Feb 6, 2016
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pben carson, former governor jeb pbush and governors chris pchristie and john kasich will pdebate live right here on wmur. pcarly fiorina and former pgovernor jim gilmore did not pmeet the criteria for this pdebate. pjosh: some republican residential hopefuls hit the pcampaign trail before heading to pthe debate stage tonight. pwmur' s adam sexton is live poutside the debate hall. padam, how did the candidates pthe primary? padam: you know as well as they pdid this is a big night on a big pstage. pmost of them spent the day pgetting ready. pbut two of the top-five prepublicans spent the day going pall out on the campaign trail. phis dad talked about the big mo, pmomentum, and it looks like jeb pbush might be getting some in pthe final days before the new phampshire primary. pthe florida governor drew an poverflow crowd to the mckelvie pschool in bedford. pjeb bush: you' re looking at a pguy -- i don' t give a pyou-know-what about whether i' m opular or not. pthat is fleeting. roblems for people. padam: after yet another question pabout how he' d be different in poffice from the other p
pben carson, former governor jeb pbush and governors chris pchristie and john kasich will pdebate live right here on wmur. pcarly fiorina and former pgovernor jim gilmore did not pmeet the criteria for this pdebate. pjosh: some republican residential hopefuls hit the pcampaign trail before heading to pthe debate stage tonight. pwmur' s adam sexton is live poutside the debate hall. padam, how did the candidates pthe primary? padam: you know as well as they pdid this is a big night on a big...
Feb 6, 2016
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pbush has another town hall lanned for tomorrow morning in pbedford. pand chris christie had some pattacks for bernie sanders s free college tuition lan. pthe new jersey governor held a ptown hall meeting in salem this pevening. ptake money out one person' s ocket and give it to another. pchristie has a rally planned ptomorrow morning in bedford. pshelley: former h.p. ceo carly pfiorina ended her day in pmerrimack, after spending the pmorning in manchester. pfiorina says she decided to run pfor president after a rotary pclub meeting right here in new phampshire. pfiorina did not meet the pcriteria for the abc wmur pdebate. pshe has spent about fifty days pcampaigning in new hampshire. pformer virginia governor jim pgilmore campaigned in the pgranite state today with stops pin manchester and portsmouth. phe also did not meet the pcriteria for tomorrow' pgilmore says he' ll continue pcampaigning despite that, with pevents scheduled in new phampshire through the primary. pben carson plans to spend ptomorrow morning in manchester. pvolunteers, he' ll meet
pbush has another town hall lanned for tomorrow morning in pbedford. pand chris christie had some pattacks for bernie sanders s free college tuition lan. pthe new jersey governor held a ptown hall meeting in salem this pevening. ptake money out one person' s ocket and give it to another. pchristie has a rally planned ptomorrow morning in bedford. pshelley: former h.p. ceo carly pfiorina ended her day in pmerrimack, after spending the pmorning in manchester. pfiorina says she decided to run pfor...
Feb 6, 2016
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pshelley: if 90-year-old barbara pbush can slog through it, so can pwe. ptom: i am not word by the pvoters, i am word about the poor pmedia. plet' s go over to jason king with psports. p now it's new hampshire's turn, p and all america is watching tor see who we choose r in this dangerous time. one man stands above. p he's not flashy, not rude... he's steady, he's tested and proven. he's a president, which is what we need to make usr strong and safe again. r for america, jeb bush. there are many sides tor basketball star an p fashion icon russell westbrook. and with coverage in the middlepnof anywhere from u.s. cellular, p he can find some new ones. t like, farmer. russell's brussels.trussell speaking. t paleontologist. t hashtag t-rex. t park ranger. t where am i? r and t.v. spokesperson. t that's my line. vi got it. p from the middle of anywhere. tthat is my line! p pa role lately, winning seven of ptheir last 8 games, good time to psee how they match up with the ptop team in the conference, pjames and the first place pcavaliers. pfirst half, cavs jump
pshelley: if 90-year-old barbara pbush can slog through it, so can pwe. ptom: i am not word by the pvoters, i am word about the poor pmedia. plet' s go over to jason king with psports. p now it's new hampshire's turn, p and all america is watching tor see who we choose r in this dangerous time. one man stands above. p he's not flashy, not rude... he's steady, he's tested and proven. he's a president, which is what we need to make usr strong and safe again. r for america, jeb bush. there are...
Feb 6, 2016
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pbush has a formidable campaign, plots of advertising. pa good showing tonight might be penough to get him to pthird-place. phe is not far from third-place. pjosh: he is in third-place and prising. p>> he could be rising as well. pall these guys have to be pmanaging expectations going pforward. pif trump loses, the expectations pare gone for him. pthe person who can come second, pif it is john kasich or jeb pbush, who comes from way back in pthe pack in to second or close pthird, that might be the ticket pto south carolina. pjennifer: this could be a make por break debate for some of them ptonight. p>> we don' t know which part of pthe debate makes the difference. pyou cannot tell until pafterwards. pjosh: especially in the prepublican field, 61% -- 65% phave not made up their minds? pa lot of votes to be had. pso much and why they are not pthat accurate in predicting who pwins is because we are asking eople who they will vote for pand they really don' t know yet. pjosh: thanks very much. pjennifer: they really don' t know pyet. pback to
pbush has a formidable campaign, plots of advertising. pa good showing tonight might be penough to get him to pthird-place. phe is not far from third-place. pjosh: he is in third-place and prising. p>> he could be rising as well. pall these guys have to be pmanaging expectations going pforward. pif trump loses, the expectations pare gone for him. pthe person who can come second, pif it is john kasich or jeb pbush, who comes from way back in pthe pack in to second or close pthird, that...
Feb 10, 2016
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pan intense fight between cruz, pbush, and rubio. pexit polls coming in from new phampshire with 2/3 of republican pvoters saying they support ptrump's call to temporarily ban pmuslims from entering the united pstates. pand on the democratic side after pa razor-thin loss in iowa pvermont senator bernie sanders ulling off a solid victory ptonight. pexit polling showing among pvoters under the age of 30 psanders beat clinton by a pcolossal margin. pwe have team coverage, of pcourse, on this pivotal night, pand we start with abc's tom pllamas, who's at trump pheadquarters. ptom? p>> reporter: juju, good evening. pa wild scene here in manchester. phis victory party here and just psaid one word, wow, and the pcrowd fired back at him, "build pthat wall, build that wall, pbuild that wall." pclearly donald trump's message pon immigration, on the military pand helping out veterans presonated here in the granite pstate. phe wins first in new hampshire, psomething he couldn't do in the piowa caucuses. pand he told new hampshire voters pthat he
pan intense fight between cruz, pbush, and rubio. pexit polls coming in from new phampshire with 2/3 of republican pvoters saying they support ptrump's call to temporarily ban pmuslims from entering the united pstates. pand on the democratic side after pa razor-thin loss in iowa pvermont senator bernie sanders ulling off a solid victory ptonight. pexit polling showing among pvoters under the age of 30 psanders beat clinton by a pcolossal margin. pwe have team coverage, of pcourse, on this...
