in post-churchillian times, in the 1980's, margaret thatcher asked ronald reagan to whom she might talk about the history of american federalism to see if it had any parallels to the european union. he suggested graciously that she talked to me, and she and dennis were very gracious to mary and me. we were at 10 downing street three or four different times with them. one afternoon we were at a luncheon in the room where you go to 10 downing street on the right, and i think there were one or two other couples there, six or eight of us. the prime minister said, "well, anthony, what are you going to be doing this weekend?" i said, "well, we are going to checkers." and she said, "oh?" my continued response was,"yes, we want to see where churchill lived and the paintings he did and the wall that he buildt." and she said, "you mean chartwell?" she said, when you said you were going to checkers, you invited herself to my home. [applause] and of course everybody left -- laughed except me. i flushed. and then she graciously said, you shall come, you shall come. and indeed we were invited some mo