tribe oft represented judah of the spies who went intothe landumbers 13 verse s documents he is of judah joshuaas the tribe o# ephraim caleb had dierent part numbers 14 verse 24.said caleb had a differegt heart d spi)it witd the se but d-bar in hebrew in the wilderness 0 years until all generation had done evil at the sight of tde lord was consud th we l dead done of them to enter the land of milk and honey the promised land vee 14 were your ther's placewere multitude sinful me you're th your fathe)s did th g provoked g to anger and not whole generationied in the wilderness after the lord he the lderss youhall desty another generation possibly destroyederse 16 these e the ople of reuben and gahere ty ar lord of cour ar# 17s in the other wor the other jordan and help them fight the had been de#eated bmt there was still dangerous territory there sáill nds or groups of the enemy that was in the land will leave her little ones in our wif#'s andortied placo doubt they left a few meant to help protect 19 on theesside in other @@ rds fmrther in other words let us after wento thwords promis land d help