Feb 10, 2016
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pbush took 27%, followed by pdonald trump with 25%. pclinton took 66% of student pvotes, followed by bernie psanders with 25%. perin: we are following breaking pnews out of massachusetts. pone person was killed and two pothers were injured in an povernight fire in fitchburg. paround 1:00 a.m. pfirefighters say that two people pand were taken to the hospital. pa third person died at the pscene. pstarted. pmanchester police are on the plookout for an attempted robber pwhen the clerk decided to fight pthe struggle was caught on pthe clerk was behind the counter plast night when a hooded man pwalked in, demanded money. pthe clerk says he noticed that pthe gun the man was carrying was pmade out of plastic, so his panxiety turned to anger and he ptook matters into his own hands. p>> i said, i have a safe over phere. pas i' m walking over here, this pguy is walking and then i run paround the corner and i tackle phim. phe was trying to run away as a ptackled him. pi grabbed him and i just started pbeating him up. phe got away, but i wish i had
pbush took 27%, followed by pdonald trump with 25%. pclinton took 66% of student pvotes, followed by bernie psanders with 25%. perin: we are following breaking pnews out of massachusetts. pone person was killed and two pothers were injured in an povernight fire in fitchburg. paround 1:00 a.m. pfirefighters say that two people pand were taken to the hospital. pa third person died at the pscene. pstarted. pmanchester police are on the plookout for an attempted robber pwhen the clerk decided to...
Feb 17, 2016
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being powned by trump even though it's pan outside force that may have pdone this, it's an example of pbush being unable to comment on pthe narratives his opponents try pto build for him. pthey're saying they're solely pfocused on promoting jeb2016.com pand that site does not redirect pto donald trump, probably a good pthing for him but certainly some pissues with the other website pthere. p>> sometimes these little things pdon't help. p>>> well, spree -- spring is pnowhere in sight for people on pthe east coast. pin virginia, the storm is to pblame for three deaths. pin the new england area, heavy pstorms have caused thousands of ower outages and causing ptraffic back ups. pdozens of flights delayed and pcancelled. pmore than 150 flights were pdelayed and 7 were cancelled ptoday in tampa international. pthey were supposed to return to ptampa from philadelphia last pnight but they didn't make it puntil 24 hours later. pmost of that spent on the plane. pthe passengers say the trouble pstarted when they boarded the lane. pthey sat on the plane for three phours without ac because of a pmechani
being powned by trump even though it's pan outside force that may have pdone this, it's an example of pbush being unable to comment on pthe narratives his opponents try pto build for him. pthey're saying they're solely pfocused on promoting jeb2016.com pand that site does not redirect pto donald trump, probably a good pthing for him but certainly some pissues with the other website pthere. p>> sometimes these little things pdon't help. p>>> well, spree -- spring is pnowhere in...
Feb 10, 2016
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pas of this hour, ted cruz, jeb pbush and marco rubio have pmaintained a tight three-way prace for third place. pbut it's too close to call. p>> vermont senator bernie psanders trounced hillary clinton pby a projected 20 plus ercentage points. p>> and he says his win is psending a profound message to pthe political establishment. pthe economic establishment and pto the media establishment. pabc's mary alice parks is in pconcord, new hampshire, with the psanders campaign. pgood morning. p>> reporter: that's right, reena pand kendis. pbernie sanders didn't just win phe won by a landslide. pthe independent senator from pvermont did particularly well pwith young voters and voters who psaid they wanted an outsider. phe also did well with those who psaid they were worried about the peconomy. pbut you can imagine here last pnight, there was very little pworry. pit was a celebration, a giant arty. pbernie sanders's supporters know pthat now he leaves new hampshire pwith quite a lot of momentum pinto the next few states in pnevada and south carolina. phe thanked volunteers but also psort of switc
pas of this hour, ted cruz, jeb pbush and marco rubio have pmaintained a tight three-way prace for third place. pbut it's too close to call. p>> vermont senator bernie psanders trounced hillary clinton pby a projected 20 plus ercentage points. p>> and he says his win is psending a profound message to pthe political establishment. pthe economic establishment and pto the media establishment. pabc's mary alice parks is in pconcord, new hampshire, with the psanders campaign. pgood...
Feb 10, 2016
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but john pkasich was camped out in new phampshire for a month, he is in psecond place at 16 percent. pbush neck in neck and that could pchange as the night goes on. pmoving down the line to the psecond tier, we're talking about pmarco rubio who checks in at ten ercent having slipped after a prough debate performance on psaturday night followed by pchristie, fiorina. pdonald trump is speaking as pwe're speaking. plet's listen in. p>>man: we have to stop it. pwe are now going to make the pdeals for the american people. pthat's the way it is. pnow, very -- oh, i love this, plook at you. pi love these signs. pthey're the most imaginative psigns. pin a nutshell, we're going to pmake great trade deals, we're pgoing to rebuild our military, pstrong, so powerful, nobody, pnobody, is going to mess with pus. pbelieve me. pnobody. pwe are going to take care of our pvets. pwhere is al? pwe love al. pall right, al. pget up here if you can. pwe're going to take care of our pvets. pour vets are treated horribly, pthey're our greatest people. p>>reporter: if you're looking at pwhat issues drive voting pbe
but john pkasich was camped out in new phampshire for a month, he is in psecond place at 16 percent. pbush neck in neck and that could pchange as the night goes on. pmoving down the line to the psecond tier, we're talking about pmarco rubio who checks in at ten ercent having slipped after a prough debate performance on psaturday night followed by pchristie, fiorina. pdonald trump is speaking as pwe're speaking. plet's listen in. p>>man: we have to stop it. pwe are now going to make the...
