john high is the most popular city in china. it has over 25000000 people. uh, but uh, in shanghai. the effects of this demographic transition have also been very, very dramatic. shaw high as a, as a city does have an immigration slow, there are people who are drawn to sean high by. you cannot make opportunities there . but natural growth in the sean high population is negative is shrinking. and sean are very soon after the dropping of the one child policies began to initiate programs to try to encourage people to get married to have babies. they enhance a priest at the, the, the levels of, of state support of the provision of services. they even provided financial direct financial incentives and it didn't work. it simply didn't work. yeah. and at the irony, in some ways is that there's, there's gender disparity, which is not immense, but there are definitely more young man. then there are young ladies, you know, women, that under disparity has resulted in, in many ways not universally, but in many ways in a valorization of women and young women. now in, i know china has, of course, uh, you know, equal uh educational opportunity, employment opportunity, things like