the reporter on this from sky news, sally lockwood, even interviews a trump-supporting wisconsin voter you see here, who lost her father to covid, who says not only is she voting for trump again, but if trump was holding his super-spreader covid rallies a little closer to her house in wisconsin, she'd like to go to one even though people keep getting covid at trump's wisconsin rallies, as the sky news report notes, and even though her father has already died from covid. here's how that report wraps up. >> reporter: while wisconsin is breaking records for coronavirus, it's also seeing records for voter turnout at the forefront of the election battleground and now the covid front line. sally lockwood, sky news, wisconsin. >> how we are viewed abroad right know, sort of in a nutshell from that sky news report in britain, right, we're basically viewed as insane. today at some of the final rallies of his re-election campaign, the president said that doctors are -- american doctors are inflating the numbers of covid deaths. the president's know telling his rally audiences that american docto