mr. solomon. (applause) >> seeing our last speaker, is there any other speaker that would like to speak? i did call a number of names that i haven't seen yet, but even if you have not submitted a speaker card, please do line up. mr. allen. >>> good afternoon, [speaker not understood]. speaking on behalf of the [speaker not understood] representing the other 9:00 to 5:00 economy. in listening to this conversation, there are many things i want to say and i will be very quick. first, a thank you to supervisor kim for bringing together the stakeholders that represent the 11th street economy and helping forge a compromise that works for all. i want to address the issue of this, what has been described as pitting one faction against another. if anything, night life has been seen as being pitted against neighborhoods and neighborhoods have been pitted against night life. however, when the two sit down together, typically what happens is a compromise that works for both. we had not displaced our night lif