this morning he had the following exchange with the cnbc cohost joe kernan.ave never seen the show before coming he is the screechy one. >> you panicked about the market, panicked about the ventilators. panicked about ppd. panicked about ever going out again. >> and you did not act normal. you did not panic about anything. >> what good is it? >> 100,000 people died! , and all you did was try to help your friend, the president! that's what you did. every single moment on this show. every single morning on the sh show. you have used and abused your position, joe. ouyou have used and abused your position. >> i'm trying to have investors keep their heads, and as it turned out, that's what they should have done. >> now you are arguing to sell your stocks, joseph. i was arguing about people's lives. >> we understand, andrew. >> i am begging you to do the news! >> tucker: watch that again online, it is a fascinating colloquy. so he is mad by sorkin's wrong predictions. so not by defending his own position, he does not want to do that, so he invokes donald trump, and