Jun 11, 2011
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>>>lori: soda >>> no más >>>lori: desde febrero la leche ha aumentado 16, y el pan también aumentaráos le ponen un cargo extra por el flete para sacar el costo del combustible >>>lori: para combatir el alto precio de los alimentos muchas veces las familias optan por comprar productos que no necesariamente conducen a una buena salud. las comida más baratas tienden hacer las proce que están llena de azúcar y sodio, una manera de ahorrar es planificar el menú de la semana sin abandonar la fruta y vegetales >>> sí los vegetales congelados pero tener en cuenta cómo cocinarloy no se pierdan los nutrientess otra cosa los fui oja frijoles, a mí me gusta mucho recomendar el hígado de pollo es fácil se puede hervir, y este se cocina con un poquito además cientos de aceite de oliva. >>>josé: momento de nuestra primera pausa, al regresar a nun anuncian tratamiento contra este dolor de cabeza que lo deja en cama y no lo deja ni pensar. y >>>josé: hoy continúa en orlando el juicio de la mujer acusada de matar a su hija de 6 años, nuestra colega lilia luciano quien ha estado siguiendo este juicio d
>>>lori: soda >>> no más >>>lori: desde febrero la leche ha aumentado 16, y el pan también aumentaráos le ponen un cargo extra por el flete para sacar el costo del combustible >>>lori: para combatir el alto precio de los alimentos muchas veces las familias optan por comprar productos que no necesariamente conducen a una buena salud. las comida más baratas tienden hacer las proce que están llena de azúcar y sodio, una manera de ahorrar es planificar el...
Jun 10, 2011
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. >> reporter: bedtime for lori. for this too. lori's blow dryer. on her pillow at the foot of the bed. or just tucked in. right there. the blow dryer and lori started sleeping together when she was only 8. now she's in her early 30s. the explanation is both simple and complex. >> -- may not be as severe or in the same bracket as drugs and alcohol and things like that but nonetheless it's an addiction. >> reporter: that's right, for about awe quarter century, lori says she could not get through the night without the sound and the heat and maybe the company and the certainty of her blow dryer being there by her side. is it embarrassing? >> it's not embarrassing for me. this is my life. >> reporter: if it were embarrassing would lori have signed up for this? tlc's "my strange addiction." a weekly catalog of some of humanity's lesser known but now documented obsessions. from out of control tanning to compelive scab picking to the woman who wears furry animal suits and the guy who can't stop eating glass and there's been a hair eater and a kitchen clean
. >> reporter: bedtime for lori. for this too. lori's blow dryer. on her pillow at the foot of the bed. or just tucked in. right there. the blow dryer and lori started sleeping together when she was only 8. now she's in her early 30s. the explanation is both simple and complex. >> -- may not be as severe or in the same bracket as drugs and alcohol and things like that but nonetheless it's an addiction. >> reporter: that's right, for about awe quarter century, lori says she...
Jun 25, 2011
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lori nos explica. impedir que el presidente barack obama. utilice el poder ejecutivo para frenar deportaciones. en esta carta enviada a sus colegas. dijo que el gobierno de obama ha dejado en claro su plan de imponer sus poderes y que no se puede confiar en él. el congresista luis gutiérrez no vaciló en reaccionó. 2 años atrás crédicredito sacabn por no utilizar la discreción del presidente para no deportar a personas >>>periodisty no castigar a personas. 12 años después, están diciendo lo están utilizando demasiado. ¿escualo es? es buena o mala aplica. o es oportunismo de parte del gran anti inmigrante en el congreso. >>> en 1999 smith republicano de texas. preguntaba en una carta a la secretaria de juicio janet reno y la directora de administración por qué no mostraban dispuestas a ejercer la autoridad que tenían. para lidiar en algunos casos. el sufrimiento causado por la deportación. en la organización dicen que se trata de dos asuntos diferentes. en una zona amplia y. >>>maribel: grande contemplad
lori nos explica. impedir que el presidente barack obama. utilice el poder ejecutivo para frenar deportaciones. en esta carta enviada a sus colegas. dijo que el gobierno de obama ha dejado en claro su plan de imponer sus poderes y que no se puede confiar en él. el congresista luis gutiérrez no vaciló en reaccionó. 2 años atrás crédicredito sacabn por no utilizar la discreción del presidente para no deportar a personas >>>periodisty no castigar a personas. 12 años después,...
Jun 10, 2011
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una necesidad aún más de personas que desesperadas buscan una solución a un problema migratorio >>>lorino son los y indicados para manejar casos de inmigración, también les enseñan cómo verificar si un abogado de inmigración es confiable, igualmente las víctimas no reportan el engaño ahora las personas no deben dar su nombre al denunciarlos >>> si no podemos darnos una queja específica no podemos dar con las empresas y la gente que comete este fraude es el enfoque parar el sufrfraude no estamos tras las personas indocumentadas >>>lori: pero qué ocurre después que la persona haya sido estafa estafada? estaá todo perdido o hay una segunda oportunidad? este secretario dijo que la persona puede reabrir su caso por una estafa de un abogado incompetente. >>>josé: nos vamos hasta texas, donde 3 supuestos pistoleros de los carteles mexicanos de las drogas resultaron heridos en un enfrentamiento con agentes estadounidenses el informe oficial indica que los narcotraficantes abrieron fuego desde el lado mexicano contra unidades quie intentaban sacar drogas en un veevehículo y un b. nos vamos a ari
una necesidad aún más de personas que desesperadas buscan una solución a un problema migratorio >>>lorino son los y indicados para manejar casos de inmigración, también les enseñan cómo verificar si un abogado de inmigración es confiable, igualmente las víctimas no reportan el engaño ahora las personas no deben dar su nombre al denunciarlos >>> si no podemos darnos una queja específica no podemos dar con las empresas y la gente que comete este fraude es el enfoque...
