some of those hall of famers include babe ruth, willie mays, jimmie foxx, and mickey mantle.e first 16 times 50 or more home runs were hit in a single season, the only person to not be in the hall of fame to do so was roger maris in 1961. that year, he broke babe ruth's single-season home run record with 61 home runs. i'm matt for "teen kids news." >> this important message is brought to you by the national road safety foundation. [ suspenseful music plays ] [ thuds ] [ cellphone vibrates ] >> what if your mom or dad texted while driving and got hurt or worse? imagine how you would feel. >> is everything all right? >> i don't know. >> that's why they don't want you to text and drive. >> once again, we're with sandi masori, america's top balloon expert. she's showing us how to make balloon sculptures. so, i know that some of those sculptures you make are pretty complicated, like this one. can you tell us about this? >> well, this one, what makes this complicated -- this is a bow and arrow, in case you didn't recognize it. but what make it complicated is not so much the bow par