despite her huge ploss in new hampshire the odds pare ever in her favor moving pforward in these hunger games. p>> remember, iowa and ne
p>> i want to begin by pcongratulating senator sanders pon -- p>> reporter: today hillary pclinton was gracious in defeat psuggesting she hopes to be the pcomeback kid in south pcarolina -- p>> it's not whether you get pknocked down that matters. pit's whether you get back up. p>> reporter: but consider she pspent 1.3 million on ads. pheld 63 events in the grab pstate. pconsider that she won here in p2008. pand consider that her husband ptonight's loss must hurt....
Feb 11, 2016
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p>> in new hampshire, hillary pclinton putting on a brave face pin defeat. pher team trying to figure out phow she managed to lose women pvoters 44-55%. pand young people 16% to 83%. pclinton already trying to woo pthem. p>> i know i have some work to pdo, particularly with young eople, but i will repeat again pwhat i have said this week, even pif they are not supporting me pnow, i support them. psanders paying hillary clinton a pcompliment during a little game pof campaign word association. p>> donald trump? p>> what can i say? p>> one nice thing. pcome on, bernie. p>> nice hair? p>> humble. p>> hillary clinton? p>> intelligent. p>> cecilia vega, abc news, new pyork. p>>> twitter's financial outlook pis improving but it's still pstruggling to oo tract users. pand wall street is not happy pabout it. pthe social media service preported earnings for the end of p2015 and while profits in padvertising are ticking up, pgrowth has stalled. pthe company is promising to make pchanges to improve the service pincluding adding more streaming pvideo. p>> time to mark you
p>> in new hampshire, hillary pclinton putting on a brave face pin defeat. pher team trying to figure out phow she managed to lose women pvoters 44-55%. pand young people 16% to 83%. pclinton already trying to woo pthem. p>> i know i have some work to pdo, particularly with young eople, but i will repeat again pwhat i have said this week, even pif they are not supporting me pnow, i support them. psanders paying hillary clinton a pcompliment during a little game pof campaign word...
Feb 5, 2016
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pbut i spoke with hillary pclinton, and i said, do these pnumbers mean you're not doing psomething right? pshe said she's sticking to her pit. p>> thank you. p>>> we do have one more question pjonathan karl, here with me ptonight. pwe're just hoping you could give pus a lay of the land, where will pfolks be standing? p>> i expect two debates tomorrow pnight. phere with donald trump and ted pcruz. pthey've been locked in a blood pfeud, this is the first time pthey've gone face-to-face since pcruz beat trump in iowa. pthe second debates , featuring pmarco rubio versus everybody pelse. pespecially the governors, jeb pbush, john kasich, and chris pchristie. pthey want to emerge from this pdebate as the primary palternative to the outsiders, pand the only way they can do pthat, knock down rubio. p>> thank you. p>>> super bowl weekend is here, pbig republican debate. pjoin us tomorrow, 8:00 p.m. peastern, on abc. p>>> and to taiwan, a powerful p6.4 earthquake. phitting at night as many slept. prescue workers pulling a woman pfrom debris. pthe search for survivors coming pin. pat least five str
pbut i spoke with hillary pclinton, and i said, do these pnumbers mean you're not doing psomething right? pshe said she's sticking to her pit. p>> thank you. p>>> we do have one more question pjonathan karl, here with me ptonight. pwe're just hoping you could give pus a lay of the land, where will pfolks be standing? p>> i expect two debates tomorrow pnight. phere with donald trump and ted pcruz. pthey've been locked in a blood pfeud, this is the first time pthey've gone...
Feb 11, 2016
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pbuild a momentum that he picked pup in new hampshire reaching out pto minority voters and hillary pclinton's campaign is on the pattack going after sanders' pso that said with just nine days pto go before the next votes are pcast in south carolina and pnevada, the pressure really is pon. p>> and the republican pfront-runner still enjoying his pvictory lap. pit's "your voice, your vote." pabc's lana zak has the latest. p>> we may have to stage a phony rotest. pthat's the only way they show pthe size of these crowds. pthis crowd is amazing. p>> reporter: donald trump with peven more spring in his step pfollowing his major win in new phampshire forcing two more pcandidates, chris christie and pcarly fiorina out of the race. pand now trump says he's ready to ptake on democratic challenger phillary clinton. p>> we're going to beat her. pand honestly women don't like pher. p>> reporter: in new hampshire pclinton lost female voters 44 to p50% and young people 16% to 83% pbut nationally clinton still has pthe advantage over bernie psanders who tells abc's cecilia pvega he has work to do. pif the ele
pbuild a momentum that he picked pup in new hampshire reaching out pto minority voters and hillary pclinton's campaign is on the pattack going after sanders' pso that said with just nine days pto go before the next votes are pcast in south carolina and pnevada, the pressure really is pon. p>> and the republican pfront-runner still enjoying his pvictory lap. pit's "your voice, your vote." pabc's lana zak has the latest. p>> we may have to stage a phony rotest. pthat's the...
Feb 10, 2016
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pwho do you want to leave -- lead pdo you want someone like hillary pclinton or donald trump that pwill pursue their ambitions at pthe expense of service to the eople that truly need the help? perin: after pulling in just psingle digits support, new pjersey governor chris christie psays he is going home to new pjersey today to think things pover and decide about the future pof his campaign. phe says he made many new friends pon the campaign trail in new phampshire and that he has no pregrets. phe said he hopes to make a pdecision by this afternoon. psean: the candidates have been pextremely breezy -- busy and so phas scott spradley. s talk about the huge pmargins of victory. olls are saying that sanders pand trump were going to win, but pwhat do you make about the huge pmargins? pscott: it was a little bit of a pat the same time, this sends a pstrong message to washington and pthe establishment in both arties, that they had better plisten up and make changes or pthe voters are probably going to pcontinue this path. psean: does that seem to be the pmessage coming out of the rimary? pscot
pwho do you want to leave -- lead pdo you want someone like hillary pclinton or donald trump that pwill pursue their ambitions at pthe expense of service to the eople that truly need the help? perin: after pulling in just psingle digits support, new pjersey governor chris christie psays he is going home to new pjersey today to think things pover and decide about the future pof his campaign. phe says he made many new friends pon the campaign trail in new phampshire and that he has no pregrets....
