i don't think anyone here would accuse lawrence bender of being clergyman o theologian. isn't that right? ok. thank you very much. but i will point this out. whether intentionally or not, lawrence bender and the others associated with this film, an extraordinary film, what they have done is aim at the heart of what theologians describe as the two tendencies, twin tendencies, which must be repudiated. the first tendency is to trivialize the nuclear horror or to become so accustomed to the possibility of it you see that we lose our sense of outrage, of indignation at the idea of it all. and the second twin tendency is to become so pessimistic about the future, you see, as to acquiesce to it in helplessness. and so both indifference and pessimism are inappropriate. theologians say. i say more than inappropriate. they're wrongheaded. they are the sins of omission if not comission, this indifference and this pessimism, and this extraordinary film "countdown to zero" i think goes right at them. lawrence, did you know that? maybe not. but you have. on behalf of my fem low faith