ship sure sir john donne because she is. on the left side side already already for now. she's the left lessons and audio and remember. when you received your or a change in the? origination of french. and course fourth because this is gonna be about about a two years ago as a little. i think i think my feelings here feeling well i'm a i'm a believer -- ninety nine and then enter she she wanted way raymond had a date they know we know we're not you know you re treat she i mean she she's on a long long time and and and it seems. to me that i'm going to come connolly timeline wait wait and and is this. i'm sorry before -- trying trying come closer so can't chancellor we gonna gonna usually does that stand aside so i thank you very tomorrow also legal people ports. anything canadian grown or used used. okay must go. for service anything. restrictions on though [inaudible] we've taken [inaudible] there's a we've always also remove construction. and other other. harry harrison hiring referrals. protests this not matter. hi holly with risk. just way we off from. the date. for t