Feb 10, 2016
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pthe poll had him leading hillary pclinton by 13 points and he pblows her away. pthis was a wipeout. pno other way to look at it. pand you have bernie sanders pwinning across the board. pwinning, for example, white pworking class women which was a pstronghold for hillary clinton. pthis is a state that was very pgood to the clintons. pfor hillary clinton and bill pclinton, it made bill the pcomeback kid but this time it's pall bernie sanders and that praised some red flags among the phillary clinton camp. p>>laura: we'll leave it there. pthank you. prussell? p>>russell: thank you. pthere were a lot of super bowl pcommercials that we've been ptalking about all week long. pmost of them funny, creative. pcriticism and did you see it? pyou probably did. pit was that ad from quicken ploans that promotes a mortgage pin eight minutes. pit's called rocket mortgage. pcommercial shows people urchasing a mortgage on their psmart phone while living their plives and doing everything else. pat the end of the eight minutes, pyou can have a mortgage. pof course, if you're going i
pthe poll had him leading hillary pclinton by 13 points and he pblows her away. pthis was a wipeout. pno other way to look at it. pand you have bernie sanders pwinning across the board. pwinning, for example, white pworking class women which was a pstronghold for hillary clinton. pthis is a state that was very pgood to the clintons. pfor hillary clinton and bill pclinton, it made bill the pcomeback kid but this time it's pall bernie sanders and that praised some red flags among the phillary...
Feb 9, 2016
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perin: in mills field, hillary pclinton doubled up bernie psanders, while ted cruz won the prepublican side. pbernie sanders leads on the pdemocratic side. pit is a three-way tie on the prepublican side between ted pcruz, john kasich, and donald ptrump. pcandidates are making one last itch. pseveral stops around the state ptoday. phe held his final rally last pnight at the verizon wireless parena in manchester. pit is so important. pbecause we are going to make pamerica great again. pwe are going to make america pgreater, greater, greater than pit has ever been before. perin: ted cruz planes to be in pmanchester today. phe told voters that his riorities include ending the ersecution of religious liberty p, rebuilding the military, and prepealing the affordable care pact. p>> who can i trust? pwe have seen campaign pconservatives who talk a good pgame, but they have not walked pthe walk. eople are looking for is a pconsistent conservative. perin: marco rubio plans to greet pvoters today. phe was confident during seven pcampaign stops yesterday. phe promised to be back in the pfall for t
perin: in mills field, hillary pclinton doubled up bernie psanders, while ted cruz won the prepublican side. pbernie sanders leads on the pdemocratic side. pit is a three-way tie on the prepublican side between ted pcruz, john kasich, and donald ptrump. pcandidates are making one last itch. pseveral stops around the state ptoday. phe held his final rally last pnight at the verizon wireless parena in manchester. pit is so important. pbecause we are going to make pamerica great again. pwe are...
Feb 15, 2016
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pchelsea talked about how hillary pclinton will make a difference pfor families as president. p>>> meanwhile, supporters of pclinton's opponent bernie psanders opened another volunteer poffice. pit is on kirsteter way in pelyria. pthe office is not affiliated pwith the campaign. pit is staffed and funded by plocal contributors. psanders volunteers, opened poffices in lakewood and akron. . p>>> and the supreme court's plongest serving justice died of pnatural causes over the weekend. pthe death of the man whom pcolleagues called a legal titan phas set up a political battle on pwho the president will appoint pto replace him. pweijia jiang joins us now with pthe latest. p>> very suddenly, the pain went pi was on pain meds early. p [ beeping ] p>> reporter: i'm sure you're pused to that. p>> mark: oh, hi. pjudge, we'll get to that package pthere whenever we can ultimately pget a chance. pthe judge ruled he died of pnatural causes. pwe did have a history of heart pdisease. phe did have a history of heart pdisease. phis body flown from texas to pvirginia yesterday. p>>> a deadly wro
pchelsea talked about how hillary pclinton will make a difference pfor families as president. p>>> meanwhile, supporters of pclinton's opponent bernie psanders opened another volunteer poffice. pit is on kirsteter way in pelyria. pthe office is not affiliated pwith the campaign. pit is staffed and funded by plocal contributors. psanders volunteers, opened poffices in lakewood and akron. . p>>> and the supreme court's plongest serving justice died of pnatural causes over the...
Feb 25, 2016
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pnow to the democrats and hillary pclinton push for gun control. pit could be what she needs to pwin the democratic ticket. pclinton has spent last few days pcampaigning with mothers who phave lost children to gun pviolence. pincluding the mother of trayvon pmartin. pand here's why this is such a pbig deal. pnew poll shows 70 percent of pdemocratic voters believe gun pcontrol is important. pand bernie sanders has a history pof siding with gun companies. pnot the victims of the pshootings. pclinton plans to use that fact pto her advantage going into psuper tuesday. p8:35. pbattle between apple and f.b.i. pintensifying. pf.b.i. says it wants justice for pthe victims of the san pbernardino shootings while apple psays it wants to protect it's pcustomers. pceo of apple tim cook sat down pwith woun interview eerie fusing pto back down the issue is pwhether apple should comply with pthe a court order to unlock piphone one san bernardino pterrorist creating this back pdoor to the phone would be pdangerous. pbut the feds say something needs pto be done to c
pnow to the democrats and hillary pclinton push for gun control. pit could be what she needs to pwin the democratic ticket. pclinton has spent last few days pcampaigning with mothers who phave lost children to gun pviolence. pincluding the mother of trayvon pmartin. pand here's why this is such a pbig deal. pnew poll shows 70 percent of pdemocratic voters believe gun pcontrol is important. pand bernie sanders has a history pof siding with gun companies. pnot the victims of the pshootings....