Feb 16, 2016
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pbush talked about his younger pbrothers qualifications and pcritiqued donald trump. p>> jeb will listen to the voices pof the disenfranchised. phe will rise above the petty pname calling. p>> while he was building a preality tv show, george bush pbrought together a team to build pthe security apparatus that, to pthis day, is one of the reasons pwhy we haven't been attacked pi'm proud of him. p>>laura: the recent polls put pbush nearly 30 points behind ptrump nationally and in south pcarolina. phe's also trailing ted cruz and pjohn kasich and marco rubio. p>>russell: yesterday trump pthreatened to sue cruz over his peligibility for office unless pthey retract national ads. ptrump says they'll be violating pthe pledge they signed to psupport the eventual g.o.p. ptrump promised not to run as an pindependent in the same pledge. p>>laura: it is 6:10 now. pbradenton's first female police pchief will be sworn in this pafternoon. phe's retired after 13 years pleading the department. pbevin spent the last 29 years pwith the saint pete police pdepartment and was assistant olic
pbush talked about his younger pbrothers qualifications and pcritiqued donald trump. p>> jeb will listen to the voices pof the disenfranchised. phe will rise above the petty pname calling. p>> while he was building a preality tv show, george bush pbrought together a team to build pthe security apparatus that, to pthis day, is one of the reasons pwhy we haven't been attacked pi'm proud of him. p>>laura: the recent polls put pbush nearly 30 points behind ptrump nationally and in...
Feb 10, 2016
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plate deciders, john kasich in psecond place followed by jeb pbush and ted cruz separated by pmarco rubio a very disappointing pfifth place for him followed by pchris christie followed up by pcarly fiorina. pbut i want to give you sound pfrom donald trump thanking his privals and john kasich on the pimportance retail politics. p>>man: to be victorious against pthese people, even if it's for pone week, a number of them pcalled and i just wanted to pthank them, i just wanted to pcongratulate the other pcandidates. pnow that i got that over with, pit's always tough but that's the pway it is. p>>man: this is the hard place pthat changed the world. pguys are sleeping on mattresses pin the campaign head quarters pand they hold up a hot plate pwhere they're eating their flood ood. p>>reporter: that's the kind of pspeech marco rubio had hoped to pgive and it did not play out for phim. phe's stuck in fifth place after pa rough week. phere is how marco rubio p>>man: i know many people pdisappointed. pi'm disappointed with tonight. pbut i want you to understand psomething, our disappointment ptonigh
plate deciders, john kasich in psecond place followed by jeb pbush and ted cruz separated by pmarco rubio a very disappointing pfifth place for him followed by pchris christie followed up by pcarly fiorina. pbut i want to give you sound pfrom donald trump thanking his privals and john kasich on the pimportance retail politics. p>>man: to be victorious against pthese people, even if it's for pone week, a number of them pcalled and i just wanted to pthank them, i just wanted to...
Feb 9, 2016
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p>> reporter: christie, kasich, pbush, rubio, they'd be happy pwith second place, even a not ptoo distant third. pno secret who's strongly pexpected to win, just look at pthis crowd. pif you believe the polls, bernie psanders and donald trump, pbut the big question out there, pas both of them would say the pyuge question, is whether the penthusiastic support that pthey've been able to draw to ptheir rallies will actually ptranslate into as opposed tos. p>> i'm a volunteer for bernie psanders, are you planning to pvote in the democratic primary ptomorrow? p>> reporter: the sanders pcampaign says it's prepared. p>> we've got folks throughout pall day just making hundreds and phundreds and hundreds of calls. p>> what is this space? p>> i think this used to be a pdentist's office. p>> reporter: julia florence is psanders' new hampshire campaign pdirector. p>> i was looking at 5:38, they pshow bernie sanders with a pbetter than 99% chance of pwinning new hampshire. p>> i will believe that on pwednesday morning. pi'll believe that wednesday pmorning. p>> okay. p>> we're trying very hard not to
p>> reporter: christie, kasich, pbush, rubio, they'd be happy pwith second place, even a not ptoo distant third. pno secret who's strongly pexpected to win, just look at pthis crowd. pif you believe the polls, bernie psanders and donald trump, pbut the big question out there, pas both of them would say the pyuge question, is whether the penthusiastic support that pthey've been able to draw to ptheir rallies will actually ptranslate into as opposed tos. p>> i'm a volunteer for bernie...
Feb 10, 2016
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pbush holding down fourth at 11% pright now. pmarco rubio saying this has been pa disappointing night for him s about pto head home to new jersey and preevaluate where his campaign pstands. pcarly fiorina at 4% and dr. ben pcarson at 2% now. pjohn kasich said he desperately pneeded to do well in new phampshire. phe did do well here tonight. pso the question is, where do pthings move from here? plet' s check in with josh pmcalpine -- josh mcalpine . pjosh: he' s going to enjoy what phappened here in new hampshire pand take things slow and just penjoy what happened here. pthis is a candidate who is at eace with the job he did even pbefore the results came in. photel room when it became papparent he was going to finish pin second place. phe was very calm and here' s what phe had to say. p>> i' m going to congratulate pdonald trump. pi did beat him in dixville notch p, but he was able to win. pit' s pretty satisfying because pwe labored in of security or so plong. pwe' re going to finish second and pit' s going to be a strong --. pi
pbush holding down fourth at 11% pright now. pmarco rubio saying this has been pa disappointing night for him s about pto head home to new jersey and preevaluate where his campaign pstands. pcarly fiorina at 4% and dr. ben pcarson at 2% now. pjohn kasich said he desperately pneeded to do well in new phampshire. phe did do well here tonight. pso the question is, where do pthings move from here? plet' s check in with josh pmcalpine -- josh mcalpine . pjosh: he' s going to enjoy what phappened...
Feb 5, 2016
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pespecially the governors, jeb pbush, john kasich, and chris pchristie. pthey want to emerge from this pdebate as the primary palternative to the outsiders, pand the only way they can do pthat, knock down rubio. p>> thank you. p>>> super bowl weekend is here, pbig republican debate. pjoin us tomorrow, 8:00 p.m. peastern, on abc. p>>> and to taiwan, a powerful p6.4 earthquake. phitting at night as many slept. prescue workers pulling a woman pfrom debris. pthe search for survivors coming pin. pat least five strong aftershocks pfelt already. p>>> back to the storm hitting, pand the new one we're tracking pfor the weekend. pwhiteout conditions on i-95 poutside boston. pin new hampshire, cars and ptrucks spinning out, power lines pcollapse ing under the weight of pthe snow. pand a new storm coming. phere's linsey davis. p>> reporter: between downed ower lines and icy conditions, psome roads in the northeast pdoubled as obstacle courses pmaking for treacherous, pwhite-knuckle rides. p>> my car kind of slid and did a p180. p>> reporter: by late afternoon, pconne
pespecially the governors, jeb pbush, john kasich, and chris pchristie. pthey want to emerge from this pdebate as the primary palternative to the outsiders, pand the only way they can do pthat, knock down rubio. p>> thank you. p>>> super bowl weekend is here, pbig republican debate. pjoin us tomorrow, 8:00 p.m. peastern, on abc. p>>> and to taiwan, a powerful p6.4 earthquake. phitting at night as many slept. prescue workers pulling a woman pfrom debris. pthe search for...
