that yellow mr zyuganov and welcome to the show. says we have an international audience my first question go to this is the communist party happy with russia's current foreign policy and if not how would you change its. categories we are definitely not happy for one simple reason russia's plan and following other country's policies and is unable to resolve many of its problems that will affect among other things how russia survives the crisis russia produces approximately five hundred million tonnes of crude oil which accounts for fifteen percent of global production at the same time where i'm not involved in determining the price of that oil the price is determined by b. rigs in london and new york and since natural gas is packed to oil this basically means they decide gas prices to users it's not really new york a price is a set by opec and russia is not a member of opec anyway the point is we have no say in it secondly we could have pursued our own industrial strategy for modernization but instead the government. taking orders fr