. >> howard kurts host of media buzz on saturday afternoons. howie, how did it go? a star she's funny, but when did eating milk and cereal out of your bathtub become an audition to interview the president of the united states? megyn, i'm not some old media cur mujen saying obama shouldn't go on "ellen" or colbert. but it seemed beneath the office to be hanging out with some of these youtubers. >> you think? the woman sitting down bathing herself in froot loops and then sitting down with the president the next day asking about cuba and castros put the d in the d word dictatorship. i wasn't sure how i was going to get that. this is now what the president is across from. >> well, there was that. there was hank green thanking him for obamacare. there was bethany saying his answers were awesome asking him what super power he would like to have. and also taking the selfie. so maybe this is how the president wants the white house press corps to act around him. >> you know here's a question for you, you know, yemen was collapsing today. and al qaeda is really big there. and