john benefiel is also listed as a national endorser. cindy jacobs who you heard say "don't ask, don't tell" caused birds to fall out of the sky in arkansas. and c. peter wagner himself is the japan stock market never recovered from the sex with the sun goddess thing, the night before the event we could no longer find him on the website anymore. rick perry did not just do a prayer event in texas that was a no nonsense christians allowed, rick perry did a prayer event that involved a political movement that has political goals and wants a political vehicle and that seems to want a rick perry presidential candidacy to be their political vehicle. the story begins with the story about a visit two of them paid to governor perry in austin in 2009. "the pastors told perry of god's grand plan for texas, texas was the prophet state anointed by god and the governor would have a special role." the new refer ration movement appears to have chosen rick perry as their candidate, as their vehicle for their political goal, which is, of course, you know, world domination, blah, blah, blah. rick perry is announcing the presidential start of his campaign this weekend in new ham