Jun 17, 2011
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comenzamos en washington con lori montenegro. >> en nueva york en el mismo sitio en donde lanzó su carrerau esposa a su lado. >> el congresista demócrata anthony weiner dijo que ya no podía seguir en el congreso su situación apuntó se había convertido en una distracción. >> conocido por sus discursos apasionados, el demócrata solamente habló por 4 minutos. de nuevo pidió disculpas por sus errores y la vergüenza que ha hecho pasar a sus votantes. y en especial a su esposa quién se reporta que está embarazada. ahí ta en el congreso. >> ayer el escándalo se acentuó cuando esta actriz porno le dijo que le había pedido que mínimo tierra >> había resistido los llamados del presidente obama para que renunciara y estaba esperando que su esposa regresara de viaje. >> el anuncio deja a muchos respirando más aliviados kon skwoents del impacto negativo que el escándalo queja sobre la imagen de los legisladores. >> tenemos temas que queremos hablar y cuando pasan a cosas así, lo quita el tema, los temas que para mi son muy importante para nuestras naciones. >> es que ha sido una distracción para el con
comenzamos en washington con lori montenegro. >> en nueva york en el mismo sitio en donde lanzó su carrerau esposa a su lado. >> el congresista demócrata anthony weiner dijo que ya no podía seguir en el congreso su situación apuntó se había convertido en una distracción. >> conocido por sus discursos apasionados, el demócrata solamente habló por 4 minutos. de nuevo pidió disculpas por sus errores y la vergüenza que ha hecho pasar a sus votantes. y en especial a su...
Jun 18, 2011
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. >> lory montenegro tiene todos los detalles. >> es la amenaza más detallada que aparece en la páginacluye fotos y direcciones instante a simpatizantes en estados unidos a que los maten. >> por eso cuando hay una ideología y una ideología con medios de comunicaciones como las que tiene al-qaeda en el internet, pues puede causar que gente se af líe sin tener un vinculo directo y es difícil saber quiénes son y en qué andan. >> líderes gubernamentales empresarios y miembro de las prensa. >> el fbi ha notificado a todos ellos, para que tomen precauciones. >> tienen que preocuparse más hoy que ayer, sobre la posibilidad de que haya un atentado contra su vida. >> la lista surge el mismo día en que las calles alrededor del pendienpentágono fueron cerrada durante varias horas luego que la madrugada la policía detectara a un hombre que actuaba de manera sospechosa, y no quiso responder a las preguntas de los agentes. >> fue identificado como jonathan m un cabo de la reserva de infantería de marina con antecedentes criminales. >> según reportes su mochila continúa casquillos de balas. >> esta s
. >> lory montenegro tiene todos los detalles. >> es la amenaza más detallada que aparece en la páginacluye fotos y direcciones instante a simpatizantes en estados unidos a que los maten. >> por eso cuando hay una ideología y una ideología con medios de comunicaciones como las que tiene al-qaeda en el internet, pues puede causar que gente se af líe sin tener un vinculo directo y es difícil saber quiénes son y en qué andan. >> líderes gubernamentales empresarios...
Jun 16, 2011
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el problema económico está auto deportando a mucha gente de la comunidad latina. >> en washington, loryel proyecto de ley s d 9 prohibe llamadas santuarios, es decir aquellas que no persiguen a indocumentados, la medida impide a autoridades locales prohibir a policías que indaguen el status migratorio de detenidos que sospechen están ilegalmente en el país, a la medida se oponían los departamentos de policía, pues dice que exige cuantiosos recursos que no tienen para convertirse en ley la sb 9 necesita ser aprobada por la cámara de representantes. >> y con esto nuestra primera pausa, desde chicago, al regresar. >> un estado le declara la guerra a una bebida que dicen atenta contra la salud de más pequeños. >> y telemundo viaja a un pueblo de méxico donde todos se preparan para acabar a tiros con los narcos. >> inocente o culpables, un laboratorio da nuevos resultado sobre el dopaje comienza la copa como orgulloso patrocinador, te trae toda la acciÓn con el paquete lo2yo futbol de sprint id. disfruta de las mejores jugadas y contenido exclusivo de tu equipo, mientras sigues con tu ritmo
el problema económico está auto deportando a mucha gente de la comunidad latina. >> en washington, loryel proyecto de ley s d 9 prohibe llamadas santuarios, es decir aquellas que no persiguen a indocumentados, la medida impide a autoridades locales prohibir a policías que indaguen el status migratorio de detenidos que sospechen están ilegalmente en el país, a la medida se oponían los departamentos de policía, pues dice que exige cuantiosos recursos que no tienen para convertirse en...
Jun 14, 2011
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. >> lory monmontenegro con los últimos detalles. >> (en inglés). >> el congreso está de nuevo en sesiónmados en la gimnasio de la cámara baja. >> se investiga si violó alguna regla. >> dijo que había cometido serios errores y que ingresaría a un centro de rehabilitación, pero no especificó para qué ni cuándo. >> lo que sí está claro que la casa blanca catalogó como la actuación de wweiner como una distracción. >> el liderazgo demócrata fue firme al mantener que es una situación ininsostenible. >> afecta a sus colegas demócratas y a la clase política y en estos términos a republicanos que también han tenido su cuota de escándalos públicos, de orden privado, sexual. >> una encuesta revela que estadounidenses considera que la ética entre políticos ha ido en picada, creen que los miembros del congreso son: . >> deben demostrar su su capacidad su delicadeza, su inteligencia pero eso no se ve. >> también sorprende que weiner haya mentido que debido a avance de las redes sociales la verdad tarde o temprano surge. >> un factor que no se le escapa a muchos aquí en el capitolio, en washington lor
. >> lory monmontenegro con los últimos detalles. >> (en inglés). >> el congreso está de nuevo en sesiónmados en la gimnasio de la cámara baja. >> se investiga si violó alguna regla. >> dijo que había cometido serios errores y que ingresaría a un centro de rehabilitación, pero no especificó para qué ni cuándo. >> lo que sí está claro que la casa blanca catalogó como la actuación de wweiner como una distracción. >> el liderazgo...
