he's going to be hugh hefner or a gynecologist.>> i don't know. hmm. everybody goes, gee, jenny, the apple didn't fall far from the tree. hopefully i can teach my lessons to evan. >> your parents divorced. and you saw how your mother -- >> my mom and dad hung in there for the kids. for 21 years, we had a great, stable environment. then, they broke up. and it was devastating. and i realized, wow. my mom her high school sweetheart, she reunited with. you can't stay in for the kids. you have to, you know, move on if you don't think you're setting a good example. and she did. and now, i'm doing that, too. >> so, are you dating again? >> i am. i am. i'm having a good, old time. >> your body language there. >> i am. i'm very -- i'm just, you know, taking everything slow and light. and really doing a lot of work on self-love. i know it sounds so abstract. and i have a chapter in there that's phenomenal by byron kady. but, it's true. i've been working on that. and giving good things to myself. and making sure i'm not looking for external p