that's actually the winner jonathan albert. he immediately starts helping. >> this is actually terrifying to think about. if this guy is a cham a guy who won thi race and his body is having this much trble, they might want to dial it bit. >> they got doctors and nurses there. some people want to test their mettle. good for him. >> tell me why you run this. >> i don't really know anymore. >>> talk about being a professional and maintaining your cool in a really difficult situation. this is footage of a live broadcast from real radio 104.1 in orlando, florida. this is one of the radio hosts. his name is russ rawlins. you will notice there's a dude at the door. >> i'm russ yeah. >> the man says are you russ. he says russ here. while this radio show is live. >> okay. >> his cohosts are looking over at the papers and you see one of them go wow. >> he doesn't look happy. >> do i have to sign that? i do not have to sign it? >> no, you don't. [ inaudible ]. >> you filed an affidavit -- wow. she had me served on the air. >> right in thi