Feb 10, 2016
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pted cruz and marco rubio pstruggling to tube indicate ptheir success in iowa but jeb pbush with a strong showing after pspending the most of any pbig thumbs up from donald trump povernight tweeting from his jet pit's "your voice, your vote" and pabc's kenneth moton begins our pcoverage live from new phampshire. pkenneth, good morning. p>> reporter: good morning, reena pand kendis. pwhat a night for politics. pit shows anything can happen in pthis race. pthe polarizing billionaire and pself-described democratic psocialist. pbig victories here in new phampshire. p>> oh, wow. p>> reporter: republican donald ptrump and democrat bernie psanders victorious in new phampshire. p>> we are going to make america pso great again, maybe greater pthan ever before. p>> together, we have sent the pmessage that will echo from wall pstreet to washington. p>> reporter: the outsiders pcrushed their competition. pthe voters in the granite state pangry at washington, worried pabout the economy and looking pfor honesty not electability pemerging from the pack of psecond place finisher, ohio pgovernor john kasi
pted cruz and marco rubio pstruggling to tube indicate ptheir success in iowa but jeb pbush with a strong showing after pspending the most of any pbig thumbs up from donald trump povernight tweeting from his jet pit's "your voice, your vote" and pabc's kenneth moton begins our pcoverage live from new phampshire. pkenneth, good morning. p>> reporter: good morning, reena pand kendis. pwhat a night for politics. pit shows anything can happen in pthis race. pthe polarizing...
Feb 9, 2016
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pbush wading through a sea of pcameras to make one last pitch pfor votes. psomebody who is still undecided p>> what have you been doing, pman? pno, look, what i say is, i've pgot a proven record of paccomplishments, the most reform pconservative record of anybody prunning. p>> reporter: once the front prunner, he's now fighting for psurvival. p>> reporter: even bringing his p90-year-old mother to campaign pduring a snowstorm. pthat prompted a withering pwho's been his nemesis from the pstart. p>> poor, poor jeb bush who pbrings out his mother because he pneeded help. pmommy, please come, walk in the psnow, mom. p>> i know jeb. p>> reporter: bush's superpac has ptapped his brother for a tv ad pduring the super bowl, no less. p>> experience and judgment count pin the oval office. p>> reporter: jeb bush bet the pranch on new hampshire. phe and his superpac spending palmost $30 million just on tv pads. pmore than any other candidate. pten times as much as donald ptrump. pand now he is predicting a pcomeback. p>> i've been written off, which pis great. pi always like that. pi love the fact the
pbush wading through a sea of pcameras to make one last pitch pfor votes. psomebody who is still undecided p>> what have you been doing, pman? pno, look, what i say is, i've pgot a proven record of paccomplishments, the most reform pconservative record of anybody prunning. p>> reporter: once the front prunner, he's now fighting for psurvival. p>> reporter: even bringing his p90-year-old mother to campaign pduring a snowstorm. pthat prompted a withering pwho's been his nemesis...
Feb 9, 2016
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pand i hope they all vote for jeb pbush. p>> everything is going as usual, pi don' t think it' s going to paffect i mean we' re new penglanders, right? p: roads are messy which others psay could discourage some voters pfrom driving to the polls. p>> i hope not. pi always look forward to voting, pand this only happens once every p4 years. p>> i think older people have a pconcern. ptheir reaction times, maybe they pfeel like it will be too pdifficult so if people know polder people, you get out there pand you drive them to the polls. pstephanie: new hampshire dot has pmore than 700 crews salting and lowing overnight and says the phighways will be clear. plive at hampton beach, stephanie pwoods, wmur news 9. ptom: we' re less than an hour paway from the first votes of the pfirst-in-the-nation primary. pthis year, three communities pwill vote at midnight hart' s plocation, millsfield, and pdixville notch. pthat' s where we find wmur' s ray pbrewer. pjosh: i' m joined by neil ptillotson. pwere you worried that dekes phil eople mi
pand i hope they all vote for jeb pbush. p>> everything is going as usual, pi don' t think it' s going to paffect i mean we' re new penglanders, right? p: roads are messy which others psay could discourage some voters pfrom driving to the polls. p>> i hope not. pi always look forward to voting, pand this only happens once every p4 years. p>> i think older people have a pconcern. ptheir reaction times, maybe they pfeel like it will be too pdifficult so if people know polder...
Feb 17, 2016
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p>> reporter: a preference that pbush and john kasich are hoping pmore voters will share. pcraig boswell, cleveland 19. p>> romona: speaking of ohio's pgovernor, he will be making a pspecial appearance on the late pshow with stephen colbert. pyou can check that out right pafter cleveland 19 news at p11:00. p>>> and we have a rare show of panger from the pope while in pmexico. phere is what happened. erson pulled his robe so hard phe nearly fell down. pa child in the wheelchair. pthe pope told the person twice pnot to be selfish. p>>> first alert traffic on pcleveland 19 news is sponsored pby ford. p>> mark: and there is a peek poutside right now. p77 and 480 down in independence. pit looks like traffic is pactually moving along at a retty nice clip there. proads for the most part all retty clear out there. pnothing really to worry about phere this afternoon. p>>> an act of kindness from the palliance police department on prandom act of kindness day. p>> romona: someone posted this pon their page. plieutenant william morris was pworking patrol and had just pheard on the rad
p>> reporter: a preference that pbush and john kasich are hoping pmore voters will share. pcraig boswell, cleveland 19. p>> romona: speaking of ohio's pgovernor, he will be making a pspecial appearance on the late pshow with stephen colbert. pyou can check that out right pafter cleveland 19 news at p11:00. p>>> and we have a rare show of panger from the pope while in pmexico. phere is what happened. erson pulled his robe so hard phe nearly fell down. pa child in the...
Feb 9, 2016
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pdonald trump tweeted that jeb pbush is a pathetic figure. psean: the back-and-forth pcontinues. pthank you very much. perin: the candidates will be out pon the campaign trail trying to psway some of those undecided pvoters before they cast their pballots. pbernie sanders will be in pconcord. phe rallied supporters last night pin derry. p>> new hampshire can help lead pthis country in a very different pdirection, in a direction of a olitical revolution. perin: hillary clinton will be pspending part of her day in pthe day before the primary, she phit the campaign trail with her phusband and their daughter pchelsea. pin a one-on-one interview, the pformer secretary of state talked pabout trustworthiness over those pinfamous e-mails. p>> i have to make it clear that pthere is nothing and i' m going pto be forging ahead. pi want as much transparency and popenness and put these things to pbed and let' s move on. psean: donald trump was also in pmanchester today. plast night, he held a primary peve rally at the verizon pwireless arena. phe thanked the crowd and told phis supporters tha
pdonald trump tweeted that jeb pbush is a pathetic figure. psean: the back-and-forth pcontinues. pthank you very much. perin: the candidates will be out pon the campaign trail trying to psway some of those undecided pvoters before they cast their pballots. pbernie sanders will be in pconcord. phe rallied supporters last night pin derry. p>> new hampshire can help lead pthis country in a very different pdirection, in a direction of a olitical revolution. perin: hillary clinton will be...
