hoffenheim ha -- have closed the gap to just two points. looks like they'll be playing in the second division again all too soon the french -- a fren -- frenchman has won the event. p biathlon today's race was a look at what lies ahead the >> the biathlon course here isn't just grueling, it's dangerous. a single lapse in concentration can spell disaster for competitors. frensel showed the others how it's done. the win reinforces him as a favorite for next year's winter olympics. >> i want to get a gold in the olympics. i just want one gold. >> most other athletes had a harder time of it. lesser was the top placed german, in sixth. most urse is one of the challenging on the circumstance the even the winner was critical of it. and hink it's not normal we have to make the track better. >> that's an opinion shared by many athletes. organizers have less than a year to get the track up to scratch. >> to find out more on all our stories, please visit or web site, dw-tv. we're back with more news at the top of the hour. lease stay with us here on dw