Jun 22, 2011
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como nos informa lori monto me gro. >>> podría ser hasta diez mil el número de trapoas tropas que vanpodría comenzar tan pronto como el mes que viene. >>> y sin dar detalle el portavoz dijo que estados unidos ha ido entregando en unas zonas la autoridad a las fuerzas afganas y que esto que progrese se van reduciendo las tropas, hay más de 100.000 soldados en afganistán, 30.000 desplegados en el 2010 y este año la misión militar costará 113.000 millones de dólares barack obama se dice favorece reducción pero en el pentágono favorecen algo más lento. >>> no nos podemos ir prematuramente, este país pasó por lo mismo en los 80 en afganistán, nos fuimos muy temprano y sabemos lo pasó, fue un error eso. >>> y desde que osama bin laden murió aumenta la presión para que se reduzcan fuerzas en afganistán. >>> el secretario de defensa dice que consideran otros factores además del militar. >>> el pueblo estadounidense dijo están cansados de una guerra que ya dura una década, obvio el presidente está tomando esto en cuenta. >>> 27 senadores republicanos y demócratas enviaron carta diciendo que el
como nos informa lori monto me gro. >>> podría ser hasta diez mil el número de trapoas tropas que vanpodría comenzar tan pronto como el mes que viene. >>> y sin dar detalle el portavoz dijo que estados unidos ha ido entregando en unas zonas la autoridad a las fuerzas afganas y que esto que progrese se van reduciendo las tropas, hay más de 100.000 soldados en afganistán, 30.000 desplegados en el 2010 y este año la misión militar costará 113.000 millones de dólares...
Jun 24, 2011
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joining us on the phone is lori montgomery. has the front-page story in "the washington post" and is also available online. what is next? what happens? guest: i do not think we know yet. the white house put out a statement from joe biden that they stand ready to meet again. i think the white house is suggesting it is the next move for republicans. john boehner clearly said it is the next move for the white house. they need to talk and figure out where they are headed. there is clearly an open channel of communication between the white house and capitol hill republicans already. john boehner met privately with obama on wednesday evening. obama is talking to mcconnell. we are calling this an impasse, but i do not think anybody has disengaged. host: let me read you one sentence from the statement issued last night by vice- president joe biden. we keep hearing "balanced approach" when it comes to reducing the debt. "this includes domestic spending, defense spending, mandatory spending, and loopholes in the tax code's." what do the
joining us on the phone is lori montgomery. has the front-page story in "the washington post" and is also available online. what is next? what happens? guest: i do not think we know yet. the white house put out a statement from joe biden that they stand ready to meet again. i think the white house is suggesting it is the next move for republicans. john boehner clearly said it is the next move for the white house. they need to talk and figure out where they are headed. there is clearly...
Jun 24, 2011
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lori montgomery of the "washington post" and damien paletta of the "wall street journal."thank you two for being with us. >> thank you. >> woodruff: damien, i will start with you. did the white house see this coming. did they know it was going to happen. >> the white house knew talks were starting to hit a wall this week. but they planned as recently as last night to continue talks today an possibly even friday. so it really caught everybody by surprise when congressman cantor said this morning he was done talking and it was really up to the president and to the speaker of the house to get over the finish line. >> woodruff: and we should say that just within the last few minutes, vice president biden's office has put out a statement about all this. are we learning anything new from that? >> that's right. it's really the first we've heard from the white house today. the vice president said that he agrees there has to be, you know, top level engagement now. but that the republicans are going to have to agree to some balanced approach that includes taxes. they're not talking
lori montgomery of the "washington post" and damien paletta of the "wall street journal."thank you two for being with us. >> thank you. >> woodruff: damien, i will start with you. did the white house see this coming. did they know it was going to happen. >> the white house knew talks were starting to hit a wall this week. but they planned as recently as last night to continue talks today an possibly even friday. so it really caught everybody by surprise...
Jun 28, 2011
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. >>> lori, gracias.ante de un cargo al senado, hoy es juzgado. >>> es el segundo día, los 11 miembros del jurado lo encontraron culpafie en 17 de los cargos por fraude electrónico, y la fiscalía pudo comprobar que el ex gobernador intentó sacar provecho al intentar vender el puesto del senado. el ex gobernador se mantuvo sereno. no antes sin decir que era momento para avisarle a sus hijas y pasar tiempo con la familia, pidió una pronpta audiencia para el juicio de sentencia, y cada uno de los cargos tienen 20 años de prisión, blagojevich fue obligado a dejar su cargo en enero del 2009. y ahora no tiene permiso para viajar y el fbi está vigilando su casa hasta que el juez decida una fecha. en chicago, telemundo. >>> y la primera pausa por hoy. y al regresar, algunos son rescatados de los otros se desconoce su destino. expresión o libertad, peligro para los más pequeños, la polémica que genera una decisión de la corte. y qué impacto puede tener el triunfo de l ♪ ♪ sin límites es mejor. y gracias a sprint p
. >>> lori, gracias.ante de un cargo al senado, hoy es juzgado. >>> es el segundo día, los 11 miembros del jurado lo encontraron culpafie en 17 de los cargos por fraude electrónico, y la fiscalía pudo comprobar que el ex gobernador intentó sacar provecho al intentar vender el puesto del senado. el ex gobernador se mantuvo sereno. no antes sin decir que era momento para avisarle a sus hijas y pasar tiempo con la familia, pidió una pronpta audiencia para el juicio de...
Jun 30, 2011
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lory montenegro con la informaciÓn >>> en el capitolio jÓvenes indocumentados realizaron una graduaciÓne los ampare. contra la deportaciÓn mediante una orden ejecutiva >>> pero lo que estÁ en el congreso, es el sistema everify. y la posibilidad que el programa pase a ser obligatorio >>> hoy en conferencia de prensa, el presidente no confirmÓ si vetarÍa el proyecto si llega a sus manos. >>> el presidente barack obama dijo que si se logra perfeccionar el sistema, para evitar errores puede ser una herramienta importante para el cumplimiento de la ley, pero que hace falta una reforma migratoria . >>> en el congreso dicen que usarÁn este sistema . >>> mÁs polÍticas de mano dura, van a seguir empujando a nuestra gente las sombras. >>> una polÍtica migratoria, ayudarÍa a los estudiantes indocumentados, dice el presidente . >>> los jÓvenes dicen que no pueden esperar que el congreso actÚe. bryan ramÍrez seÑala que en 4 meses tendrÁ que comparecer en una corte de inmigraciÓn >>> estamos esperando que el >>>e l presidente barack obama llamÓ a conferencia de prensa >>> el presidente barack obama f
lory montenegro con la informaciÓn >>> en el capitolio jÓvenes indocumentados realizaron una graduaciÓne los ampare. contra la deportaciÓn mediante una orden ejecutiva >>> pero lo que estÁ en el congreso, es el sistema everify. y la posibilidad que el programa pase a ser obligatorio >>> hoy en conferencia de prensa, el presidente no confirmÓ si vetarÍa el proyecto si llega a sus manos. >>> el presidente barack obama dijo que si se logra perfeccionar el...