Feb 6, 2016
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ben carson, jeb pbush, and john kasich are pexpected on the stage. pamy: and bernie sanders and phillary clinton shared the stage pfor the last time. pour polls show the vermont psenator is maintaining a lead pover the former secretary of pstate. p>> now, news 9 sports. p>> a big win for the celtics who phave now won eight of the last pnine games. ptaking on the leaders. pthree-from the point, he puts pcleveland up by 9. pceltics then at the other end, pkick it out to avery bradley pwith a quick release for three pfor boston, but a quick outlet ass by cleveland and irving plays it in just like that, 19 oints. pceltics trailed by 15 in the pfirst half. pa double-double. pboston down by 6 at halftime. pbradley misses the three in the pthird quarter. pknocks it down the second time paround. pand fourth tied at 94. plebron james a strong move to pthe lane, bucket and foul and he phad a game high 30 points. pboston down by two in the final pseconds and bradley for the win pfrom the corner, and he gets it. phe had 14 points, but none pbigger than those thr
ben carson, jeb pbush, and john kasich are pexpected on the stage. pamy: and bernie sanders and phillary clinton shared the stage pfor the last time. pour polls show the vermont psenator is maintaining a lead pover the former secretary of pstate. p>> now, news 9 sports. p>> a big win for the celtics who phave now won eight of the last pnine games. ptaking on the leaders. pthree-from the point, he puts pcleveland up by 9. pceltics then at the other end, pkick it out to avery bradley...
Feb 9, 2016
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pdonald trump responding to jeb pbush' s latest attacks against phim with bush calling the pbusiness mogul a loser, liar, pand a whiner -- trump tweeting pback that trump -- bush is a athetic figure. pthey are feuding to the finish. psean: thank you very much. perin: the candidates will be out pon the campaign trail today ptrying to sway undecided voters pbefore they cast ballots. pbernie sanders will be in pconcord. phe spent his primary eve prallying supporters in derry. p>> new hampshire can help lead pthis country in a very different pdirection, in the direction of a olitical revolution. perin: hillary clinton will be pmanchester. pshe had the campaign trail with pher husband and their daughter pchelsea. pin a one-on-one interview, the pformer secretary of state talked pe-mails. p>> i have to make it clear that m going pto keep forging ahead, working pand fighting for the people i pwant to represent. pi want as much transparency and s move on. psean: donald trump will also be pin manchester today. plast night, he held a rally at pthe verizon wireless arena. phe thanked the crowd
pdonald trump responding to jeb pbush' s latest attacks against phim with bush calling the pbusiness mogul a loser, liar, pand a whiner -- trump tweeting pback that trump -- bush is a athetic figure. pthey are feuding to the finish. psean: thank you very much. perin: the candidates will be out pon the campaign trail today ptrying to sway undecided voters pbefore they cast ballots. pbernie sanders will be in pconcord. phe spent his primary eve prallying supporters in derry. p>> new...
Feb 12, 2016
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p>>russell: if trump wins pflorida, it will add insult to pbush is now leading more on his pfirst his mother in new pformer president bush is going pto be campaigning for him in psouth carolina. p>>laura: and the next big pcontest in the race for the prepublican nomination is south pcarolina. pit is february 20. p>>russell: leading g.o.p. pcandidates will be there ptomorrow night for a debate. pdemocrats had their own debate plast night and their next pcontest is nevada. pcandidates were in wisconsin plast night. pbernie sanders and hillary pmilwaukee. pshe is staking her comeback on pher ability to woo the black and platino voters. p>> i think president obama has paddressed a lot of issues that phave been quite difficult but he phas gone forward. pnow what we have to do is to pso race relations would be pbetter under a sanders residency than they've been. p>> absolutely. pwhat we will do is say instead pof giving tax breaks to pbillionaires, we are going to pcreate millions of jobs for low pincome kids so they're not phanging out on street corners. pwe're going to make sure those pki
p>>russell: if trump wins pflorida, it will add insult to pbush is now leading more on his pfirst his mother in new pformer president bush is going pto be campaigning for him in psouth carolina. p>>laura: and the next big pcontest in the race for the prepublican nomination is south pcarolina. pit is february 20. p>>russell: leading g.o.p. pcandidates will be there ptomorrow night for a debate. pdemocrats had their own debate plast night and their next pcontest is nevada....
Feb 2, 2016
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pbut it makes new hampshire pabsolutely critical for jeb pbush. phe tries to punch a ticket from pthat state by beating out john pthat will not be easy given the presults of last night. p>>russell: hillary finally ulled this out last night but pshe's got a tough road ahead of pher in new hampshire, doesn't pshe? p>>reporter: she does. pshe's trailing badly in new phampshire and she locks in a tie pin iowa after leading by more pthan 20 points in november, just pa couple of months ago. pbernie sanders, week by week, pclosed that gap in iowa and is pnow running up the score in new phampshire. pthey leave with virtually the psame number of delegates out of piowa. pwith this you have head winds erhaps facing hillary clinton pin new hampshire. pif she loses there, the good pnews for hillary clinton is that pthe race then heads south to psouth carolina where she has a psignificant lead in the polling. pbut with the finish last night, pa virtual tie with bernie psanders, he now will have a lot pcampaign which can keep him pgoing, i would say, through psu
pbut it makes new hampshire pabsolutely critical for jeb pbush. phe tries to punch a ticket from pthat state by beating out john pthat will not be easy given the presults of last night. p>>russell: hillary finally ulled this out last night but pshe's got a tough road ahead of pher in new hampshire, doesn't pshe? p>>reporter: she does. pshe's trailing badly in new phampshire and she locks in a tie pin iowa after leading by more pthan 20 points in november, just pa couple of months...
