well, any, i guess the political on the list to eric krause and many things, but coming back on the program, mr. kraus, as you, we know things are meeting health and thoughts. but with this latest developers, hopefully this will bring back some come back to the city. however, it's, it's interesting though, isn't it? because i'd want to know why the valve this to you've agreed to a proposal from the, by the russian president and didn't negotiate with the russian leadership itself. i'd like to know why in the, if this happened, i would like to understand what was going on in his mind. did he think he could conquer rusher with a column of 20000 battle hardens. pardon, soldiers, but no air force. i am simply very grateful. deeply grateful to mister lucas, think of for having found a se, saving agreement, which will allow the troops return to the barracks and hopefully get back to focusing on the real task at hand, which is to defeat the fastest receiving kids. it would have been interesting and ready to be a slot in the wall and during those negotiations to see exactly what was said, do you thi