tinsley's three-year-old daughter, jaziya. jamarcus: yes, your honor. lake: you say that she is a gold digger and that your relationship with her was brief... jamarcus: she's a gold digger. no i'm not. no i'm not. lake: ...and purely sexual. furthermore, you claim that the defendant has defamed your character and she is claiming you're the father of her baby only because you are a successful rapper in your hometown. yes, your honor. jame'e: not at all. not at all. now, ms. tinsley, you state that you could care less about mr. hunt's rap career, or his money and that your only concern is that your daughter grows up with a father. yes, ma'am. you admit that you were confident another man was her father, until a previous dna test proved otherwise. but, now, there's no question in your mind that mr. hunt is your daughter's biological father. jame'e: yes, ma'am. no. lake: all right, now, mr. hunt. why would ms. tinsley claim you're her baby's father if you are so sure you're not? your honor, i'm more... in my city, where i'm from... jame'e: he's nothin'. i'm