Feb 18, 2016
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pdonald trump and hillary pclinton. pted cruz on stage in south pcarolina delivering the news he pfor first time in many months, pthere's an a new national front prunner on republican side. pin fact a new nbc news wall pstreet journal poll shows cruz pis two points up over trump pnationally. pa massive shift from other precent polls. pand at the same time trump has pwide lead in south carolina. palthough that may not tell the pwhole story. p>> if you talk to people who phave been doing private polling pboth associated with campaigns pand with some of the super acks, the belief is that ptrump's lead is not quite as pcommanding as the public polls psuggest. pif we can win in south carolina pwe're going to go i mean we pcould very well run the table in pmaybe but within gop field pnarrows it could spell trouble pfor trump. pthey same poll shows in phypothetical one on one match pups cruise beats trump by 16 oints. pand so does marco rubio by the psame margin. prubio got more good news pyesterday when winning pendoerment po
pdonald trump and hillary pclinton. pted cruz on stage in south pcarolina delivering the news he pfor first time in many months, pthere's an a new national front prunner on republican side. pin fact a new nbc news wall pstreet journal poll shows cruz pis two points up over trump pnationally. pa massive shift from other precent polls. pand at the same time trump has pwide lead in south carolina. palthough that may not tell the pwhole story. p>> if you talk to people who phave been doing...
Feb 29, 2016
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p>> well it's all hillary pclinton. por mostly hillary clinton. articularly as race heads south phere she built up double digits psubstantial leads in some states pif you're looking at where she pmay be weakest it obviously pwould be vermont. pstate. pand you also have to look to pmassachusetts as well where that prace is tight. pbut when we say tight, relative pto other states hillary clinton pshould based on the numbers pwe're seeing mount a huge lead pover bernie sanders in delegate pcount once we get through ptuesday night. pbernie sanders meanwhile hopes pto stay in the game by picking pup enough delegates to keep him pin the race. phe is said this one is long way pfrom finish. pif you continues to play it out pand a wait for the race to ship pmore from west to east he could phang in for quite a while he pkeeps getting his message out pthank you, craig a lot is riding pin this election season pespecially right here in pfloridaeven though our primary pisn't for two more weeks today pis your day to start heading to ol
p>> well it's all hillary pclinton. por mostly hillary clinton. articularly as race heads south phere she built up double digits psubstantial leads in some states pif you're looking at where she pmay be weakest it obviously pwould be vermont. pstate. pand you also have to look to pmassachusetts as well where that prace is tight. pbut when we say tight, relative pto other states hillary clinton pshould based on the numbers pwe're seeing mount a huge lead pover bernie sanders in delegate...
Feb 8, 2016
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p>>laura: bernie sanders holds a p10 point lead over hillary pclinton out of the latest poll pin new hampshire and it could pcome down to money. pdemocrats have been going back pand forth debating the influence pof wall street campaign pdonations. p>> what the sanders' campaign is ptrying to do is link donations pto my political campaign or preally, donation to anyone's olitical campaign with undue pinfluence, with changing eople's views and votes. pi've never, ever done that. p>> i like secretary clinton but pwe have a corrupt campaign pfinance system. pwe have raised $3.5 million paveraging $27 apiece. p>>laura: the new hampshire rimary is tomorrow. pwe want you to stay with fox 13 pfor complete coverage from pbefore the polls open all the pway until the very last vote is pcounted. p>>russell: well, super bowl 50 pover but they're still sell pbriting in denver this morning. p>>laura: millions tuned in to pwatch the commercials and one is pleading to some very awkward pconversations. p p>>laura: the super bowl babies pwere some of the biggest pwinners. pwe'll meet with one of the pb
p>>laura: bernie sanders holds a p10 point lead over hillary pclinton out of the latest poll pin new hampshire and it could pcome down to money. pdemocrats have been going back pand forth debating the influence pof wall street campaign pdonations. p>> what the sanders' campaign is ptrying to do is link donations pto my political campaign or preally, donation to anyone's olitical campaign with undue pinfluence, with changing eople's views and votes. pi've never, ever done that....
Feb 26, 2016
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pthe same company has a hillary pclinton figure for sale, also lans to create some of the pg.o.p. candidates into toys. pelection season gets odder and podder by the minute. p>>russell: it's entertaining. pit is entertaining. p>>laura: that's one word for it. p>>russell: a woman writes a pletter to her boss about her ain. pcoming up, the reaction she did pnot expect. p>>laura: better late than never. pa 90-year-old woman became an pinstant millionaire. pshayla reaves is covering that pstory. p>>reporter: good morning to you. p90 years old and she's also a pwinner of a florida lottery pjackpot. pshe purchased a ticket right phere in seminole. pi'll have her story straight pahead. plet's check in with dave. pmake sure you have a jacket on, pfolks. pit's cool outside. pit's interesting. palong the coast, a little cloud pcover, 60 degrees from the psirata beach camera. plook at the difference. pas you go to lakeland, and it's p43 with clear skies so inland, pyou're much colder than along pthe coast. plooks like temperatures for the pmost part, low to mid 60s today. pbig warmup early n
pthe same company has a hillary pclinton figure for sale, also lans to create some of the pg.o.p. candidates into toys. pelection season gets odder and podder by the minute. p>>russell: it's entertaining. pit is entertaining. p>>laura: that's one word for it. p>>russell: a woman writes a pletter to her boss about her ain. pcoming up, the reaction she did pnot expect. p>>laura: better late than never. pa 90-year-old woman became an pinstant millionaire. pshayla reaves is...
