. >> i would like jay cosasta woud be good but they're also think that chris -- but i also think that chris hyland would also be a good choice for seat 11. >> jackson, can you come up and speak a little bit? >> primarily, in covering issues around city hall, unfortunately doing it while having paid jobs meant that i generally had to participate from afar. that primarily meant dealing with the e-mail lists, reports, and checking it out on line, the task force. now, it is true that i don't know the process to the letter and in fact i would be a neophyte to it. i would actually hope -- i would take on the responsibility for learning that and respecting the knowledge of the task force that already exists to draw on their experience going forward. >> a great deal of what you do, we could call you a reporter. that is my concern. if there is a seat that represents journalists, i'm wondering in the grand scheme of things of that is a more appropriate fit for you than this seat. >> i had a career change. i am no longer self-employed. i work downtown in the marketing department. this is an open