jason furman is top economic advisor to president obama calms it, quote, some weird freakish thing.your commentsin "the washington post." why is this happening. >> you know, they don't actually fully know, but part of it was there were a lot of can't tall gains taxes collected last year. then the stock market fell, so there wasn't nearly as many capital gains this year. but that's only a small part of it. it will be a while before the government collects all the data. most of this is happening in tax collections being down. >> is this weird, freakish thing going on going to be bad for americans at home soon? >> look, i think you've got to right. high deficits do put upward pressure on interest rates, raise the cost of mortgages for families, they can effect the ability of businesses to invest, and this is now a problem that i used to think that maybe we could sort of skirt our way through, making some nips and tucks around the edges. but with interest rates so high, that makes it even harder for the government to deal with its budget. >> what can we do about it? >> i mean, look, the