today it is part of the three presentations laid out by president loyce. we will be addressing some of the needs of the public health services. then at the next meeting we will have a presentation which will be an overall of behavioural health programs in the department. in addition, i would like to on behalf of the commission, welcome commissioner suzanne gerardo. she has been the chair of the san francisco families first five commission and the founder and trustee of the demerlac academy which is serving underserved children and families. you certainly bring a lot of credentials to the commission, and we're very happy to have you. would you like to say a few words? >> yes. i'm very happy to be here, and i hope with my background in mental health, behavioural health, as a practising psychologist, i'm not just an administrator, i see families and adolescents daily. i look forward to being part of the planning, program, and solutions as the department of public health moves forward. so i welcome the opportunity to serve the city. thank you. >> thank you. we