basis of this world view. the world view comes out of the world view itself, largely, organically so to speak. now this kim cult is quite obviously derivative of the cult that was propagated in the 1920's and 1930's in korea. i could give you lots of examples, but here's what i could show you quite easily on a slide. sure you have him picture on the white horse which was the sort of symbol of racial purity. the racial purity. and of course kim il-sung was also shown on a white horse, and even the terminology is the same. both leaders were referred to as great marshall, and in korean the word was the same as well, it is striking to me they didn't even feel the need to change the terminology. and of course, kim jong il is also shown on a white horse although as the sunglasses kind of role in the affect a little bit. [laughter] but he's often videotaped and pictured riding on white horses as well. now, stalinism as another word for marxism and leninism. what is marxism, leninism? well, marks himself said that communism was inevitable. he said that capitalism was doomed to collapse no matter what. so, the revo