she dated howard hughes, hot howard hughes. and marlon brando. >> stephen: so, "nothing left unsaid." was there anything said that afterwards you went, "i wish that had been left unsaid?" ( laughter ) >> yes, yeah, yeah, yes. ( cheers and applause ) should i tell what you it was? >> stephen: please! >> well, she-- she-- we wrote this book together, which was an e-mail conversation, which was kind of a companion to the documentary called "the rainbow comes and goes." >> stephen: and that is this, right here. >> it's a number-one "new york times" bestseller, yeah. >> stephen: "the rainbow comes and goes." ( cheers and applause ) >> but, yeah, so i was asking her, i was like, "so what was howard hughes like?" you know, and i was like, "was he like leo dicaprio?" and she was like, "oh, much better than him." and-- and then-- and then she just volunteered, it was the first time she didn't have to fake an orgasm. and i was like, "i-- ...oh!" >> stephen: check, yeah. ( laughter ) >> stephen: good to know. >> good to know, yes. >> step