Feb 11, 2016
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the pminorities where recent polls p>>laura: new this morning, fox pnews learned more about hillary pclinton's private email. pit's a subject that's plagued pher campaign for months. pgovernment source tells fox news pat least a dozen email accounts phandled top secret intelligence pfrom clinton's private server. pthe accounts include not only pclintons but those of her top paides. pfox news asked the state pdepartment to comment on the paccounts but a spokesman had no pcomment. p>>russell: listen to this. pthe average drunk driver has pdriven drunk 80 times before pfirst arrested. p>>laura: a change that florida pcan make that can save thousands pof lives and already is in pdozens of other states. pand then after a 13-year-old pgirl is murdered after police psay she met a man online, major pchad takes a look at the warning psigns that parents should watch pout for. p>>dave: 42 degrees outside at ptampa international. pthat's cold but not the coldest. pknock off 10 degrees to get back pup to what they have in citrus pcounty, hernando county. pthey are at the freezing mark as padvertised. pwe h
the pminorities where recent polls p>>laura: new this morning, fox pnews learned more about hillary pclinton's private email. pit's a subject that's plagued pher campaign for months. pgovernment source tells fox news pat least a dozen email accounts phandled top secret intelligence pfrom clinton's private server. pthe accounts include not only pclintons but those of her top paides. pfox news asked the state pdepartment to comment on the paccounts but a spokesman had no pcomment....
Feb 12, 2016
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p>> south carolina hillary pclinton is trying to get back on pher feet. pbut the washington post is preporting that the state pdepartment has opened another pinvestigation. pthis time the focus is the pclinton foundation. pthe post zest there are now pthree open investigations into pthis. pnewly revealed investigation palso includes the clinton top paide. pinquiries into the email server pissues. pone by the state department and panother by the f.b.i. pclintons critic will no doubt puse this to their advantage pwhere there's smoke there's pfire. phillary still claims this is not pbut partisan politics. pexit polling show democratic pvoters care about whether the olitician is trustworthy or pnot. pand right now the new hampshire pdemocrats do not think she is. pbut we will have to wait and see pwhat south carolina democrats pthink. plater today donald trump will prock the sun dome. pa rally tonight, a big one phottest ticket in town. psun dome can hold ten thousand eople. pwhile some people will have ptickets, it is first come first pserve for seating. pti
p>> south carolina hillary pclinton is trying to get back on pher feet. pbut the washington post is preporting that the state pdepartment has opened another pinvestigation. pthis time the focus is the pclinton foundation. pthe post zest there are now pthree open investigations into pthis. pnewly revealed investigation palso includes the clinton top paide. pinquiries into the email server pissues. pone by the state department and panother by the f.b.i. pclintons critic will no doubt puse...
Feb 17, 2016
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p>>reporter: a new poll in nevada pshows bernie sanders and hillary pclinton neck and neck before the pfirst in the west presidential pcaucus. pand it's not just a tight race pin nevada. pthat new poll also shows clinton pand sanders in a virtual tie pnationally. p>> a clearwater homeless man is pit's coming from the community. pwe'll tell you how they're prallying behind him. lus jim is checking the pforecast. p>>jim: we had a lot of fog. pthe widespread fog took a little ptime to burn off but now we're pback to just beautiful looking pweather. phumidity is still at very pcomfortable levels so we have lenty of sun the next several pdays but we're looking ahead. pit looks like we could have some prain in the forecast. won't do it. p>> apple says it won't do it. pthe company refuses to break pinto an iphone used by a gunman pin the san bernardino mass pshooting. pthe f.b.i. wants the phone phacked so it can see who the pshooter is contacted. papple says that's a government poverreach. padam has more from los angeles. p>> it's apple against the pfederal government in a case pthat could
p>>reporter: a new poll in nevada pshows bernie sanders and hillary pclinton neck and neck before the pfirst in the west presidential pcaucus. pand it's not just a tight race pin nevada. pthat new poll also shows clinton pand sanders in a virtual tie pnationally. p>> a clearwater homeless man is pit's coming from the community. pwe'll tell you how they're prallying behind him. lus jim is checking the pforecast. p>>jim: we had a lot of fog. pthe widespread fog took a little...
Feb 11, 2016
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to that, pmembers of the congressional pblack caucus here in washington ptoday will endorse hillary pclinton for president. pin. phe said he's under a lot of ressure from supporters to stay pin the race. pthat's despite a second to last lace finish in new hampshire on ptuesday. pjim gilmore did worse than he pdid. pcarson is confident he may win psouth carolina. phis strongest states are still pcoming up. prock star santana is the latest erson to complain about the phalf-time show at the super pbowl. p p>>laura: criticism has nothing pto do with the performance pitself. phis beef is with the nfl. phe says they should have taken pthe opportunity to lose famous pin a letter to the league, he psaid, quote, fans like pmetallica, journey and yours ptruly. pwe want have done the area roud. pat least one of the bands on the plist agrees. pjourney. pit fell short of setting a super pbowl record. pit's third on the list. pkaty perry's performance last pyear is number one with nearly p120 million views. pmichael jackson's super bowl phalf-time show in 1993 ranks psecond. p>>russell: well, here we go.
to that, pmembers of the congressional pblack caucus here in washington ptoday will endorse hillary pclinton for president. pin. phe said he's under a lot of ressure from supporters to stay pin the race. pthat's despite a second to last lace finish in new hampshire on ptuesday. pjim gilmore did worse than he pdid. pcarson is confident he may win psouth carolina. phis strongest states are still pcoming up. prock star santana is the latest erson to complain about the phalf-time show at the super...
