the formats, the daily schedule of the races, and that level of organization allowed us to go to policegomuni, -- police, muni, public works, and fire. the budget analyst has done that as well. i will skip over it because i know some of the other members will get the team to talk about exactly what those numbers are in terms of departmental impacts. the other thing that the team -- the event a story, and the race management brought to us was an understanding of how the race would function. with the 72-foot catamaran, our previous notion was that we would have breakwaters in some key areas because previously, the votes required breakwaters -- the boats required breakwaters. with the decision that they would go with catamarans, and with the ceo of america's cup race management being in san francisco, walking on water front and looking at what facilities were available, he came back to as midstream in our negotiations and said he was not sure that they would be necessary. he said they could be an impediment to the catamaran's functioning. we had to fold that into our understanding of what the ac