and here to weigh in on this shocking video is dr lisa palmer she's a psychotherapist and p.t.s.d. expert dr palmer good to have you on thank you for joining us 1st we got to get this out there florida law where you are right in florida it does not ban corporal punishment but the particular county that this incident occurred and hendry county they prohibit this sort of conduct by schools the legalities of this incident still need to be hammered out by the d.a.'s office but let's talk about the child here and her mother who witnessed this assault how much trauma are the little girl and her mother experiencing right now. believe me i mean when i when i saw this video now i have to tell you i cringed because i just can't believe this is going on in the united states of america or anywhere at this day and age i literally couldn't believe it and i as you know i work with trauma my center has been number one for p.t.s.d. i've worked with hundreds and hundreds of patients at the church. this is definitely traumatic and this is going to last with this child for the rest of this child's lif