i interviewed both of michael brown's parents, and nhis step father, and i know that lesley said that i was hurting and i was emotion al and he is emotional, and he acted in anger, and this is the irs if part. and the second part is that -- >> well, the first part, let's be honest, that i had a long time to prepare for this moment, and it is not as if they were just stunned by the decision, and i mean, they -- they expect ped this decision. >> i thought the same thing, but michael brown's mother found out about this decision five minutes before and up until that point she thought there would be a indictment. and also prshgs the legal perspective h this-- this is a difficult thing to prove, because not only did he intend to prove the riot, but he caused the riot, and the cause and effect piece would be difficult for the prosecutor, and the prosecutors have prosecutorial discretion, and give n the tension, what prosecutor would charge a case like this, and most would run the other way. >> and teddy savalas, should that be taken into account that it would up stet peopset the pe involved?