says theyne lapierre only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, in tucson, it was a 54- year-old army colonel, unarmed who's stopped him when he had to reload because he had run .hrough his clip i do think that we see in two very obvious in recent cases, where making the criminal -- reload more often is a beneficial thing. without question, lives were saved when they did have to reload. think of how many more would have been saved if they had been under the restrictions of the federal assault weapons ban which lapsed into thousand four, which had limited high-capacity magazines to 10 rounds of ammunition. oughner wouldlofton have had to reload twice -- and it is true that you can't stop everything but the one thing we board,arned across the look at the car accident rates. the extraordinary accomplishments, the reduction in the number of lives lost, through motor vehicle accidents, it is because of a very deliberate effort to restrict all of the ways in which cars are deadly that we were able to achieve the goal. it really is a sad phenomenon which is much mo