Feb 8, 2016
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pbush says the business man who pis still holding a double digit plead is not a true conservative. pand would not be able to beat phillary clinton. pwe're living in dangerous times. pand you can't say the eegz says pyou can't disparage people. pyou can't divide nation and pexpect to win. pdemocratic side bernie sanders pis still let hillary clinton in olls by doubling digits. pclinton has multiple eventually ptoday but she did slip away for pbrief visit to flint, michigan pwhere she poke with local pleaders about toxic water crisis punusual. pword that is clinton allies are pdown playing expectations here pin the state so that a closer pthan expected finish could be pviewed as a win. pin new hampshire, molly line, p>>> rescue crew continue to psearch for survivor as two days pafter deadly earthquake in ptaiwan, this morning at least 4 eople have been pulled from prubble including eight-year-old pgirl. pat least 37 people were killed pwhen at high rise apartment pcollapsed during that quake. pmore than 100 other people are pstill believed to be bushed. pbomb that blew a hole in side
pbush says the business man who pis still holding a double digit plead is not a true conservative. pand would not be able to beat phillary clinton. pwe're living in dangerous times. pand you can't say the eegz says pyou can't disparage people. pyou can't divide nation and pexpect to win. pdemocratic side bernie sanders pis still let hillary clinton in olls by doubling digits. pclinton has multiple eventually ptoday but she did slip away for pbrief visit to flint, michigan pwhere she poke with...
Feb 25, 2016
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pbush's judicial picks and resident obama when he served pin the senate, tried to block a psenate vote to confirm another pjustice. pso no one's record is articularly clean here. pthe other complication here from pthe white house perspective, pfind someone who is willing to pbe the nominee with no passurances. pin fact, without much likelihood pthat that person would ever pactually get on the court. p>>russell: like falling on a psword. pall right. pthanks. pwe'll talk later. p>>reporter: thanks. p>>russell: all right. pi think we know who camille is pgoing to vote for. pthe problem is, she's six years pold. pshe drew this picture of marco prubio. pis that the rubios move into the pwhite house. psenator's campaign tweeted out pthe image for us and they gave pthanks to camille for her partwork as well as her prayers. p>>laura: if cats could chat. pfeline's trip to florida has psome people wondering how it got phere. p>>russell: and danger on the proads. pdistractions while we drive. pa new report gives us some psurprising results. p>>dave: a couple of us squeeze pback to the upper 40s t
pbush's judicial picks and resident obama when he served pin the senate, tried to block a psenate vote to confirm another pjustice. pso no one's record is articularly clean here. pthe other complication here from pthe white house perspective, pfind someone who is willing to pbe the nominee with no passurances. pin fact, without much likelihood pthat that person would ever pactually get on the court. p>>russell: like falling on a psword. pall right. pthanks. pwe'll talk later....
Feb 4, 2016
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pit's hard to know how long jeb pbush can and will stay in the prace. pand there's thought he's prebounding a bit in new phampshire. pbut so far, he's having a hard ptime connecting with the voters. pand he actually had to ask eople to applaud during an pinterview yesterday. plook at this. p>> i think the next president pneeds to be a lot quieter but psend a signal we're prepared to pact in the national security pinterests of this country, to pget back into business of pcreating a more peaceful world. lease clap. p[applause] pgovernor did not do well in piowa. pmonday. ptuesday. p>>laura: wow. psome travel trouble for donald ptrump. phis boeing 757 had to make an pemergency landing in nashville pon wednesday because of engine roblems. pthe engine problem is under pinvestigation. p>>russell: unclaimed lottery pjackpot. p$63 million. pcoming up, why someone said that pmoney belongs to them. p>>laura: and millions of people pcannot resist the temptation of phaving an affair. pthe website ashley madison is pgrowing in popularity. psee how they're trying to
pit's hard to know how long jeb pbush can and will stay in the prace. pand there's thought he's prebounding a bit in new phampshire. pbut so far, he's having a hard ptime connecting with the voters. pand he actually had to ask eople to applaud during an pinterview yesterday. plook at this. p>> i think the next president pneeds to be a lot quieter but psend a signal we're prepared to pact in the national security pinterests of this country, to pget back into business of pcreating a more...
Feb 5, 2016
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pwasn't somebody else oh trump, pdidn't we hear that too in july pnobody in june, day after jeb pbush announced all the attention pwas on jeb bush. plook what happened. pdonald trump is still by the way pleading very handily in new phampshire. pmarco rubio is making some hey pmoving up the charts. pbut thing you have to remember pabout new hampshire is that it palso turns on a dime. pokay. pthan unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. that sound. like nails on a chalkboard. but listen to this: (family talking) that's a different kind of sound. the sound of the weekend. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. i do everything on the internet. but it's kind of slow. my friends said i should get fios because it's the fastest, but i thought it would be too expensive. (husband) who's that, jenny? no, kate. turns out they have a deal that cost me even less than my slow service. and it's 100 megs. i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. (husband) we're out of 2% then i thought, maybe other things could be better? (husband) i heard that. switching to better i
pwasn't somebody else oh trump, pdidn't we hear that too in july pnobody in june, day after jeb pbush announced all the attention pwas on jeb bush. plook what happened. pdonald trump is still by the way pleading very handily in new phampshire. pmarco rubio is making some hey pmoving up the charts. pbut thing you have to remember pabout new hampshire is that it palso turns on a dime. pokay. pthan unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. that sound. like nails on a chalkboard. but listen to...
Feb 29, 2016
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pthere are only five in the prunning and the latest to exit pthe race was former governor jeb pbush. p>>russell: if you don't want to pstand in line, you have the poption to vote by mail. pelections offices have sent out pnearly two million vote by mail pballots. psince 2010, more than half pballots in pinellas county have pbeen mail-in. phave been returned in phillsborough. p>>laura: florida is the first pwinner take all state. pwhichever candidates finishes pfirst gets all 99 delegates. p>>russell: winning democrat will pget 214. pthe only prize bigger is texas. p>>laura: texas is one of more pdecided tomorrow. pand walter allen is here now pwith a look how the race is pshaping up. pgood morning, walter. p>>walter: good morning. pright now ted cruz is leading in phis home state. ptexas could be the only state pthat prevents donald trump from psweeping. prubio is pushing hard to make p>> it is time to open our eyes. pit is time to open our eyes. pwe cannot allow a con artist to prun the united states of pamerica! p>>walter: trump has found phimself at the center of another pseries o
pthere are only five in the prunning and the latest to exit pthe race was former governor jeb pbush. p>>russell: if you don't want to pstand in line, you have the poption to vote by mail. pelections offices have sent out pnearly two million vote by mail pballots. psince 2010, more than half pballots in pinellas county have pbeen mail-in. phave been returned in phillsborough. p>>laura: florida is the first pwinner take all state. pwhichever candidates finishes pfirst gets all 99...
