most of the famous names during the time of the war with the united states, got shoved out of the picre but there's a whole younger generation that comes along, that either indirectly participated in that war or had enough of the background when the war -- the reform starts, they are ready to go and... best known in north america i suppose. what the heck is that? oh, [speaking spanish] actually, they didn't fight -- were not in the army during the war with the united states. but, he comes in as a very young officer, in the wars of reform and then when they -- the french invade, it- 1862, 1863 and there until 1867 thesehe great hero of that war, they did learn a lot from mistakes of their mismanaged armies, particularly in later stages of the war ainst the french and both wars in the reform and wars against the french were mostly the real wars on both sides, real savage, and take a bunch of prisoners an slaughter them. you know? the united states side, of course, mentioned a few of them and you youlys -- ulysses s. gr and robert e. lee one of scott's engineers and had been, and the whole