mr. gramm touched on tax policy, debt and deficit and immigration. this is about an hour and 20 minutes. >> i'm going to go ahead and call this hearing to order and i know that people aren't interested in our opening statements, i'll go ahead and do my opening statement and if senator sanders, whenever he makes it here we'll allow him do his opening statement. there was a vote this morning and i'm not sure exactly how it came out yet, but i know that's got quite a bit of interest over there, but they should be back here pretty quick. so good morning and welcome to our hearing on growth poole policies for the new administration. first i want to thank senator phil gramm for agreeing to testify this morning. he's always been one of my heroes of the senate, he was one of the first people that i met when i got to washington, and after listening to a few of his debates when i can see terror in the face of his opponents, i actually got to sit down and visit with him about some critical issues. i was on the banking committee that he was the chairman of at th