. -- item 10 is offcalendar, item 11, harding park golf course approval of fourth amendment to the master tournament agreement with the pga tour. >> good afternoon, commissioners, tom hart with property management. i would like to mention why no. 10 was taken off calendar and assure everyone nothing is wrong. we have been working on filling up that agreement. our counterparts -- my counterpart with the organizations have been quite busy after we announced that the 2020 pga championship would be held here. they became very consumed with work, preparing for the 2014 championship held in kentucky in august and then on the heels of, that they had the ryder cup. so we have been in contact with them and i think i will be back next month with that agreement. i'm here now to present to you the 4th amendment to the master tournament agreement. the third amendment which was approved by you and by the board covered a total of nine tournaments over 16-year period that was to end in 2021. the fourth amendment will actually give us a possible 11 tournaments from the beginning of our signing with the pg