Feb 26, 2016
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likely democratic rimary voters, a huge lead pamong women propels the former psecretary of state, hillary pclinton, to 59-33 over bernie psanders among likely democratic pvoters in florida. ptomorrow south carolina could ptip the scales in the race for pthe democratic nomination. phillary clinton and bernie psanders have been crisscrossing pthere. precent poll numbers show clinton phas a double digit lead in the almetto state. psanders has shifted much of the pfocus to super tuesday and pbeyond. phe's spent the past few days in poklahoma and ohio. p>>laura: the white house pcontinues for that potential pnominees for the supreme court pvacancy left open by the death pof justice scalia. pthis morning they can cross one pname off the list. pthe nevada governor sandoval psays he's not interested. phe said he's humbled and pmentioned. psenate republicans have vowed pnot to hold confirmation phearings for anyone that resident obama nominates. p>>russell: jury selection begins pnext week in hulk hogan's plawsuit against gossip website pgawker. pthere's another pretrial hearing ptoday. phe sued gawker aft
likely democratic rimary voters, a huge lead pamong women propels the former psecretary of state, hillary pclinton, to 59-33 over bernie psanders among likely democratic pvoters in florida. ptomorrow south carolina could ptip the scales in the race for pthe democratic nomination. phillary clinton and bernie psanders have been crisscrossing pthere. precent poll numbers show clinton phas a double digit lead in the almetto state. psanders has shifted much of the pfocus to super tuesday and...
Feb 1, 2016
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pif in fact they turn out for him pas they say, and if hillary pclinton's email controversy praises questions and some voters pminds, i think that bernie psanders could pull off a stunner plater tonight. p>> and you know the other thing piowa a must win. pclearly it's good for momentum pof whoever will win tonight. p>> yes but you have to win iowa pelection? piowa? p>> jimmy carter set model why piowa has important and has been psince 1976 rick santorum prepublican winner he didn't get pthat far, mike huckeby he didn't pget that far. pnot necessarily prey addicter of pimportant because the polls and pother states are not static. pthey will move based on results pin early states. pof course iowa is first state of pall. p>> all right. pokay, craig. pthank you. p>> thank you. p>> and so it begins. plong road to white house. pup next new hampshire primary pnext tuesday. pwashington state republicans and pnevada democrats caucus on 20th. pnevada republican haves to wait pin the 23rd though south pcarolina republican primary is palso the 20th. pfollowed by democrats a week plater. psuper tuesday is
pif in fact they turn out for him pas they say, and if hillary pclinton's email controversy praises questions and some voters pminds, i think that bernie psanders could pull off a stunner plater tonight. p>> and you know the other thing piowa a must win. pclearly it's good for momentum pof whoever will win tonight. p>> yes but you have to win iowa pelection? piowa? p>> jimmy carter set model why piowa has important and has been psince 1976 rick santorum prepublican winner he...
Feb 4, 2016
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ptalk about surprise democratic residential candidates hillary pclinton and bernie sanders have pannounced they will have debate ptonight. psanders only agreed to it after pclinton promised three more pdebates. pright now sanders has sizable plead over clinton in new phampshire. pyou can go to polls there on ptuesday. p>> other side, the field of prepublicans just got smaller. pafter i was caulks two other pcandidates dropped out u.s. psenator rand paul and rick psantorum have called it quits. pseems to be coming down to a 3 erson race now between trump, pcruz and rubio. pbut there are six other pcontestants still trying to hang pon. pbush, carson, kristi, fiorina, pkasich and gilmore. p>> about a month in and things pare heating up at this year plegislative session. pand there are some things you pneed to know about. pfirst, tax cuts. pand house passed a bill with 20 ptax cuts or credits. phighlights, another ten day back pto tax holiday other tax breaks pthat would affect businesses as pwell. pthis is also ban to move to ban pzinc weary cities. pthose are areas where local pauthorities d
ptalk about surprise democratic residential candidates hillary pclinton and bernie sanders have pannounced they will have debate ptonight. psanders only agreed to it after pclinton promised three more pdebates. pright now sanders has sizable plead over clinton in new phampshire. pyou can go to polls there on ptuesday. p>> other side, the field of prepublicans just got smaller. pafter i was caulks two other pcandidates dropped out u.s. psenator rand paul and rick psantorum have called it...
Feb 2, 2016
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p>> we need to beat hillary pclinton and bernie sanders. p>> marco rubio is in the top ptier and he's going to receive a p>> reporter: ted cruz will look pto make a big dent in the lead pafter monday's win. p>> i think the voters sent the pmessage they want a consistent pconservative. p>> reporter: new hampshire's rimary is tuesday. pcraig boswell, cleveland 19. p>> mark: and democrat martin po'malley and republican mike phuckabee have dropped out of the prace. pstraight ahead we hear jason pjohnson's take. pthat is in our 4:30 half-hour. p>>> and, well, the stock market pclosed just about 8 minutes ago. pit's another bad day. pdown 295 and a lot of this has pto do with oil sliding back to pabout 30 bucks a barrel once pagain. pso we'll keep an eye on that as pwe go into tomorrow. p>>> a vote on an income tax pincrease in the city of pcleveland is on the horizon and pcould be on the ballot as early pas november. preporter paul orlousky was one pcall to city hall as mayor pjackson laid out why he thinks p>> i'm not doing politics. pi'm not d
p>> we need to beat hillary pclinton and bernie sanders. p>> marco rubio is in the top ptier and he's going to receive a p>> reporter: ted cruz will look pto make a big dent in the lead pafter monday's win. p>> i think the voters sent the pmessage they want a consistent pconservative. p>> reporter: new hampshire's rimary is tuesday. pcraig boswell, cleveland 19. p>> mark: and democrat martin po'malley and republican mike phuckabee have dropped out of the...