Jun 25, 2011
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for example those oddly shaped rubber bands that kids can't seem to get enough of, when jim and loriheir zany bands on the market -- >> at one point we were getting 700 to 800 phone calls a day. from retailers. >> yes. >> since then they've sold $40 million worth of zany bands. >> we sold 60,000 today to the middle east. >> and they think the key to their success is the economic crisis itself. because while people have cut back on buying more expensive items, it has spurred them on for lower cost products. like their slap watches. >> we have had people who have said to us, your product has kept our store alive. >> reporter: they have simply found a sweet spot in the sour economy. to keep their sales building up every hour of every day. >> building up america is brought to you by coal, that provides us with nearly half of our electricity. even though i'm a great driver, and he's... not so much. well, for a driver like you, i would recommend our new snapshot discount. this little baby keeps track of your great driving habits, so you can save money. [sighs] amazing. it's like an extra b
for example those oddly shaped rubber bands that kids can't seem to get enough of, when jim and loriheir zany bands on the market -- >> at one point we were getting 700 to 800 phone calls a day. from retailers. >> yes. >> since then they've sold $40 million worth of zany bands. >> we sold 60,000 today to the middle east. >> and they think the key to their success is the economic crisis itself. because while people have cut back on buying more expensive items, it...
Jun 29, 2011
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. >> lori montenegro en donde parece revivir a los indocumentados. >> fue una audiencia llena de emoción el senado el demócrata richard d. intentaba ponerle rostro a a la causa de miles de estudiantes indocumentados que podrían beneficiarse de la medida. que viven bajo el temor de la deportación. >> (hablando en inglés) >> dijo que no solamente se trata de llamar la atención de algo que aún está pendiente sino que iniciar el diálogo bipartidista, se produce después de nuevos directrizes. >> la secretaria janet nap li. que no había que ajustar. >> enfatizó que el presidente ha sido firme al decir que el asunto no resolverá de manera administrativa que está en manos del congreso. >> es por eso que la joven peruana, no se siente segura. >> pues, no es ley, también es un memorándum ran dentonces no sentimos protegidos por la ley. >> senador de sextas se opone a la acta del sueño. >> dijo que estados unidos le da la bienvenida a los inmigrantes que cumplen con las leyes y culo a la casa blanca y el líder de la mayoría por el fracaso del dream act y la falta de la "reforma migratoria." >> ento
. >> lori montenegro en donde parece revivir a los indocumentados. >> fue una audiencia llena de emoción el senado el demócrata richard d. intentaba ponerle rostro a a la causa de miles de estudiantes indocumentados que podrían beneficiarse de la medida. que viven bajo el temor de la deportación. >> (hablando en inglés) >> dijo que no solamente se trata de llamar la atención de algo que aún está pendiente sino que iniciar el diálogo bipartidista, se produce...
Jun 15, 2011
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en las industriass agrícolas y turística del estado que él representa; la florida, en washington, lorituvo. pero el año pasado la cifra cayó a 16, 4%. esto mientras tanto la población blanca no hispana aumentaba en estos albergues entre el 2007 y el 2010. >> con eso otra breve pausa desde la isla del encanto, este es un lugar extraordinario, al regresar nuevas regulaciones para que las cremas bronceadores la verdad hagan su trabajo. la fiscalía muestra prueba final que podría condenar a la madre acusada de matar a su hija. >> mildred baena revela reacción de la esposa de schwarzenegger >> miren esta belleza amigos que belleza. >> nos vamos ahora a orlando en la florida en el juez de anthony acusada de haber matado a su hija y presentó una prueba tan fuerte la fiscalía que tratara sin suerte que se anulara el juicio entero angie sandoval nos tiene los detalles. >> fue un final de película para la fiscalía que en las ultimass pruebas les presentó al jurado el tatuaje de casey anthony que le le "vida bella" en italiano. >> williams confirmó haber tatuaje al acusado el 2 de julio el 2008 a
en las industriass agrícolas y turística del estado que él representa; la florida, en washington, lorituvo. pero el año pasado la cifra cayó a 16, 4%. esto mientras tanto la población blanca no hispana aumentaba en estos albergues entre el 2007 y el 2010. >> con eso otra breve pausa desde la isla del encanto, este es un lugar extraordinario, al regresar nuevas regulaciones para que las cremas bronceadores la verdad hagan su trabajo. la fiscalía muestra prueba final que podría...
Jun 21, 2011
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---lori montenegro nos trae los detalles.u ---a un aÑo de las elecciones ---a un aÑo de las elecciones presidenciales.. el presidente barack obama ya empieza a interactuar con sus seguidores.. en twitter! take vo ---este fin de semana el mandatario escribi: "ser padre es muy duro a veces, pero siempre ser mi trabajo ms gratificante. feliz da del padre a todos los paps." ---lo interesante es que el mensaje fue escrito por el propio presidente y no por un portavoz de la casa blanca. ---a medida que avance la campaÑa, obama continuar publicando con sus propias palabras.. algo que ser importante para que aumenten sus seguidores y para su posible reeleccin.. cu ---hacemos la primera pausa en el noticiero y regresamos enseguida... take vo ---con el incremento en el numero de mexicanos que estan pidiendo asilo en estados unidos... le diremos por que... take vo ---ademas con lo dificil que esta la economia... una empresa ofrece trabajos... quedese para que sepa a donde acudir. segment ends cu ---en mexico, arranc el mundial de futbol
---lori montenegro nos trae los detalles.u ---a un aÑo de las elecciones ---a un aÑo de las elecciones presidenciales.. el presidente barack obama ya empieza a interactuar con sus seguidores.. en twitter! take vo ---este fin de semana el mandatario escribi: "ser padre es muy duro a veces, pero siempre ser mi trabajo ms gratificante. feliz da del padre a todos los paps." ---lo interesante es que el mensaje fue escrito por el propio presidente y no por un portavoz de la casa blanca....
