. >> inside the shaq, everything was in order. 21-year-old brian ruth and his wife jennifer had a 15onth old baby. work records showed this wasn't the first time brian went missing. just a few weeks earlier, brian walked off his job and ran away to las vegas. >> he felt a big biurden to provide for us and especially with a second baby and i know finances worried him a lot. he felt bad we had to move in with my parents that time. >> he spent six days in las vegas and when he returned he was changed man and not for the better. >> he was very cold and distant. a side of him i'd never seen before. very cold, bitter about certain things, finances, things like that and just angry. >> as investigators searched the guard shack for clues, the caller said she was brian's wife, jennifer. >> she was surprised that somebody else answered the phone when brine didn't answer and they told her that they were the police. she said that she had talked to him around 6:30 and that there was another employee was coming and he had to go. >> as soon as police got off the phone with jennifer, the phone rang a