Feb 10, 2016
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pour political reporter craig atrick will offer his insight pinto, among other things, jeb pbush's finish. pnew this morning, a rude of pwakening for people inside the inellas county home. p>>laura: deputies are looking pfor a driver who crashed into a phome. pit happened on martin luther, pjunior street north and as you pcan see, the p.t. cruiser hit pthe corner of the house taking pout the chimney and a nearby pstop sign. pthankfully it doesn't appear pthat anybody was hurt. pthe homeowner says their dogs ptypically sleep near the damaged pwall but had moved just before pthe crash. eople inside the car could be phurt, we're told, but they still pmanaged to run off. pdeputies set off a perimeter but p>>russell: tampa police called a pman in this video a person of pinterest in the deadly shooting pin club rain and they want to ptalk to them. pshooting killed two people early psaturday morning. p20-year-old christopher houston pdied yesterday while 21-year-old pmarvin lancaster died on psaturday. pfamily and friends held a vigil pfor them last night. pthey say the men deserve justice pand
pour political reporter craig atrick will offer his insight pinto, among other things, jeb pbush's finish. pnew this morning, a rude of pwakening for people inside the inellas county home. p>>laura: deputies are looking pfor a driver who crashed into a phome. pit happened on martin luther, pjunior street north and as you pcan see, the p.t. cruiser hit pthe corner of the house taking pout the chimney and a nearby pstop sign. pthankfully it doesn't appear pthat anybody was hurt. pthe...
Feb 7, 2016
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pit could be do or die for pseveral of them includes jeb pbush, john kasich and kris -- pkris yi. pdonald trump holds a wide lead pwith rubio running in second lace. p>> crystal: if you made it out pstate fair yesterday, you pthe fox 13 tent was a great lace to stay dry. pour meet and greet took place pyesterday afternoon. pwe talked to viewers, and took ictures and signed autographs pand meet all the people into the pyou. pthanks to everyone that came out pto say hello to us. pto meet everyone. pi know a lot of people gave me a pthe hard time yesterday because pit started to rain earlier and pit was one of those days pyesterday when mother nature had pa mine of her own. pwe're cooperating today in a psense that i'm confident that pthese showers are exiting. pthe clouds are going to leave, pstay. pit's 50 degrees, florida state pfairground. pwinds are up. pif you're headed to the beach pnot only is it cool with the sun pcoming back, look at the waves. pwe're tracking a stronger wind poff the water today. pso seas buildings near shore pthis morning 4 to 5 feet. pit's chilly and 49
pit could be do or die for pseveral of them includes jeb pbush, john kasich and kris -- pkris yi. pdonald trump holds a wide lead pwith rubio running in second lace. p>> crystal: if you made it out pstate fair yesterday, you pthe fox 13 tent was a great lace to stay dry. pour meet and greet took place pyesterday afternoon. pwe talked to viewers, and took ictures and signed autographs pand meet all the people into the pyou. pthanks to everyone that came out pto say hello to us. pto meet...
Feb 10, 2016
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pand then behind him, a 3-way tie pfor third place ted cruz, jeb pbush, marco rubio. pdemocratic side with 60 percent, p60 percent, bernie sanders pbeating hillary clinton by more pthan 20 points. ptough loss for her too she won pthis state by way in 2008. plet's get to craig patrick our olitical editor to talk about pwhere things go from here. phey craig. pgood morning russell how are pyou? pgood, thank you. plet's start with a donald trump. p>> and his big win last night. pwhat's the message new hampshire psent to the republicans p>> polls were right. pthat's biggest message of all. plook, you know donald trump poverperformed his poll numbers. pand with this i think puts iowa pbehind him in shows that the pstrong support he has been preceiving not just in new phampshire but across the nation pcan in fact translate. pthey are from trump good go out pand vote for him and bet that pthat troubles the republican privals in the race to trump. pbecause he is shown that he will pbe very, very hard to stop. pand if you look exit polling ptrump won amongst everybody. phe wipe
pand then behind him, a 3-way tie pfor third place ted cruz, jeb pbush, marco rubio. pdemocratic side with 60 percent, p60 percent, bernie sanders pbeating hillary clinton by more pthan 20 points. ptough loss for her too she won pthis state by way in 2008. plet's get to craig patrick our olitical editor to talk about pwhere things go from here. phey craig. pgood morning russell how are pyou? pgood, thank you. plet's start with a donald trump. p>> and his big win last night. pwhat's the...
Feb 2, 2016
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pso you can put no other spin but ptruly, truly terrible for jeb pbush. phampshire. pand that's where the polling we psee he's getting much more ptraction than he did in iowa. pbut it makes new hampshire far pfar more important for jeb bush pand particularly important if he pstay competitive he defeat chris pchristie and john kasich in articular. pwill the crowd thin after last pnight do you expect any more pcandidates to go? p>> i do. pi've had a couple already with pmike huckabee trop dropping out pmartin o'malley i would not be psurprised to see rick santorum pfall next later this morning or pvery soon. pi think you might see couple of pothers, suspend their campaigns pover the next couple of days. pand then certainly after new phampshire the list will be pcalled much more. p>> so much more to talk i hate pto keep you any longer you get pin the and stay warm. pi'll be back. pget home soon. pcraig patrick live for news iowa pafter a very late night. p>> all right. pnow the attention turns to new phampshire. pthe democrats will debate in pnight. prepublican wills th
pso you can put no other spin but ptruly, truly terrible for jeb pbush. phampshire. pand that's where the polling we psee he's getting much more ptraction than he did in iowa. pbut it makes new hampshire far pfar more important for jeb bush pand particularly important if he pstay competitive he defeat chris pchristie and john kasich in articular. pwill the crowd thin after last pnight do you expect any more pcandidates to go? p>> i do. pi've had a couple already with pmike huckabee trop...
Feb 4, 2016
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pthis one of those oops moments pwhen he said oops and for jeb pbush he was trying to funny it pwould of worked in different psituation but certainly not phere. pokay good. pcraig democratic presidential pcandidates hillary clinton and pbernie sanders announce they pwill have a debate tonight. p>> yeah. pwhat can we expect going to ponly two candidates with martin po'malley out. pand bet that bernie sanders and phillary clinton will try to get pafter democrats on who is most pdemocrat or who is most rogressive hillary clinton will pmake case she's served for pdecades within the democratic arty. pwhile sanders to a certain pdisassociated from bernie psanders will make case true rogressive in race reaching out pto progressive voters and phillary clinton is as he would ut it moderate on one day rogressive. pdepending on circumstances. pi think that will be the focus pof what we see tonight. pbut there also be a lot of pground to cover on the domestic pfront. pforeign policy as well this will pbe a good one to watch. pgetting ugly between republican pcandidates donald trump and ted pcruz.
pthis one of those oops moments pwhen he said oops and for jeb pbush he was trying to funny it pwould of worked in different psituation but certainly not phere. pokay good. pcraig democratic presidential pcandidates hillary clinton and pbernie sanders announce they pwill have a debate tonight. p>> yeah. pwhat can we expect going to ponly two candidates with martin po'malley out. pand bet that bernie sanders and phillary clinton will try to get pafter democrats on who is most pdemocrat or...