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a month later, my best friend, lori, called me.er: in such a short period of time, two of teal's loved ones were diagnosed with breast cancer. yet, both women tested negative for what's known as the breast cancer gene. few consider what some believe is an extreme option? should she have a mastectomy? >> i had to do a lot of soul-searching about, i'm doing this and i may not have the gene. meaning, i may not get cancer. it's probably a 50/50 chance. i have the luxury of control. i got to choose when the best time is to do this. when you have cancer, you don't get that. cancer takes control. >> everything went well. and i expect everything will continue to go well. >> reporter: teal had successful surgery this january. >> that's so sweet. i have no regrets at all. funny because i woke up last night -- i have no idea. it was really hurting. but you know, i just feel total relief. >>> and joining us now, live, is dr. christy teal. may i call you christy? >> yes, please. >> okay. i have been looking forward to meeting you. i know you ju
a month later, my best friend, lori, called me.er: in such a short period of time, two of teal's loved ones were diagnosed with breast cancer. yet, both women tested negative for what's known as the breast cancer gene. few consider what some believe is an extreme option? should she have a mastectomy? >> i had to do a lot of soul-searching about, i'm doing this and i may not have the gene. meaning, i may not get cancer. it's probably a 50/50 chance. i have the luxury of control. i got to...
eye 20
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of yet more long drawn out military can pay is far from home and our resident reporter in new york lori helfand it has been on the streets asking people that if you use. number one in the world that we get us. there. well we can still do it even though you. best we can we can do it why is that so important to be number one has to be the house would be one number one better be as we think about. americans as being some kind of. world police you know you think about us dick yes you don't think there's any altieri motive no none at all no oil interests no economic interests no no i don't know what do we want to accomplish that. just the safety of the people to which the money and the lives of the young people you know did you think there's maybe another reason that we're doing it one reason only zero or whatever the reason i don't think it's logical i don't think it makes any sense but i think there's a big disconnect between what people in government are thinking and what they think we want and what we're letting them know that we once. had maybe our priorities aren't the same so you have
of yet more long drawn out military can pay is far from home and our resident reporter in new york lori helfand it has been on the streets asking people that if you use. number one in the world that we get us. there. well we can still do it even though you. best we can we can do it why is that so important to be number one has to be the house would be one number one better be as we think about. americans as being some kind of. world police you know you think about us dick yes you don't think...
Jun 30, 2011
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i asked "lucky" magazine style coordinate lori bergamoti this question. >> now is the time to break outeason's hottest looks. >> for example, let's say you are going to wear a white top, white jeans, most women have that, do a red bag over there. it's very patriotic and super adorable. >> and, wow, verrett tree. >> reporter: or do it with an infinity scarf. these rielle huge right now. >> that way you have choices. by far the biggest trend for the fourth, nautical stripes. is this right? >> this is so right. i love this. this is the perfect thing to wear to a barbecue and look how easy this was. >> reporter: and never underestimate the power of an accessory to transform an outfit. tah-dah. i did nautical and patriotic. >> perfect. i love it. i want to do one thing for you and just give you this to put on. work that red in there. you are fourth of july fashionable. >> reporter: at superdry we saw basics in red, white and blue. easy pull-on polo, school tank tops and very right now trend, the maxi dress. >> the full length many dress which is hot for summer. >> reporter: we went inside th
i asked "lucky" magazine style coordinate lori bergamoti this question. >> now is the time to break outeason's hottest looks. >> for example, let's say you are going to wear a white top, white jeans, most women have that, do a red bag over there. it's very patriotic and super adorable. >> and, wow, verrett tree. >> reporter: or do it with an infinity scarf. these rielle huge right now. >> that way you have choices. by far the biggest trend for the fourth,...
Jun 26, 2011
eye 159
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another trendy hit for bis partners jim howard and lori monotag. >> we've had up to 200 people at a time distribution center. >> reporter: their small company is making huge waves in the competitive world of gift items. those oddly shaped rubber bands that kids can't get enough of. when they put the zany bands on the market -- >> the phones did not stop ringing night a day. >> we were missing 700 to 800 calls a day. >> reporter: since then they sold $40 million worth of zan in bands. >> we just sold 50,000 packages today for the middle east. >> reporter: they believe a key to their success is the economic crisis itself. because while people have cut back on buying more expensive items, they are convinced it has spurred the market for lower cost fun products like their watches which go for $20. >> it's what's making the economy tick lately. >> we have stores who have said your product kept our store alive. >> reporter: their company has simply put found a sweet spot in the sour economy, sweet enough to support 270 grobz across the country and keep the sales building up every hour of every
another trendy hit for bis partners jim howard and lori monotag. >> we've had up to 200 people at a time distribution center. >> reporter: their small company is making huge waves in the competitive world of gift items. those oddly shaped rubber bands that kids can't get enough of. when they put the zany bands on the market -- >> the phones did not stop ringing night a day. >> we were missing 700 to 800 calls a day. >> reporter: since then they sold $40 million...
Jun 6, 2011
eye 227
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." >>> lori peren owns two women's retail stores in connecticut. she wanted the cachet of being in new york city, so last year she opened two new stores in the big apple. she says the move has taken her business to the next level. for more, watch "your business" sunday mornings at 7:30 on msnbc. tell me about castrol gtx with trishield. it helps stop particles from building up as deposits. how? first it attracts particles. like a mermaid's song to a lonely sailor? right. then it captures them. like a venus flytrap. like a black hole. like a black hole in a venus flytrap. then it disperses them, like a t-shirt cannon. like a snowblower. like polyisobuta mides. okay, like a snowblower. sounds powerful. stops small particles. from becoming big problems. do you always&? yes. right. help stop deposits before they start with castrol gtx. it's more than just oil. it's liquid engineering. until the combination of three good probiotics in phillips' colon health defended against the bad gas, diarrhea and constipation. ...and? it helped balance her colon. oh,
." >>> lori peren owns two women's retail stores in connecticut. she wanted the cachet of being in new york city, so last year she opened two new stores in the big apple. she says the move has taken her business to the next level. for more, watch "your business" sunday mornings at 7:30 on msnbc. tell me about castrol gtx with trishield. it helps stop particles from building up as deposits. how? first it attracts particles. like a mermaid's song to a lonely sailor? right....
