en so, it doesn't take gabrielsm larvaeae. gabriel:l: we should b be war. eife havevehanges iclclimatielsm we c c have dengue, zi, ikungunya, more spread, like hahave pea all o over the yea. so it is eveven worse thanan to. reporter: local shopndnd house owowners do theieir bit for thte project. the mosquito traps scacattered about the city are emptied reregularly and d their contents later exexamined in ththe lab. the scientists have established th in n thareas whwherthe ininfected mosququitoes have n leleased io ththe environmenen, wolbhia bacteria end up present in the bulk of the mosquito populatn.n. now, t scientists have to wa until the e next epidemimic of mosqsquitoorne diseases inin humans to o see if therere is a rereduction in i infection ratn ththose areas. gabriel: e every time whwhen wo for like meeting inside a mmmmunity o hahave hlth agagts arouou, they say that e heheal clins, we are workinclosose, theyeyre receiviving less cass than t the other onenes, whe wolbacachia is not e establis. reporterer: the first t posite reresults of a p proje