i want to go back to an issue that miss richards referenced, and i think you did as well, ms. chad well in your discussion about venture capital. right now, the country's having what i think is a very important conversation about sexual harassment in the workplace, and fortunately, a lot of people are coming forward and saying this is not right, unfortunately, we've seen that in terms of access to venture capital as well earlier this year, several female entrepreneurs told the new york city times of harassment. jennifer hyman discussed the harassment she experienced. this is something that exists in the venture capital industry as well. i wonder if you could speak about bit. experiences like ms. heineman's commonplace, and how do you see trying to address this issue? >> i think experiences like this are commonplace in every industry. i think we've bean seeing it in the entertainment and venture capital industry specifically as of late. and i think it's systemic. and not just the sexual harassment issue, but we have other issues that we're working on as well like equal pay and also