Jun 25, 2011
eye 224
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another trendy hit for business partners jim howard and lori montague. >> it's mind boggling.>> we've had up to 200 people a time working here in our distribution center. >> the small company is making huge waves in the competitive world of gift ideas. for example, those oddly shaped rubber bands that kids can't seem to get enough of. they put their zany bandz on the market -- >> we were missing 700 to 800 phone calls a day, missing! >> reporter: since then, they've sold $40 million worth of zany bands. >> we just should 50,000 packages today for the middle east. >> reporter: and they believe a key to their success is the economic crisis itself. because while people have cut back on buying more expensive items, they are convinced it has spurred the market for lower cost fun products, like their watches, which go for about $20. >> it's what's been making the economy tick lately. >> and we have stores that have even said to us, your product kept our store alive. >> reporter: their company has, simply put, found a sweet spot in the sour economy. sweet enough to support 270 yjos a
another trendy hit for business partners jim howard and lori montague. >> it's mind boggling.>> we've had up to 200 people a time working here in our distribution center. >> the small company is making huge waves in the competitive world of gift ideas. for example, those oddly shaped rubber bands that kids can't seem to get enough of. they put their zany bandz on the market -- >> we were missing 700 to 800 phone calls a day, missing! >> reporter: since then,...
Jun 7, 2011
eye 169
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lori paren owns two stores in suburban connecticut called roundabout consigner assignments.ast year she opened two new stores in the big apple. she says the move has taken her business to the next level. for more watch "your business" sunday mornings at 7:30 on msnbc 37 >> ( rooster crows ) >> by 2020, 50 billion network devices will roam the earth. that's seven devices per person. this will change how we work in ways we've never before imagined. what do you need to secure your people, their devices, and your business? a network that can evolve and grow to protect your human network. haven't we always wanted our own island? one without car horns or stoplights. but one filled with forts and uncharted paths carriage rides and bike rides. and games we play all day. where the sun can't wait to wake up. and adventure waits around every corner. nestled in the deep blue waters of lake huron our island is mackinac island. our island is pure michigan. your trip begins at michigan.org. and having a partner like northern trust -- one of the nation's largest wealth managers -- makes all
lori paren owns two stores in suburban connecticut called roundabout consigner assignments.ast year she opened two new stores in the big apple. she says the move has taken her business to the next level. for more watch "your business" sunday mornings at 7:30 on msnbc 37 >> ( rooster crows ) >> by 2020, 50 billion network devices will roam the earth. that's seven devices per person. this will change how we work in ways we've never before imagined. what do you need to secure...
Jun 7, 2011
eye 214
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lori perin owns two women's resale stores in connecticut. but she wanted the cachet of being in new york city so last year she opened two new stores in the big apple. she says the move has taken her business to the next level. for more, watch "your business" sunday mornings at 7:30 on msnbc. [ man ] ♪ trouble ♪ trouble, trouble trouble, trouble ♪ ♪ trouble been doggin' my soul ♪ since the day i was born ♪ worry ♪ oh, worry, worry worry, worry ♪ [ announcer ] when it comes to things you care about, leave nothing to chance. travelers. take the scary out of life. the kincaids live here. across the street, the padillas. ben and his family live here, too. ben's a re/max agent, and he's a big part of this community. there are lots of reasons why re/max agents average more sales than other agents. experience, certainly. but maybe it's also because they care about the markets they serve and the neighbors who rely on them. nobody sells more real estate than re/max. visit remax.com today. a vacation on a budget with expedia. make it work. booking a fl
lori perin owns two women's resale stores in connecticut. but she wanted the cachet of being in new york city so last year she opened two new stores in the big apple. she says the move has taken her business to the next level. for more, watch "your business" sunday mornings at 7:30 on msnbc. [ man ] ♪ trouble ♪ trouble, trouble trouble, trouble ♪ ♪ trouble been doggin' my soul ♪ since the day i was born ♪ worry ♪ oh, worry, worry worry, worry ♪ [ announcer ] when it...
Jun 18, 2011
eye 166
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brigadier general lori reynolds assumed command of the marine corps recruit depot on friday.recently returned from a year-long deployment to afghanistan where she was the first woman in the corps to command units in a war zone. paris island has trained enlisted marines since 1915. >>> have you ever wondered what gourmet chefs eat for a snack? probably just like us, chips or something. who knows? ahead, we'll take you to aspen, and we'll put the question to some of the kings of the culinary world. yum. [ male announcer ] breathe, socket. just breathe. we know it's intimidating. instant torque. top speed of 100 miles an hour. that's one serious machine. but you can do this. any socket can. the volt only needs about a buck fifty worth of charge a day, and for longer trips, it can use gas. so get psyched. this is a big step up from the leafblower. chevrolet volt. the 2011 north american car of the year. the two trains and a bus rider. the "i'll sleep when it's done" academic. for 80 years, we've been inspired by you. and we've been honored to walk with you to help you get where y
brigadier general lori reynolds assumed command of the marine corps recruit depot on friday.recently returned from a year-long deployment to afghanistan where she was the first woman in the corps to command units in a war zone. paris island has trained enlisted marines since 1915. >>> have you ever wondered what gourmet chefs eat for a snack? probably just like us, chips or something. who knows? ahead, we'll take you to aspen, and we'll put the question to some of the kings of the...
Jun 3, 2011
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good morning, lori.hings that go together and also fabrics that don't wrinkle. >> we're going to talk about that. next i want to tell you this is another versatile piece. it's a bulky jacket and space is valuable in a carry-on. extract the pieces that are bulky and wear them. it's chilly -- >> oh, wear them on the plane. shoes. look at what you're doing. this is smart. underwear in the shoes. >> the bottom line tip is nothing gets packed empty. let me show you what i mean. we rolled up socks, put them in the sneakers. anything with a nook, stuff it with a smaller item. we put a belt in the toe back there. take a pair of panties, roll them up and stuff them in the cup of the bra. it maintains the support and also you can put it right in. >> we have to roll our underwear and bras, people. you have a bathing suit here in the sandal. >> nothing is packed empty. don't forget. >> as a result we can save money and maybe carry-on the bag. >> i'm determined to carry on. another thing women are baffled about is pa
good morning, lori.hings that go together and also fabrics that don't wrinkle. >> we're going to talk about that. next i want to tell you this is another versatile piece. it's a bulky jacket and space is valuable in a carry-on. extract the pieces that are bulky and wear them. it's chilly -- >> oh, wear them on the plane. shoes. look at what you're doing. this is smart. underwear in the shoes. >> the bottom line tip is nothing gets packed empty. let me show you what i mean. we...
