admiral thomas: jerry hinson. great guy. great guy. i had never met him before. his best friend also died that day. his pooka mate, the guy he shared a small office with. jerry lived and jack punches died. they were literally feet apart. and why one and not the other, it's like me and my friend. why him and not me? ironically, i saw the flight path of the airplane that flew into the pentagon. it actually made -- it had made a pass over the pentagon and had come into high and come in for another attempt. the first path that it took, if it had been lower would have taken it into my corridor, into the corridor where i was sitting. it would've, i hope, spared my friend. the ironies of that day are legion. so anyway, the day continued. i was trying to set up triage and trying to assist with finding other folks. i saw some really incredible first responders. the pentagon police force was magnificent. no one knew what was going on. no one knew. we probably at this point -- everybody had either seen or heard of the second airplane into the twin towers. was there going to