if we didn't do polling and media critic jack shafer pointed this out a year or two ago, if we suddenly banned the polling and rid of polling, what would we be left with? we'd be left with impressionistic observations. well, what do need impressionistic observations like? okay, how many yard signs are there out there? well, count the yard signs for for one candidate or another or. maybe we should count the number of people who show up at a rally and see if that's the way to to judge support for a candidate. or maybe we just send people out, journalists into the street and do shoe leather journalism, which is which is a fine way to find pursuits. it's been done for many years, but it's no substitute for polling nor is counting yard signs, nor is counting audience sizes. so polling is is is an attempt to get a representative sample of what's going on in the country at a particular moment in time. now, it's often called a snapshot in time. i am really impatient with that characterization because given number of polls, we have those snapshots arrayed together are going to give us a panorama