i have a question for mr. robb. i caught a little bit of the beginning -- beginning where he was explaining the procedure with the reporters are locked in a room. can you briefly explain that again? also, it sounded also very secretive and control. can he explain that? and how the numbers accounted for, and is there any follow up explaining how the numbers were arrived at? guest: thanks. i don't think it is secretive. the government produces the numbers and they know they are market sensitive, so they are very careful with who gets to see the numbers before they are released. there are even procedures in place for the obama administration getting to see them at the white house. what happens with all of the economic reports, most of them, is that reporters go to the agency and there is a room for us and we have our own computers and we get the reporter and half an hour or an hour ahead of time and we shut the doors. it gives us a chance to kind of get a good story written and explain the numbers well. that is to our