the false obligation to bring universal sovereign two countries, to make sure people can listen to madonna, these are worthy goals. we are good at the big tasks. building roads, opposing armies. no one is as good at nation building, including ours. >> next question, and, tucker, you will go first. federal debt does not matter. we can stimulate our way to prosperity. >> you are insane for suggesting such a notion. i believe that that matters because i believe in math. here's what i know about math -- this is another way of saying i believe in science. you often hear the left lecture on science. we are on the side of science. anybody who ignores the obvious point that if you expend more energy than you bring in, you die, whether a business, person, or country. the person who ignores that is against science. in the long run, a country that spends more than it raises cannot continue. it is an existential threat to our country. that was established by economist after economist. common sense confirms it. the federal debt, there's a bigger problem. >> let me quote dick cheney, who said ronald rea