Jun 20, 2011
eye 288
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lori gottlieb is the author of "atlantic" magazine's cover story "how to land your kid in therapy."f a b-minus." hello and thank you for being here. >> a lot of parents, i think it's a natural thing. you don't want to see your child hurt. so your natural instinct is to swoop in and make sure you catch them before they really fall. what kind of problems is that really causing? >> what happens, if you don't let your children experience any kind of sadness, when they get out into the real world, it doesn't work ha way, as we all know. >> it sure doesn't. >> so we're handicapping them in essence, aren't we? >> we're treating them like handicapped royalty. on the one hand we act as though they can't do anything on their own. and on the other hand, we expect them to be perfect in every area. so they're kind of confused. >> if they're trophies instead of little human beings. >> my dad used to say to me, i love you too much to deny you the privilege of making mistakes, was that the right way to go? because god knows i've made a lot of them. >> there's a saying on my son's preschool on the w
lori gottlieb is the author of "atlantic" magazine's cover story "how to land your kid in therapy."f a b-minus." hello and thank you for being here. >> a lot of parents, i think it's a natural thing. you don't want to see your child hurt. so your natural instinct is to swoop in and make sure you catch them before they really fall. what kind of problems is that really causing? >> what happens, if you don't let your children experience any kind of sadness,...
Jun 21, 2011
eye 273
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i heard from lori in walnut creek, she said a who! it's hot -- she said woohoo!ash it's warm here. she likes the warm. temperatures are already in the mid-70s for some. we'll have 2340 problem with -- the fog is really close. really close. 75 fairfield. 73 hayward. 68 san rafael, neap. there's 70s of i -- napa. there's 70s every where. right about there, right about a pg right there. it -- the southerly surge, once that starts, then the coast gops -- drops off about 15, 20 degrees -- degrees. taught it's nice by the khost. it's warm to hot -- today it's nice by the coast. it's warm to hot. for daly city, pacifica and half moon bay, tomorrow we cool it down. temperatures drop really big nurse and -- thursday and friday. we're sitting here with a dome of high pressure but folks here wichita, kansas a storm left behind destruction. what's new? homes here in the valley after a wind-packed storm moved through. usually may and june is the prime time. >>> 8:42. frustrated san francisco cabdrivers could affect your travel plans today. what we've just learned about the --
i heard from lori in walnut creek, she said a who! it's hot -- she said woohoo!ash it's warm here. she likes the warm. temperatures are already in the mid-70s for some. we'll have 2340 problem with -- the fog is really close. really close. 75 fairfield. 73 hayward. 68 san rafael, neap. there's 70s of i -- napa. there's 70s every where. right about there, right about a pg right there. it -- the southerly surge, once that starts, then the coast gops -- drops off about 15, 20 degrees -- degrees....
Jun 21, 2011
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lori, it was a fascinating article because you were a therapist.i felt unloved in childhood. then you find a different generation of 20 and 30 something's who say, no, everything is great in childhood and i'm depressed. >> right. i think a lot of people came in and said my parents are my best friends in the whole world and did everything for me but i can't figure out what career i want to do. i'm having trouble commit to go things. and they couldn't figure out, you know, why this was so. and i started to think, well, you know, maybe because they have never had to experience anything where they have had to take responsibility before because their parents did everything for them. >> how do you find this happy medium, i guess, between coddling them too much, but also protecting them from true, you know, emotional harm and damage? >> right. right. i think there is a difference between loved and being constantly monitored. i think what happens is we should love our kids, we should lavish affection on them so i'm not asking people not to do that but you
lori, it was a fascinating article because you were a therapist.i felt unloved in childhood. then you find a different generation of 20 and 30 something's who say, no, everything is great in childhood and i'm depressed. >> right. i think a lot of people came in and said my parents are my best friends in the whole world and did everything for me but i can't figure out what career i want to do. i'm having trouble commit to go things. and they couldn't figure out, you know, why this was so....
Jun 14, 2011
eye 182
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lori in pennsylvania. i am just trying to find a job, retirement is the last thing on my mind.planned to travel after i retired five years ago. really can't do that now with the cost of gas almost $4 a gallon. we will need our savings for food, housing, healthcare costs if that happens, there will be no money for seeing the usa in our chevrolet. most of you are probably not old enough to remember that, but i do. if you want to read more, go to my blog. you do, too. >> okay, jack, you and me, we remember. a lot of viewers remember that commercial. maybe chevrolet should bring it back. >> it was a pretty good campaign i think. >> excellent. jack, see you tomorrow. >> thank you. >>> is president obama afraid of losing the latino vote? more on his unusual visit to puerto rico for the north american viewers. at the top of the hour on john king usa. and the lighter side of the new darling of the right, jeanne moos looks at the candidate michele bachmann. shop from anywhere. and are always connected. we live in a social world. isn't it time we had a social currency to match? membershi
lori in pennsylvania. i am just trying to find a job, retirement is the last thing on my mind.planned to travel after i retired five years ago. really can't do that now with the cost of gas almost $4 a gallon. we will need our savings for food, housing, healthcare costs if that happens, there will be no money for seeing the usa in our chevrolet. most of you are probably not old enough to remember that, but i do. if you want to read more, go to my blog. you do, too. >> okay, jack, you and...
Jun 20, 2011
eye 214
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lori--rori's dad had a chance to see his son win in the u.s.n ireland. the closest person to him was eight shots but. what a score, in fact he was 16 under at 268 for the whole tournament. >> we were so nervous for him because it fell apart at the masters. >> your right. >> but this time he was money. >> this time he said he was aiming to be number one and not let anyone catch up. >> he was even better than tiger. >> and people said that tiger woods is getting old, he has problem with kidneys --with his knees. so people are not trying to replace him with rory. >> now the supreme court excuse me, wal-mart vs. the women that work there. the supreme court made a ruling that affects people in the bay area, that is coming up at 8:00 p.m. on the kron4 morning news, will be right back. denny's new tour of america menu. 50 star cuisine. the new tour of america menu. starting at $4.99. only at denny's. america's diner is always open. what's up? oh, what's wrong with your hair? oh. i was cruising the world-wide-web. found this do. what are you wearing? d
lori--rori's dad had a chance to see his son win in the u.s.n ireland. the closest person to him was eight shots but. what a score, in fact he was 16 under at 268 for the whole tournament. >> we were so nervous for him because it fell apart at the masters. >> your right. >> but this time he was money. >> this time he said he was aiming to be number one and not let anyone catch up. >> he was even better than tiger. >> and people said that tiger woods is...
