have you met jered kushner? >> no. >> what do you think of the idea of jered kushner being put in charge of the peace process? >> what we know, he really smart, tough guy. and i hope that he will bring new energy to our region. but maybe, you forgot day before yesterday, the fatah convention in ramallah. and he lost his public speech. and what he said, it was very clear. he will never give up the idea of refugees, and of course, he will never recognize the right of israel as, to exist as a jewish state. with those two pre conditions, you know, we really don't have nothing to discuss with the palestinians. the right of return for the palestinian refugees, it is end of the zionist ideals, the zionist state. and he insisted that he will never recognize israel as a jewish nation state. what exactly will be the issue to discuss? i think it is clear, he doesn't have any authority to represent the palestinian people. he knows the elections, the presidential elections in palestinian authority were supposed to be held in