Feb 2, 2016
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pon democratic side, hillary pclinton and bernie sanders in a pvirtual tie both claiming pvictory while only only other pmajor candidate former maryland pgovernor martin o'malley bows pout race sanders says he's ptaking his campaign all the way pto the convention. p>> when we began that campaign i pthink it's fair to say we were pconsidered to be a fringe pcampaign. pi would hope that most people no plonger believe that. pted cruz pulling off a big win pon republican side with a 28 ercent of the vote. ulling in at 23 percent for a pstrong third place finish. pi give us the best chance to ptake our message to people that phaven't voted for news the past pand convince them that pconservativism is better for pthem and better for america. pnow the focus turns to new phampshire. pmost of the candidates flying ptheir yesterday ahead of a major pwinter storm in the midwest. prubio looking to strengthen his osition as establishment palternative to trump and cruz. pbut he'll have to beat off stiff pcompetition from jeb bush, john pkasich and chris christie. pi will not stop between now and pnext
pon democratic side, hillary pclinton and bernie sanders in a pvirtual tie both claiming pvictory while only only other pmajor candidate former maryland pgovernor martin o'malley bows pout race sanders says he's ptaking his campaign all the way pto the convention. p>> when we began that campaign i pthink it's fair to say we were pconsidered to be a fringe pcampaign. pi would hope that most people no plonger believe that. pted cruz pulling off a big win pon republican side with a 28 ercent...
Feb 3, 2016
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p>>russell: ted cruz and hillary pclinton are hoping to build on ptheir wins but it will be an puphill battle for both of them. pdonald trump has had more than a pdouble digit lead for several pweeks in new hampshire. phe's slated to win in the latest oll. pcruz is projected to be at a pdistant second followed by marco prubio and jeb bush. p>>laura: as for democrats, pbernie sanders is up 20% over pclinton right now, four points phigher than last month. pthere's also the question of pwhether martin owe -- of where pmartin o'malley supporters will pgo. p>>russell: house republicans pto mark the 63rd passage. pit was not lost on the white phouse press secretary. p>> it's almost like it's pgroundhog day except it actually pis groundhog day and they're pdoing it again. p>>russell: yesterday president pobama broke bread on the prepublicans. pthe hope was to find some common pground but the g.o.p. remains at podds with the white house over a pnumber of major issues, pincluding the fate of the prison pat guantanamo bay and sanctions pagainst iran. p>>laura: coming up, a college pstudent is in
p>>russell: ted cruz and hillary pclinton are hoping to build on ptheir wins but it will be an puphill battle for both of them. pdonald trump has had more than a pdouble digit lead for several pweeks in new hampshire. phe's slated to win in the latest oll. pcruz is projected to be at a pdistant second followed by marco prubio and jeb bush. p>>laura: as for democrats, pbernie sanders is up 20% over pclinton right now, four points phigher than last month. pthere's also the question of...
Feb 1, 2016
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snow prolling into southwestern iowa, pthat could suppress turnout to pseniors who are more for hillary pclinton. pcollege students are for bernie psanders. pit sets up a scenario where pbernie sanders may pull off a pstunner tonight. p>>russell: and you were pexplaining how the caucus rocess works. eople can just change their pminds at the last second, can't pthey? p>> they can change their minds pat the last second and at the pdemocratic caucuses, they have pto. pif you're not considered viable, eople in your group, then pyou're told to break up with psomething with somebody else. pthe polls are very close. pclinton, sanders, there's martin po'malley. pif you have a small number of po'malley people, suddenly they pdon't count for anything and pare they going to go clinton or psanders? p>>russell: i'm glad you're there pwatching it for us. pit's going to be a night. pwe'll talk to you the next hour, pokay? psee you then. pall right. pjust about 7:05. pdeveloping this morning, state pofficials are trying to figure pout how two teens broke out of a pdetention facility in phillsborough county. p>>
snow prolling into southwestern iowa, pthat could suppress turnout to pseniors who are more for hillary pclinton. pcollege students are for bernie psanders. pit sets up a scenario where pbernie sanders may pull off a pstunner tonight. p>>russell: and you were pexplaining how the caucus rocess works. eople can just change their pminds at the last second, can't pthey? p>> they can change their minds pat the last second and at the pdemocratic caucuses, they have pto. pif you're not...
Feb 28, 2016
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department pis working tirelessly throughout pthe weekend as they release pthousands more of the hillary pclinton's work-related e-mails pas secretary of state. p>> alcides: they're working phard. pthey've released 93% of pclinton's e-mails on her private pserver. pthe final 7% may contain the pmost complex and sensitive pinformation because they pcontained information from pmultiple intelligence agencies. p>> i'm aware that there are, in pfact, still conversations taking lace between the various parts pof the interagency talking about psome of the e-mails that are pongoing, but we hope to resolve pthem by monday. p>> alcides: the state pdepartment blew past a similar pdeadline last month, but if preleased on time, these e-mails pwould come just a day before psuper tuesday, something clinton pherself says she's not too pworried about. p>> anjuli: 13 people are under parrest this morning after a pviolent brawl during a ku klux pklan rally in southern pcalifornia. pit was holding an panti-immigration protest in pauthorities say that it spread pacross an entire city block. pone of three stabbing victi
department pis working tirelessly throughout pthe weekend as they release pthousands more of the hillary pclinton's work-related e-mails pas secretary of state. p>> alcides: they're working phard. pthey've released 93% of pclinton's e-mails on her private pserver. pthe final 7% may contain the pmost complex and sensitive pinformation because they pcontained information from pmultiple intelligence agencies. p>> i'm aware that there are, in pfact, still conversations taking lace...
Feb 8, 2016
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pright now leading hillary pclinton by 20 points in new phampshire. pon republican side donald trump pis leading the polls in new phampshire senator marco rubio pand governor john kasich making phead way they are tied for psecond place. pno m mr. nice guy for jeb. phe broughts a crowd to its feet pafter calling donald trump pquoting here, loser. phe was referring to trump pallegedly calling people who pwere prisoners of war while pserving in a u.s. military weak pand losers. pbush goes on to say no leader pthe country should able to call panyone who fights for our pfreedom those names. psame time as bush's rallies ptrumps was holding one of his pown and told people there would pbe an impossible for bush to pbecome president. p>>> and just a few days a chance pto hear from donald trump phimself. phe's holding an event at the us pf sun dome in tampa. psha sha la reeveses live for us poutside venue. pwe just learned this morning it pall sold out. pthat didn't take long. p>> no, it didn't take long at pall. pin fact, we checked online and psaw thaul of a
pright now leading hillary pclinton by 20 points in new phampshire. pon republican side donald trump pis leading the polls in new phampshire senator marco rubio pand governor john kasich making phead way they are tied for psecond place. pno m mr. nice guy for jeb. phe broughts a crowd to its feet pafter calling donald trump pquoting here, loser. phe was referring to trump pallegedly calling people who pwere prisoners of war while pserving in a u.s. military weak pand losers. pbush goes on to...
