of a dozen illustrious citizens led by my partner becky skillman, by the legendary congressman lee hamilton to guide the great celebrations to come. as a first initiative, i've asked them to oversee a bicentennial nature trust. a statewide project to protect still more of our most precious natural spaces. on our 100th birthday, indiana launched its state park system. a statewide conservation initiative is a fitting sequel, and a bequest from our second century to our third. we've identified state funding within existing resources of $20 million, but that must be just the beginning. the trust is intended to inspire others and to match their donations of land or dollars in a continuing statewide surge of conservation. the commission joins me in challenging citizens, businesses and, in particular, our unique network of community foundations to identify and fund local projects that will safeguard places of beauty for future generations. [ applause ] in this assembly, too, you must set big goals. we should, at long last, enact a law to protect workers and patrons across indiana from the hazards