click, cut, click, paest. the war is between the earsistible lust for life and the certainty of the mind cht you can't do this asome say, we must do this the researchers say. if we have a problem and a technique that can fix it we are morally obligated to try. i understand this argument, i feel this argument, i only wish you did. you had been notify said of a technique to cheaply monitor all vehicle traffic and notified of a det of a 12 year old boy brought about by your failure to pursue implementation of this or other useful techniques. before you object to my laying this death to your negligent hands i note ought mated clickz avoidant systems have been available for years. why are they not on muni trains? thank you president breed >> thank you, next speaker, please >> good afternoon. [inaudible] san francisco. we should show as much concern for those that died on memorial day as we do for fun and kbaims on beta breakers. this is nob number composition from the 40's. far away from friends and loved woens [in