Feb 26, 2016
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phow about polls for the pdemocratic race all hillary pclinton because the race is pheading south. pshe won in nevada and in pentrance poll she won among a pvery diverse group of voters. pthis bodes very well for her a prace movers to south carolina. pbut beyond that, to much of the psoutheast where the clinton phaves historically been very pstrong, have made a great in proads among african american pcommunities. pthat's where bernie sanders is pfacing a challenge. phe continues to stay on message. pthat it's about a revolution in pthis country breaking the choke phold that money has in the rocess prp free public college pfor all. pthat is resonating in particular pwith younger voters. pbut what a lot of candidates plearn is that younger voters ptend to leave them at the altar. pthey did don't turn out to vote pother demographics. pand that has wounded bernie psanders at least stalled his pmomentum somewhat. pand it could hurt him yet again pif he does not find a way to preverse that within the come pdays i know you have plenty to pchoose from tell what coming up psunday night. pwe
phow about polls for the pdemocratic race all hillary pclinton because the race is pheading south. pshe won in nevada and in pentrance poll she won among a pvery diverse group of voters. pthis bodes very well for her a prace movers to south carolina. pbut beyond that, to much of the psoutheast where the clinton phaves historically been very pstrong, have made a great in proads among african american pcommunities. pthat's where bernie sanders is pfacing a challenge. phe continues to stay on...
Feb 10, 2016
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pand recent polls show hillary pclinton has a strong lead still pin nevada. pthe parties switch states about pa week later. ptomorrow night there's one in pmilwaukee. psouth carolina on saturday. pelection season. pwe've got you covered. p>>laura: and the deadline to pregister for florida's residential primaries is pfebruary 16 or change your party paffiliation and because florida puses a closed primary system, pyou have to be registered for a arty in order to vote in the pand the forms are available in erson or online through the plocal supervisor of elections poffices or at any local library por driver's license office. rimary is march 15. pand florida voters also have the popportunity to vote by mail. pabout a third of hillsborough pcounty voters voted by mail in pthe last primary election. pvoters have until march 9 to prequest a vote by mail ballot. rocess takes two days. pcompleted ballots must be in the psupervisor of elections office pby march 19. p>>russell: china reported its pfirst case of the zika virus. pthe man recently treat -- ptravelled to ve
pand recent polls show hillary pclinton has a strong lead still pin nevada. pthe parties switch states about pa week later. ptomorrow night there's one in pmilwaukee. psouth carolina on saturday. pelection season. pwe've got you covered. p>>laura: and the deadline to pregister for florida's residential primaries is pfebruary 16 or change your party paffiliation and because florida puses a closed primary system, pyou have to be registered for a arty in order to vote in the pand the forms...
Feb 2, 2016
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closing that pgap week by week and with pturnout of young voters was able pto effectively fight hillary pclinton to a virtual tie. pwith that, they split the pdelegates and entered new phampshire where bernie sanders phas a substantial lead. pboth races are a very long way pfrom finish, russell. p>>laura: what about the ones who premain? pwhat about john kasich and carly pfiorina, dr. ben carson? pwhat about them? p>> you will have some pdepartures. pmartin o'malley, he's decided to psuspend his campaign so he's the pfirst one out after iowa. pthen you move on to the pmike huckabee says that he now pis out and suspended his pcampaign. pthose are both examples of pcandidates who were hoping for a pbig surprise, that the polls pwould be critically wrong and pthe polls were somewhat off but pnot what they had expected so ptwo candidates now are out and pothers will follow later this pmorning or later this week and pmany more after new hampshire. p>>russell: before we lose you, pwe must ask you about jeb bush. phow did he do last night? p>> very poorly. pbut he didn't make a big play pfor iowa. phe
closing that pgap week by week and with pturnout of young voters was able pto effectively fight hillary pclinton to a virtual tie. pwith that, they split the pdelegates and entered new phampshire where bernie sanders phas a substantial lead. pboth races are a very long way pfrom finish, russell. p>>laura: what about the ones who premain? pwhat about john kasich and carly pfiorina, dr. ben carson? pwhat about them? p>> you will have some pdepartures. pmartin o'malley, he's decided to...
Feb 5, 2016
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primary plast night final debate on msnbc pbefore the big day, sanders psticking it to rival hillary pclinton for accepting huge pclinton taking exception to a psanders's suggestion she could pbe bought by special interest pgroups p>> so i think it's if i am to pend the very artful smear that pyou and your campaign have been pcarrying out in recent weeks. p>> some people might think yeah, pthat had something influence. pthe evening lags of words pmirroring a race that turned pinto a nail biter. pa new national poll by queen pee pbe aing university shows clinton pclinging to two-point lead over pvermont senator. pa huge swing in sanders's favor pconsidering back in december the psame poll by 31 points. punder a republican side donald ptrump remains in first place ted pcruz second and a marco rubio pcoming on strong this third. ponly poll that counts is going pto very soon, right? pa couple days on ninth. pone candidate who slipped in the olls is carlie fiorina. ponly one of two candidates in pthe only woman in the republican prace not invited to saturday pabeating chris christie and john pkasi
primary plast night final debate on msnbc pbefore the big day, sanders psticking it to rival hillary pclinton for accepting huge pclinton taking exception to a psanders's suggestion she could pbe bought by special interest pgroups p>> so i think it's if i am to pend the very artful smear that pyou and your campaign have been pcarrying out in recent weeks. p>> some people might think yeah, pthat had something influence. pthe evening lags of words pmirroring a race that turned pinto a...