Jun 3, 2011
eye 181
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we have lori petraco from york, pennsylvania, and ms. lavonda thompson also of new york. will also grateful of you being here. and as i said a number of times now, you have been very flexible with us and very patient as we try to figure out meeting schedule around floor schedule and full committee. so we are grateful for the. if i could ask all four of you to stand, and again so i can swear you income if you would raise your right hand. do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give to this committee will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth? and the clerk will reflect that all four witnesses affirmed the of. and we are going to set the clock at five minutes but if you need a little more time, we want you to be able to give your testimony as you see fit. and we are glad to hear. so mr. white we will start with you. >> chairman platts, ranking member towns, i thank you for inviting me. if you hear from the victims, id related tax fraud is a hideous crime. to begin i want to describe hypothetical and simplified example of refund fr
we have lori petraco from york, pennsylvania, and ms. lavonda thompson also of new york. will also grateful of you being here. and as i said a number of times now, you have been very flexible with us and very patient as we try to figure out meeting schedule around floor schedule and full committee. so we are grateful for the. if i could ask all four of you to stand, and again so i can swear you income if you would raise your right hand. do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you're...
Jun 3, 2011
eye 151
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we have lori petraco from york, pennsylvania, and ms. lavonda thompson also of new york. will also grateful of you being here. and as i said a number of times now, you have been very flexible with us and very patient as we try to figure out meeting schedule around floor schedule and full committee. so we are grateful for the. if i could ask all four of you to stand, and again so i can swear you income if you would raise your right hand. do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimonyyou're about to give to this committee will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth? and the clerk will reflect that all four witnesses affirmed the of. and we are going to set the clock at five minutes but if you need a little more time, we want you to be able to give your testimony as you see fit. and we are glad to hear. so mr. white we will start with you. >> chairman platts, ranking member towns, i thank you for inviting me. if you hear from the victims, id related tax fraud is a hideous crime. to begin i want to describe hypothetical and simplified example of refund fau
we have lori petraco from york, pennsylvania, and ms. lavonda thompson also of new york. will also grateful of you being here. and as i said a number of times now, you have been very flexible with us and very patient as we try to figure out meeting schedule around floor schedule and full committee. so we are grateful for the. if i could ask all four of you to stand, and again so i can swear you income if you would raise your right hand. do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimonyyou're...
Jun 11, 2011
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have, you know, we have an 800 line to call and talk to a live person about what campaign finance lories. part of the job is to make sure the public record is accurate and we need to help make sure people are filing accurate. when i tried to file the irs, they didn't have a person who would help me. i think we -- you know, while i heard the argument that we aren't doing enough and we deadlock on the hard stuff, i do think we do a lot of public good in terms of providing a public record for voters, for those who are contributing to campaigns to know what's going on and if people see problems with that, then they can either take action in their own way, like in voting, or if they see something that's a concern, they can file a complaint. we do provide an important -- the aspect of disclosure is fundamental to the law. >> we were hoping that you might be able to talk a little bit about how the internet as changed, the interpretations of a lot of these rules. you are reading previous rules written prior to the -- a lot of the more technology innovations that campaigns are using today and sor
have, you know, we have an 800 line to call and talk to a live person about what campaign finance lories. part of the job is to make sure the public record is accurate and we need to help make sure people are filing accurate. when i tried to file the irs, they didn't have a person who would help me. i think we -- you know, while i heard the argument that we aren't doing enough and we deadlock on the hard stuff, i do think we do a lot of public good in terms of providing a public record for...
eye 815
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. >> lori macke, author of "the money mama and the three little pigs." >> we'll start off with this questionion, but we want the million because we get it now. >> we get it now. we are probably wrong, right? >> it's amazing. just take a guess of what it is. >> $1,100,000. >> it's $5 million. you can see by the middle of the month it's a couple of hundred dollars, by the end, the magic happens and compounding happens and it turns into over $5 million. >> how come we are not all millionaires walking around. >> because we are not saving and investing our money. >> this is something you say teach the kids. how do you do this? >> powerful things like a penny doubled or anything that is going to show them money compounds. it's something so important for children to understand. >> what age are you talking about? when do you start talking to your kids? >> you can start as soon as they have the i-wants. >> everybody when they are little had piggy banks. back then because a credit card did not exist. you had to have the money to buy what you wanted at the time. later they have the lay-away plan. all o
. >> lori macke, author of "the money mama and the three little pigs." >> we'll start off with this questionion, but we want the million because we get it now. >> we get it now. we are probably wrong, right? >> it's amazing. just take a guess of what it is. >> $1,100,000. >> it's $5 million. you can see by the middle of the month it's a couple of hundred dollars, by the end, the magic happens and compounding happens and it turns into over $5...
Jun 2, 2011
eye 87
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we have lori petraco from york, pennsylvania, and ms. lavonda thompson also of new york. will also grateful of you being here. and as i said a number of times now, you have been very flexible with us and very patient as we try to figure out meeting schedule around floor schedule and full committee. so we are grateful for the. if i could ask all four of you to stand, and again so i can swear you income if you would raise your right hand. do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give to this committee will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth? and the clerk will reflect that all four witnesses affirmed the of. and we are going to set the clock at five minutes but if you need a little more time, we want you to be able to give your testimony as you see fit. and we are glad to hear. so mr. white we will start with you. >> chairman platts, ranking member towns, i thank you for inviting me. if you hear from the victims, id related tax fraud is a hideous crime. to begin i want to describe hypothetical and simplified example of refund fr
we have lori petraco from york, pennsylvania, and ms. lavonda thompson also of new york. will also grateful of you being here. and as i said a number of times now, you have been very flexible with us and very patient as we try to figure out meeting schedule around floor schedule and full committee. so we are grateful for the. if i could ask all four of you to stand, and again so i can swear you income if you would raise your right hand. do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you're...