after hearing their concerns we track down howard croft flint's director of public works.ow can you say on one hand it is unsafe, and on the other hand say it is okay to bathe in. >> and michigan state university have tried assuring residents that the water is improving. this despite numerous failures. >> are you okay to admit that somewhere down the line someone dropped the ball? >> i think we have done everything we can to ascertain good information i think we have engineers here that have done a good job. >> the city plans to do more frequent testing and high ear consultant. >> if it is not fix in a couple of months i can't see the point. but many people here say that's too long to wait. for safe water. heidi. >> hi, john, so with time already served they are looking at june 1 to 2 more years in prison. it is not the sentence that has more watching this worried rather it is the possible president that this may set. >> barrett brown has written about corporate espeonnage, for vanity fair, and the huffington post, he has also been an unofficial spokes man for the hacking