. >> my name is oscar frick. my wife and i walk around stow lake for our daily constitutional for the last 30 years. the boat house should remain a boat house, something that the children especially enjoyed. the servicing hoist should remain at the lake level and life vests should be at hand. if it is essential to have a cafe and shop, this could be housed in the basement of the building, where the bicycles are right now. this would be near the restaurant's. the main business of the ortega's in new mexico is souvenirs' and indian artifacts. we recently visited mirror woods to see three-quarters of the space devoted to indian artifacts and souvenirs. about one-quarter of the spaces for a small shop. current users are seniors, young families, children, joggers. in order for them to rico -- recoup their investments, they plan to advertise the tourists and bring them in in buses, which would change the ambiance. bus traffic will disrupt the wildlife. please reject the current contract and plan to resubmit the proposa