Feb 4, 2016
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pbush, carson, kristi, fiorina, pkasich and gilmore. p>> about a month in and things pare heating up at this year plegislative session. pand there are some things you pneed to know about. pfirst, tax cuts. pand house passed a bill with 20 ptax cuts or credits. phighlights, another ten day back pto tax holiday other tax breaks pthat would affect businesses as pwell. pthis is also ban to move to ban pzinc weary cities. pthose are areas where local pauthorities do not cooperate pwith federal immigration pauthorities. paccording to at center of pimmigration studies there are pseven zinc weary counties in pflorida, hillsborough county, resident clinton, pasco pmiami-dade broward and palm pbeach. pand finally, a bill called revention of acts of war is pmoving through the house. pthis says that no government passistance can help resettle prefugees and gives governor pscott use military force to get prid of refugees. p>> we dream of it, a lot winning plottery. palways the dream. pevery week, twice a week. pimagine having the ticket, and pnot be
pbush, carson, kristi, fiorina, pkasich and gilmore. p>> about a month in and things pare heating up at this year plegislative session. pand there are some things you pneed to know about. pfirst, tax cuts. pand house passed a bill with 20 ptax cuts or credits. phighlights, another ten day back pto tax holiday other tax breaks pthat would affect businesses as pwell. pthis is also ban to move to ban pzinc weary cities. pthose are areas where local pauthorities do not cooperate pwith federal...
Feb 8, 2016
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pbush goes on to say no leader pthe country should able to call panyone who fights for our pfreedom those names. psame time as bush's rallies ptrumps was holding one of his pown and told people there would pbe an impossible for bush to pbecome president. p>>> and just a few days a chance pto hear from donald trump phimself. phe's holding an event at the us pf sun dome in tampa. psha sha la reeveses live for us poutside venue. pwe just learned this morning it pall sold out. pthat didn't take long. p>> no, it didn't take long at pall. pin fact, we checked online and psaw thaul of a the free tickets phave already been reserved. pthat's here at the sun dome pwhere the capacity is 10,000. pjust how quickly and how many eople are looking to attend pfriday's rally. pnow that rally gets under way at p7 o'clock on friday. pbut doors open at 5:00 p.m. pnow, this is for republican residential candidate donald ptrump. phe's going to a speaking from pfriday night and students are palready talking about the rally phere on campus. pso if you plan to come, here's pwhat you need to know. pagain doors open
pbush goes on to say no leader pthe country should able to call panyone who fights for our pfreedom those names. psame time as bush's rallies ptrumps was holding one of his pown and told people there would pbe an impossible for bush to pbecome president. p>>> and just a few days a chance pto hear from donald trump phimself. phe's holding an event at the us pf sun dome in tampa. psha sha la reeveses live for us poutside venue. pwe just learned this morning it pall sold out. pthat didn't...
Feb 1, 2016
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pbush support he weres spent $15 pmillion on ads to win over iowa pvoters, more than the other pg.o.p. candidates combined. p>>russell: the des moines pstandard. pit has correctly projected the pwinner every year since 1988 pexcept for the 2012 republican pcaucus. p>>laura: that poll predicted pthat romney while people in iowa pturned out for rick santorum. promney went on to win the pnomination. phere is how the race looks just phours before the first vote of pthe 2016 race is cast. pit shows donald trump leading prepublican field in iowa by 28%. pted cruz with 23%. pand marco rubio rounds out the ptop three with 15%. p>>russell: hillary clinton leads pbernie sanders, just 3% pseparating them and martin po'malley is sitting at 3%. pso that means o'malley psupporters could tip the scales pone way or the other. p>>laura: historically the iowa pcaucuses have also been good redictors of who will win the residential nominations. psince 1996: they were right icking george bush, bob dole pand george w. bush. pmore recently they've been wrong icking mike huckabee in 2008 p2012. p>>russell: c
pbush support he weres spent $15 pmillion on ads to win over iowa pvoters, more than the other pg.o.p. candidates combined. p>>russell: the des moines pstandard. pit has correctly projected the pwinner every year since 1988 pexcept for the 2012 republican pcaucus. p>>laura: that poll predicted pthat romney while people in iowa pturned out for rick santorum. promney went on to win the pnomination. phere is how the race looks just phours before the first vote of pthe 2016 race is...
Feb 6, 2016
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p>> but there's going to be a lot pof focus on the other four, pcarson, kasich, christie and pbush looking to survive the race pso they'll make their case pcertainly to voters right here pin new hampshire to try to pchange the course of the race. p>> anything can happen so join pme and david only on abc here plive in new hampshire, we'll be pasking the questions and it all pstarts at 8 p.m., 7 central. psee you tonight. p>> looking forward to that. panything can happen, anything pwill happen tonight. p>> absolutely. p>> we want to thank david and pmartha and they're certainly pgearing up for what will be a ptooth and nail fight. pon the other side things are palso brewing and abc's cecilia pvega at the debate hall with a plook at how hillary clinton and pbernie sanders are tangling poffstage with just three days puntil voting begins in new phampshire. p>> reporter: hillary clinton prallying her troops. p pbernie sanders firing up his pbase. p>> all: bernie, bernie. p>> reporter: this morning the platest polls showing a sanders psurge, once presumed to be a pshoe win for the nomination pcli
p>> but there's going to be a lot pof focus on the other four, pcarson, kasich, christie and pbush looking to survive the race pso they'll make their case pcertainly to voters right here pin new hampshire to try to pchange the course of the race. p>> anything can happen so join pme and david only on abc here plive in new hampshire, we'll be pasking the questions and it all pstarts at 8 p.m., 7 central. psee you tonight. p>> looking forward to that. panything can happen,...
Feb 6, 2016
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quote 40
pthrowing jabs at one another and pamong those doing it, well, jeb pbush and chris christie pcriticizing fellow republican pmarco rubio. p>> he'll be one of the people phere for sure, but you know, phe's gotten some momentum from piowa and i think that everybody phas to consider what that vote pmeans. pand i get asked about other pfolks and i'll talk about them. p>> tonight, we can expect to phear lots of lively exchanges pamong those g.o.p. candidates pand in the latest wmur cnn poll, pdonald trump is still in the
pthrowing jabs at one another and pamong those doing it, well, jeb pbush and chris christie pcriticizing fellow republican pmarco rubio. p>> he'll be one of the people phere for sure, but you know, phe's gotten some momentum from piowa and i think that everybody phas to consider what that vote pmeans. pand i get asked about other pfolks and i'll talk about them. p>> tonight, we can expect to phear lots of lively exchanges pamong those g.o.p. candidates pand in the latest wmur cnn...