but as our colleague holger trzeczak, , who travelled to te region aroround morovic report, this tradition may soon be a thing of the past. reporter: a puddle means it's time for a paddle. although these pigs are a regular domestic breed, they live freely in a forest in northwestern serbia. it looks like a pretty good life. and their presence is good for the soil here, too. their owner, milutin ajvazovic, is relieved the puddle hasn't dried up this year. if it had, he'd have had to provide them with more food. in the olden days, forest-dwelling pigs in serbia would always find enough to eat. now it's harder. still, man and beast get by, and get along. milutin: you have to know yoyor pigs well. they're smart. you wouldn't believe how special they are. reporter: his animals yield excellent meat, organically-grown. but that doesn't mean ajvazovic makes a lot of money. he sells his bonny piglets for 36 euros apiece at most. to get a better price, he would need to have his business certified as organic. milutin: that's very expensive. it isn't worth it for me. i'd have to pay a vet to check my