Feb 19, 2016
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pbernie sanders ahead of hillary pclinton nationally for the first ptime. phe's got a big lead in pone-on-one match ups with donald ptrump. p>> i hope you will come out pcaucus 11 o'clock saturday pas your president. p>> nef republicans will caucus pnext tuesday and democrats and psouth carolina head to the polls pfour days later. pin washington, peter doocy fox p13 news. pcraig patrick joins us we're prespecting rlts from our fox 13 oll. pthey were dead-on last time. pcertainly nailed and drew pnational attention for polsters pcombination of polling late. pand once again our fox 13 olster wills come up with a pfinal numbers in south carolina pbefore the voters head to the olls on saturday. pright now, it is all donald ptrump as you just saw. pin an average of polls he's 32 ercent. pup 14 points on ted cruz. pbut with late movement, i don't pis manage going to happen with pdust up with pope? pwill voters move one way or pother? pwe'll certainly find out on psaturday. pyou also have to watch somebody pelse in the race, that's marco prubio. pted cruz is in se
pbernie sanders ahead of hillary pclinton nationally for the first ptime. phe's got a big lead in pone-on-one match ups with donald ptrump. p>> i hope you will come out pcaucus 11 o'clock saturday pas your president. p>> nef republicans will caucus pnext tuesday and democrats and psouth carolina head to the polls pfour days later. pin washington, peter doocy fox p13 news. pcraig patrick joins us we're prespecting rlts from our fox 13 oll. pthey were dead-on last time. pcertainly...
Feb 10, 2016
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pfor democrats, vermont senator pbernie sanders beat hillary pclinton with 60 percent of the pvotes cast. pwhen voters here in new phampshire confirmed tonight is pnothing short of the beginning pof a political revolution. p>> the loss of big blow to pformer secretary of state. p>> i will work harder than panyone to actually make the pbetter. prepublicans now move on to south pcarolina while democrats are pfocussing oh on nevada. pin manchester new hampshire i'm pcaroline shively, fox news. p>>> let's go to political editor pcraig patrick. pcraig good night for trump and pkasich not so much for rubio. pa terrible night you just him pown and say that awful debate erformance was on him and presolving to do better in south pthe problem is that it fed a pnarrative that he is rehearsed pand a programmed at the very pauthenticity. pso this will be a hard for him pto live down. pand gunning for second place the olls were showing him there pbefore saturday he was surging pmaybe in given trump a run for phis moent. pfifth place thaws tough. lace. pthis makes him a contender pclearly in the republ
pfor democrats, vermont senator pbernie sanders beat hillary pclinton with 60 percent of the pvotes cast. pwhen voters here in new phampshire confirmed tonight is pnothing short of the beginning pof a political revolution. p>> the loss of big blow to pformer secretary of state. p>> i will work harder than panyone to actually make the pbetter. prepublicans now move on to south pcarolina while democrats are pfocussing oh on nevada. pin manchester new hampshire i'm pcaroline shively,...
Feb 12, 2016
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p>>> after bernie sanders 20 oints sha lacking of hillary pclinton in new hampshire, the pgloves came off a pbs debate plast night in milwaukee. ptwo typically more docile demes pshowing voters they are not pafraid to mix it up when it pcomes to important platform lies pforeign policy. psanders blasting clinton shaig phenry kissinger. pi'm proud to a hin re-kissinger pi will not take advice from phenry kissinger. p>> and we are yet to know who pthat is. p>> that's fine. pit's that's fine. pthe attacks on republican side ositions. pdonald trump tweeting his pdisdain for ted cruz regarding pwar campaign. pfollowing accusations that texas piowa. pwe're getting reports from many pvoters that the cruise people pback to doing very sleazy and pdishonest push polls on me. pwe are watching. pcruz countering billionaire bold passertions accuse trump himself pof being tasteless for pepper pcampaign trail at times withes pexplicit language. p>> i'm not sure a lot of voters pare excited about having a resident who when he gets prattled and gets upset begins pgarths. pdonald trump also going after
p>>> after bernie sanders 20 oints sha lacking of hillary pclinton in new hampshire, the pgloves came off a pbs debate plast night in milwaukee. ptwo typically more docile demes pshowing voters they are not pafraid to mix it up when it pcomes to important platform lies pforeign policy. psanders blasting clinton shaig phenry kissinger. pi'm proud to a hin re-kissinger pi will not take advice from phenry kissinger. p>> and we are yet to know who pthat is. p>> that's fine....
Feb 6, 2016
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p>> well, i'm going hillary pclinton, i know her. p>> you know hillary clinton? p>> yeah, ok? p>> all right, one primary vote pfor hillary. pshe says that her husband pencouraged everyone in their pfamily to vote for democrats and pher secret to a long life, she psays is eating well. pso, we can take that, you know, padvice for her, definitely. p>> she looks like a million pbucks, absolutely. pcoming up next, there may be psnow on the ground, but now is pthe perfect time to start pthinking about your vegetable pgarden. phow you can start preparing. pfrom abc news/wmur republican pdebate. pwe're at st. anselm college with pthe last minute preparations punderway. perin: and this week's adopt a et is danny. pthe three-year-old beagle would pdo best in a home with assaults. phe loves riding in the car and pgoing on long walks. pyou can find out more about him (donkey noise) (elephant noise) (mic feedback) there's a big difference between making noise, and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next preside
p>> well, i'm going hillary pclinton, i know her. p>> you know hillary clinton? p>> yeah, ok? p>> all right, one primary vote pfor hillary. pshe says that her husband pencouraged everyone in their pfamily to vote for democrats and pher secret to a long life, she psays is eating well. pso, we can take that, you know, padvice for her, definitely. p>> she looks like a million pbucks, absolutely. pcoming up next, there may be psnow on the ground, but now is pthe...